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Everything posted by GG54172

  1. Interesting concept, but the sum of the components I buy for my system will be about half the price. Plus, I get to learn something in the process.
  2. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=LT1076CT-5-ND I want to buy a cheap garage door remote from fleabay and install it into the tank plastic of my RSV. I plan to remove the remote from the plastic housing and mount it under the tank plastic. I will wire a momentary button and install into the plastic. The only thing visable will be the momentary button, with the remote electronic circuit hidden underneath. I don not want to have a battery that needs to be replaced, so I want to wire the voltage regulator from accessory power to supply the remote. The remote uses a cr2032 battery, which is 3 volt. The voltage regulator I am looking at is 5V, but I do not think that is too high for the remote. Anyone have any experience with this voltage regulator? Is it a stand alone voltage regulator? Any advice is appreciated.
  3. It seems that craigshelper has changed their name: http://www.searchtempest.com/
  4. Eight days left....
  5. I wish they would leave daylight savings time on year round. I do not see the benefit of turning the clocks back an hour in the winter. Then again, I wish we would use the metric system too.
  6. Hmm, I saw a canam reverse trike riding down the road today. No thanks! Maybe it's because I am not "there" yet, but I do not see the appeal of a trike. Why not just get a miata, mustang, or anyone of the other covertable/targa top sports cars out there?
  7. Holy cow! anyone want to buy my 01 so I can pick this up? That's a great price, I seriously suggest you list on eBay, you should be able to pull more than 10k. It only cost $35 to list and an additional $35 to sell. If you are not eBay savy, I or many other people on the board can help out. I bought my 2001 on Feb 14th for $7100. If you had listed then I would have bought yours in a heartbeat. You're asking the same price as most 03's are pulling.
  8. I like the dunlops on my bike, but I know that most run the Avon Venoms.
  9. US Military bases require riders to wear those. I kept asking why I needed a reflective vest when I had headlights and a taillight. The MP's just stared blankly. Thougt about putting a strobe on top of my helmet for a while, but they still would have made me wear the vest...
  10. How much did the speedo healer cost?
  11. Mine are for sale in the classified section
  12. Sometimes? Thank God the gubmint is there to save us from ourselves.
  13. Just as an FYI, an LED is a diode. LED = Light Emitting Diode
  14. MB aren't designed for shadetree mechanics. Get yourself a two post lift and a table to set the engine/powertrain on and you can fix anything in the engine compartment within a couple of hours. That's how we did it when I worked for Jack Roush.
  15. I know I'd be doing you a big favor, and my wife will be pissed as hell, but I can offer you $2500 for it....
  16. 0 stop signs, 0 traffic lights, and plenty of opportunity to pass cages. Nothing but 2 lane curvy blacktop with about 800' of elevation change. Ride down the hill to work. Ride up to go home. It aint the dragon, but I arrive to work on sunny monday monrings with a smile on my face. Some mornings are sunny when I leave, and I actually ride down through the fog until it's cloudy. Like flying a plane. My Commute
  17. I run my dunlop tires at max rated sidewall pressure.
  18. They don't necessarily mean "pure" nitrogen. It is possible that someone is mixing an ammonia base or some other sort of nitrogen compound in with the fuel. I cannot see how it would help. High levels of nitrogen in the air already make it very dificult to control NOx emmissions. Unless this is purely for performance reasons. Beyond that, I am a powertrain engineer, and I haven't heard a thing about it. I will google it and get back to you. Can you post a pic of the sign?
  19. That doesn't look that bad... My 18 mile one way commute is 100% twisties. So when I wear out my current tire I will give it an honest try. The only thing is... when I pull a used tire off of my bike, it doesn't look anything like yours. I can show you a set from my 750 where the tread is gone all the way to the side wall.
  20. What ever she has to do to pay da bills...
  21. The actual lower fairings in front of my shins.
  22. Just curious, I wonder what the bike would look like without them. If no one has pictures I Suppose I could just yank them off and see for myself.
  23. Congrats KiteSquid. Thanks to all our veterans, you inspire us all. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0809.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0145.jpg
  24. Hey guys, I have a two flag poles up for auction on the venturerider.org website. One pole carries an American Flag and the other carries a POW MIA flag. The flags and poles are used. Starting bid is $10. The entire final bid amount will be donated to venturerider.org. I will pay shipping. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=1759 http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0807.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0808.jpg
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