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Everything posted by GG54172

  1. I don't have them personally, but a buddy has a set on his 1100 shadow. I will ask him what he thinks.
  2. Wish I had done it a long time ago. Ten bucks for a pack of springs from bike bandit. I got a new gasket too, the old one was very hard. The lever doesn't seem stiffer than the old one, but I couldn't get the clutch to slip. Used to slip above 1/2 throttle and 4000rpms. Now I may have to learn how to ride the bike all over again. Swap out only took 30 minutes. I left the bike on the side stand and didn't even lose any oil.
  3. It will take a few hours, but everything can be done on the center stand. I pressed a progressive onto a royale shock and mounted it on my 84standard. Works great.
  4. I am looking to replace front and rear tires on my 84 Standard. Currently running Dunlop D404's. I think they handle fine, but I am wondering if anyone else has anything great to say about another brand. Looking for mileage and decent price. American motorcycle tire will deliver a front and rear D404 to my house for $134.
  5. Much, much better. I have an 86 Venture Royal rear shock if you need one. You can press a progressive spring onto it and mount it on a Venture Standard. Worked great on my 84 Standard.
  6. John Deere breaks its test engines in by running them at top rated engine speed and 80% load for 20hours. I doubt you can keep a bike at 80% load for 20 hours straight.
  7. Can you simply move the lever down? There are adjustment threads for this. I cannot say that I have had this problem, but your best solution would be to find a reputable welder in your area. Ask around, you want someone with a Heliarc or TIG welder. Have them cut your shifter lever and weld it back together with a longer piece of metal in the middle. If you don't want to cut your lever, I have an 86 lever in my garage I can dig up.
  8. That's why it is called an accident. We are usually trying to form up a posse to lynch everytime a motorcyclist is injured by a car, but the reality is you have to be very vigilant about looking for motorcycles, and people make mistakes. I am glad this time you looked again.
  9. Thanks, I ordered a set, and a gasket too. Something tells me 2nd gear will be failing soon....
  10. Buddy of mine raced his GT1 and GT2 cars always had a large bottle of nitrogen on the trailer. He used it to power his power tools (great for working on a car in the paddock) and fill his tires. One time he had a tire mounted on a rim at the track during 100% humidity day. (Torrential downpour) Forgot to compensate for humidty in his pre-race pressuure. When he came in the tire was about 20psi higher than normal, and needless to say it was corded. He was an extreme case. (550 horsepower GT1 Monte Carlo) I do not think there is much benifit to be had with a street car though. I attached a photo for you veiwing pleasure. That is me hanging out the passenger window.
  11. Can you provide a name for the shop and a phone number?
  12. Where did you get the springs? I have a fantasy which involves dropping a nitrous bottle in each saddlebag and going on "Pinks" before I retire the bike.
  13. My clutch on my 83 has slipped from 7,000miles (3 years ago). Springs soften with age regardless of use. I want to put new springs in it but it only slips when i get on it hard. It has 22,000 now and it isn't getting worse. The bike will probably be retired soon anyways.
  14. The lecture was given to my Automotive sensors and actuators class at U of M dearborn. Master's level students with electrical, computer, or mechanical engineering backgrounds. Yes, basically a review. The electric driven turbocharger was added to increase the length of the rpesentation. Kind of at the last minute. Yes I should have tied the two ideas together better. If you had any idea how many powerpoints I veiw each week, and how many times I have been asked to send a "chart" to my boss....you would understand my intense hatred for PP. Did you read the first slide? It was a spin off of the Marine Corp rifle prayer. This is my powerpoint, there are many others like it but this one is mine..... Yes, why diesels aren't more popular baffles me. I hear complaints that they are noisy and smelly, but yes, they have higher compression ratios, which makes them more efficient.
  15. Not Venture Related, but I thought some of you gearheads may be interested in a 26 Minute lecture I gave at U of M on Turbo Charger driven Alternators and one particular type of CVT which is currently found in the toyota prius and the ford escape. The lecture is in three parts, each about 9 minutes, and overlap slightly. Constructive / Non constructive critism is appreciated. Also, if youn click on the little grey button in the corner of the veiwing screen, you will toggle to full screen mode. Part 1 of 3 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ouzlUW9EKE]YouTube - Turbo Charged Alternator and CV Transmissions Part 1 of 3[/ame] Part 2 of 3 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLVNFhFxjuA]YouTube - Turbo Charged Alternator and CV Transmissions Part 2 of 3[/ame] Part 3 of 3 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPiJoP2RbcI]YouTube - Turbo Charged Alternator and CV Transmissions Part 3 of 3[/ame]
  16. Your engine isn't broken in yet. Fuel economy will increase as rings seat, and bearings/cams wear in.
  17. I have it built! Hooked the hitch up to a truck just to try it out. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0190.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0189.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0188.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0992.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0993.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0994.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/DSCF0995.jpg
  18. The main beams are 2" square tubing-3/16" wall. The longest tube, on the bottom of the hitch is 28" long The upright is 16" long, the gusset tube is 6" long (longest point to point), and the flanges are 4" wide by 3" tall. So the final dimensions are 30"L x 18"T x 4"W
  19. I probably will take the nighthawk. It is a risk that the Exploder can break down, and I don't need two vehicles damaged 250+ miles from home. I drew this up in Pro-E yesterday: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Waterford/Part%20Design/bike_hitch.jpg I bought the materials at a local metal shop, all of the pieces are cut, and I am planning on welding them all together next week. I should be able to find a way to mount this on the nighthawk for the ride down. Otherwise I will next-day-air the hitch to the dealership, and they said they would throw the box in the back of the exploder till I get there. Nothing like a road trip for some vehicle, just two weeks ago I was in Indianapolis buying another nighthawk 750 for cheap so my brother could ride. This is the last road trip I swear!
  20. It's all about leverage my friend.... or a handy 2 by 6... http://i6.ebayimg.com/04/i/07/1f/e9/a7_1.JPG
  21. In the back of an explorer? Maybe if I remove the front forks and tire. I am considering a lot of options.
  22. Uhaul quoted me $130. That is until they found out what type of vehicle I wanted to tow the trailer with....
  23. Here is the scoop, I just purchased a 1999 Exploder off of eBay on the far far side of Pennsilvania. Picking up the truck will be a 1200 mile round trip. My plan is to weld a hitch together and ride my wife's Nighthawk 750 out to PA, use this hitch to bring both vehicles back. (The explorer has a 2" hitch receiver) It's no big deal with the Nighthawk, as I can quickly remove the chain, and prevent any possibility for transmission damage. However, the venture would be a much, much more comfortable ride. Has anyone actually towed a venture with the rear wheel on the ground 600 miles? Obviously the trans would be in neutral, and as far as i can see, the gears are constantly submerged in oil. I only have 10 days to pick up the explorer, so I can't really use opinions. If someone has towed a venture like this, please let me know, otherwise I will be flying on the nighthawk. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Hauler_003-587x350.jpg
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