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Everything posted by GG54172

  1. I run max sidewall pressure. I get pretty even wear on the twisty commute.
  2. Lubing the clutch and brake cables are easy. Remove the reservoir cap and pour brake fluid in....
  3. A group on the internet seems to think that William Shakspere was not the author behind the plays of William Shakespeare http://www.doubtaboutwill.org/declaration An interesting read. I have not signed the petition as I have no real education in his plays. Thoughts?
  4. Make sure you go to Hershey Park, PA. It's a good stop about 5 or six hours away from the DC Area. Should be a good detour from your route to break up the long drive from Missouri. http://www.hersheypark.com/index.php
  5. Football practice started this weekend. 4 hours on Saturday, 3 hours on Sunday. I am fat and out of shape, but I think I will be alright. About 1/2 hour into Saturday my body finally realized I was serious and started to loosen up. I made it through the four hours of practice in pretty good form. I really felt it saturday night though, I laid on the couch and about died. Yesterday was much better, it was fun to line up and hit people. We weren't wearing pads yet, but we probably should have. I just about broke the defensive tackle's nose on one play. I am pretty confident I will be playing first string center. I am the biggest guy and I can long snap. The entire offensive line is 300lbs plus. I was smarter yesterday too, I didn't go home and lay on the couch. I tried to keep moving all day, which kept my muscles loose and prevented me from building up a bunch of lactic acid and freezing up all together. I was pretty stiff this morning, but I was surprised that I woke up well before my alarm went off. I actually slept pretty good. The pain is ok, the more I endure now, the more I get to deliver later The quarterback is decent. The defensive line is all 275lb +. I hope to play some d-line too. The defensive and offensive backs are average size. Everyone seems to want to be there, and we had some good intensity. We may even win a few games this year. if you want to know more, check out : www.dbqbruisers.com
  6. Id take an 84 - 1200 engine in my 2001 RSV any day. RSV's are comfy 1st gens are fast
  7. I tested my 01 RSV before I bought it.
  8. Until I picked up my 01 RSV I never owned nor sold any bike worth more than $2000. I let people test ride those if they had their own helmet and a MC operators endorsment. If I was selling my RSV I would probably let someone ride it. If I had a liter class sportbike I probably would not. It helps when the potential buyer shows up on a motorcycle.
  9. The cruise control on my bike works fine, but my daily commute has many curves, hills, and places that i prefer to handle the engine power myself. As such I still would like to lock the throttle occaisionally while I relax my hand. Anyone have a plastic thumb locker on their 2nd gen? I don't even know if it will fit.
  10. Did you even read the article? My mom rides a harley. My wife wants a sportster. They are absolutely right, if they corner the "mom" market Harely will have it made.
  11. That tire looks like it has plenty of life left...on the sides. If the roads in IA forced my tires to look like that, i would go with a car tire. But my current commute wears the sides out before the center so I haven't made the descision to try a car tire yet.
  12. My mother and Step father bought a heritage classic in 2004. I was trying to talk my mom into taking the MSF course with my stepfather. She said she had no interest in piloting the bike. I knew better. Sure enough, she called me up the next spring asking what bike she should buy. I started her on a TW200 and she has since purchased a 2006 Street Bob. Women are funny.....
  13. That brings a tear to my eye. Pure american spirit right there.
  14. Hmm, reminds me of my first ticket. Ahhh, so young, so stupid....
  15. GG54172

    Insurance cost

    2001 RSV full coverage (100/300/50) with 1k deductable: $205/yr. It pays to shop around.
  16. High octane fuel actually has less power per gallon than low octane. It ignites at a higher temperature and burns cooler than 87 octane fuel. The performance gain is from increased compression ratio and ignition timing available because of detonation resistance.
  17. I agree. the RSV fairing always reminds me of the "alien" movies. I can't help but think of the queen alien head. I thought about putting a Harely Fairing on mine. Then I could get some real gages and scrap the cassete deck. however, it's just not a priority. I will mount a tach on the handlebars and be done with it. I never realized how much I relied on the tach to control vehicle speed until I got my RSV.
  18. 50,000 miles Royale Purple/Red left fairing is busted up Seems like a fair starting price to me. http://www.usedmotorbikeshop.com/webtemplate.aspx?iid=673705
  19. How is it that laying the bike down prevented you from hitting the lexus? You slid 20' on the crash bars and came to a stop. It's seems you could have stopped in 15' on the tires. glad to hear you are ok.
  20. I firmly believe motorcycles are like Jello. I have one car in my 4 car garage. The garage is full. Unless I find another good deal...
  21. I love my RK mufflers Too bad we got 6" of snow yesterday.
  22. I got my hearing aids from here: www.americahears.com $1000 for digital hearing aids. I have no idea how I survived without them. see my post here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20067
  23. Ok, so the motor of the winch is rated at 0.8Hp. 0.8Hp equals about 600watts. At 12 volts you are talking 50amps of current. It also looks like the motor is rated for a short term current of 130 amps. (1500 watts) If your power supply is only rated for 12 volts and 12 amps (144 watts), I would not attempt to move a load with the winch powered by the DC power supply. Is this for a trailer?
  24. Our government spends more money by 10am on a monday than the country of Ukraine spends in an entire year. _______________________________________ If you had 1 million dollars, and you spent $3,333 per day, it would take you 300 days to spend all of it. If you had 1 billion dollars, and you spent $3,333 per day, it would take you 821 years to spend all the money. If you had 1 trillion dollars, and you spent $3,333 per day, it would take you 82,000 years to spend all of the money. ________________________________________ That being said, the government spends money and buys products from contractors. From large ones (Boeing, Pratt Whitney, GE, GM, Ford) to small ones. When I worked at the Army we were required to source projects to companies with 15 employees or less. When the Beagle 2 mars rover mission failed reporters said that 300+ million was wasted by the british government. Not really Those millions of dollars pay laborers, manufacturers, engineers, etc. Who turn around and pay for groceries, tuition, coffee, automobiles, and so on. The only "waste" was the scrapped materials and the knowledge we didn't gain. In conclusion, I like paved roads, a criminal justice system, a post office, and a few otehr things I pay for. Could the government be more efficient? Hell yeah. Are the politicians complete idiots, it sure seems so. Are there government programs that spend money on projects I don't like? Yes. But it's what we have.
  25. Hey! we don't live far from each other. I would be happy to come down and help you. Supposed to snow like crazy today. Maybe later this week?
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