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Everything posted by GG54172

  1. I got a set of the VTwin clamps and the look real good. The VTwin clamp covers the entire slot at the end of the muffler. I got my road king mufflers installed. The mufflers are completely stock and have not been drilled out. Sounds real nice. A bit of a rumble, but I can ride it to work everyday without pissing off the neighbors Squidley dropped out of the fabrication business. Hillis can supply the muffler brackets now.
  2. Hell, a used Cessna can run 70k. that looks like a pretty good deal! I will read more tonight. 115 mph, 460 mile range on a 20 gallon tank. Not freakin bad. My grandpa's beechcraft is faster, but the beechcraft cost more too.
  3. So does that mean the ignition timing on my bike is now "Forward rotationally challenged"?
  4. When I was 14, I worked on a turkey farm. The farmer had 10,000 turkeys in each barn. My job was to walk through each of the three barns and find the dead ones. Anywhere from 5-30 turkeys would die per day. (The big toms would attack the little birds) Wild turkey are considered to be pretty smart, but those barn birds were incredibly stupid. Maybe they think I am some kind of bird grim reaper or something? I had a turkey sandwich for lunch today. Damn thing tasted good.
  5. Well, I think I have had enough of the birds here in Iowa. Maybe the water is different in Michigan. A couple of summers ago, I had an owl try to take my helmet off. It actually hit my helmet with its feet. With my first gen I have dodged countless sparrows and blackbirds and actually hit two with the windscreen. Last summer I pegged a bird of some sort (I still don't know what it was) with the mirror stem of my nighthawk at 75mph. Gave a new defininition to the term: poof! I walked into the house, covered in blood, guts, and everything "else" that comes out of a bird. My wife looked at me, a confused look on her face, "What happened to you?" Well, today, they called in the heavy armor... I was following a car to work this morning at a nice pace. About two miles left on my 18mile commute I saw a turkey standing on the side of the road, facing away from the street. The car spooked it, and it started walking into the ditch. I was already slowing down, keeping an eye on the bird, sure enough, the fat bastard looked at me, turned around and started running back onto the street. I am braking as hard as I can now, and the bird lifts its wings and starts to fly. I am actually relieved, thinking I can put a shoulder into the bird easier than trying to run one over. By now I may be down to about 30mph, and the last flap of the wings lifted the bird over my head. I think the Gen threes should come with anti-aircraft missles.
  6. Excellent!
  7. I would have no problem stating my case to a judge. Let the police officer/deputy do whatever he feels he has to.
  8. handling will not change. However, you may feel more vibrations in the handlebars.
  9. Well, whatever floats your goat.
  10. What was the trade?
  11. Well, I got a cheap garage remote off of fleabay and took it apart. The battery was 3volt and I confirmed that with my multimeter. I want to hard wire the remote into the motorcycle electrical system. (No need to replace batteries) I went to Radio Shack (I know, radio shack is not a good place to buy stuff, but it was convenient) and they had two types of voltage regulators. One was a 5 volt regulator and the other was a programable regulator. I purchased the 5 volt regulator thinking that most IC's are 5 volt. Well, the voltage regulator didn't work. I confirmed 5 volts at the remote and the polarity was correct, but the remote circuit must have some sort of limiter on it. I disconnected the 5volt regulator and reconnected the 3volt battery and the remote worked fine. Reconnected the 5 volt regulator and it didn't work. Fortunately I didn't fry the remote board. However, I will have to go back to radio shack and get the programable voltage regulator. I have been taking pictures, when I am done I will post a write up.
  12. I do not have any info on the audiovox cruise control system. However i did like my vista cruise (thumb lock) on my 84. For 20 bucks it did a great job. I have a 2nd gen now with cruise and I still think I would like to install a thumb lock. They are pretty handy.
  13. Yamaha Owners and service Manuals can be purchased directly from Yamaha. Check out their link here: http://www.yamahapubs.com/html/index.html The 1984 Venture owners manual can be found here for $20: http://www.yamahapubs.com/html/itemsearch.jsp?type=MC&Year=1984&Brand=VENTURE&model= I think I have one. My 84 had an owners manual and I sold the bike. I know I did not sell the manual with the bike, let me look around and I will get back to you. I cannot remember whether i pawned it off on Fleabay or not.
  14. Did you purchase all of your parts from fleabay?
  15. ABSOLUTELY! This gear swap may be in my future as well.
  16. Make sure it includes detailed operating instructions in ingrish, chinese, french, and spanish!
  17. No, I am using mustang rotors on the dynamometer I am building.
  18. I am working on a "science project" in my garage this summer. I need two matching steel brake rotors from a motorcycle. Larger diameter would certainly be better. My only requirement is that rotors must be of some material where a magnet will stick to it. Used and abused is fine. Cheaper is better. If someone has a couple of scrap rotors in their garage, I'd like to make an offer. If you must know, I am trying to make a small scale eddy current dynamometer. I want to compare the "performance" of thin motorcycle rotors to the ford mustang rotors I am currently using.
  19. My mom has been building and painting these step stools for each of her grandchildren over the past several years. My daughter has one with some flowers and a few fancy decorations. My son has one with a Disney Cars theme. I think my nephew has one with a spiderman theme, and my other neice has a pixie fairy theme. My mom also built one for when the grandkids are at her house (harley davidson theme). There is a storage compartment under the top step where my son loves to hide stuff. My kids have been kicking theirs around for three or four years now. they have been pretty durable. Soon I will be tucking them away in the attic for safe keeping. This is the latest one, a Peter Rabbit theme and is certainly the best one yet. Hand built and painted by my mother. (The background is painted, the actual charactors are stickers) The whole thing has a thick clear coat. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/4a640d12.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/64a5119f.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/50dc6d24.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/50dc6d24.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/00ac2e44.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/8db6e5bc.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Step%20Stools/51a97cba.jpg
  20. I'd take one, but not for 12 large... I have a couple of electric motors in my garage, I have been contemplating a human/electric hybrid for my 18 mile commute for a while now.
  21. I used the =rand() function in excel and decided whoever was closest to the number 1 would win: kitesquid0.358092arcs&sparks0.160627bubber0.137425jonesy0.265901 Congratulations KiteSquid. Email or PM your address, I will ship the tassels later this week.
  22. I think you have already been outbid... go to the weblink to see the latest auction price: http://www.venturerider.org/classifi...p?product=1759
  23. They come off of an OEM RSV luggage rack. I will get a set of calipers and measure the bar diameter tonight. Unless someone else chimes in sooner. The flag poles do have a silicone insert to provide traction and prevent damage to the luggage rack chrome.
  24. I have PED weatherpack and molex terminals for easy disconnect. I may simplify the voltage reducer somewhat. I need to talk to a few EE's at work about it. If the remote has no standby battery drain, I should be ale to get by with a simple resister or zener diode voltage control. I do not want any battery draw when the bike is off. So I need to get the remote home from ebay and do some probing of the circuit. I know I can use the remotes battery and the task wouold be much more simple, but half the fun is getting there right?
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