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Everything posted by GG54172

  1. Drove my truck to work this morning. When i stepped out of my truck I saw a guy standing next to a car wearing a motorcycle jacket and holding a helmet. Or so I thought, I looked again and he was just wearing a regular wind-breaker and holding a bag. Spring better get here soon. I need to go riding.
  2. That's the route I am going with right there....
  3. What does he do to the seat?
  4. I don't know, I looked at the websites of six different credit unions. Most had 5.2% for new, 6% for up to three years old. I am looking at a 2001. Could be location, my credit score, or the age of the bike. Lose a little money on interest, save a lot therapy bills. Can I claim this as a medical benefit?
  5. So I like to price shop. (yeah I am part dutch) I called credit union "A" for a loan for the Venture I want to pick up this weekend. they gave me a quote of 8.5% and a 36 month term. Called credit union "B" and the loan officer said off the cuff, without looking at my credit history, 7% and 48 month term. Called credit union "A" and asked them to match credit union "B" for terms (7% and 48 months). They said they would get back to me. Credit union "B" calls back and says I am approved for 8% at 60 months. I tell them I don't want a 60 month, but a 48 month, they tell me it's the same interest rate regardless of the loan. I tell them I will get back to them after "A" calls back. Credit union "A" calls back and says I am approved at 7% for 48 months. I accept the offer. Looks like I am going to pick up a second Gen for Valentine's day!
  6. I have a 92 nighthawk 750 a tw200 and a few dirt toys. Talk to me after this weekend and we will see if I have anything else :whistling:
  7. Thanks guys, I think i will get it strapped down well enough. The triple tree mounted fairing should be easier to fix the bike down than the 1st gen frame mounted fairing. Now all i gotta do is go to the bank
  8. I don't have the sheepskin covers, but I do have the short loops for getting the hooks away from the bike. Can anyone provide pictures of where they connect the straps to their bike?
  9. So, I think I found a Second Gen in my price range about 350 miles away. Called the current owner, agreed on a price, and now I need to get the bike back. My wife and I will probably drive down the night before in her blazer. If the weather is greater than 32F and sunny I will probably ride the bike back. If there is rain, sleet, or snow I am going to rent an open uhaul trailer and tow the thing back. Can anyone post pictures of how they tied their bikes down to a trailer? Do I need anything besides standard ratchet/cinch straps? I know, trailers belong behind the bike not under it, but I just want to get the thing home in one piece without getting frostbite.
  10. Good Lawd thatsa big honkin file. Downloaded, thanks for posting.
  11. The 10lb limit may be a consideration for fatigue as well. Plastic doesn't have very good fatigue properties.
  12. GG54172


    I have one, I taught my wife how to ride on it. I bought it for my wife brand new in 2002 shortly after learning that my daughter was on the way. First gear is gear wayyyy low, so hill climbing is not an issue. It will move my 350lbs frame at 55 mph up and down the Eastern Iowa Hills just fine. I ride it to work on occasion just for the hell of it. My mom bought a second one and I taught her how to ride on it as well. Very forgiving bike. Well balanced. She sold hers after upgrading to a harley street bob and a Dr650. (Did I mention I love my mom? ) I will never sell mine. It's a great bike for teaching, riding, and goofing off while exploring.
  13. I have been checking out the Venturerider classifieds. I believe I will be making a purchase soon. I would appreciate any leads. Email them to the address in my profile. I would probably go buy the 03 in Michigan before I bought an 03 in NM.
  14. The seller says the trailer is 6'x10' and was purchased and set up for towing the RSV. A RSV is just under 105" or 8'-9". I could use some 80 degree sunshine right about now, banks has approved the loan, wife says go for it....
  15. I emailed the seller and asked him to forward the trailer dimensions.
  16. Someone, please go buy this thing so i don't waste a weekend driving all the way to FL and towing this thing home. Please, I would really rather find a good deal local. wow, seriously, that's a great price. 1200 miles doesn't seem so far right now, and my wife would probably enjoy a few hours in the FL sun... http://www.cycletrader.com/find/listing/2003-YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-94299519
  17. Freebird certainly knows the most important rule of advertising doesn't he? Nice one!
  18. I suppose I would use cable lube to lube cables... http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=31319&store=&catId=&productId=p31319&leafCatId=&mmyId=
  19. I had a 1984 (1200) with 1986 rear luggage on it. I paid 1200 for it and the thing ran like a scalded dog. The problem was, any trips beyond 30 miles and it would kill my legs. I sold the venture last summer and I will be getting a 2nd Gen before the end of '09. I don't know what I am going to have to do to make the 2nd gen run like the first, it will probably take the installation of a ZRX1200 in my garage to give me the first gen feeling again. But, 95% of the time I just want to ride to work, 3% of the time I want to ride with my wife to go somewhere, and 2% of the time I can borrow my friend's 07 R1. At 6' 350 it takes a pretty specific design to keep me comfortable, and I think the 2nd gen will be it.
  20. I talked to my wife last night, she said, "Do whatever you want." Sounds like it will take a little more convincing....
  21. Email it to GillGregoryD "at" JohnDeere "dot" com
  22. I think it was a few years ago, but I believe Freebird posted a picture that alternated between an Electra Glide and a Second Gen venture. It kind of showed the dimensional differences in cargo size and seating arraingments. Does anyone still have that?
  23. Check out my post here: http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20067 I still really enjoy having my ears "work" If you have any questions, email me.
  24. I understand. To me my motorcycles are a machine, to others it is something more. That's fine. My mother bought me my first gocart around age 8. It was a 2hp asphalt cart with a fiberglass penzoil indy replica body. That day we took the cart to the local catholic church parking lot. Before long there was a line of kids around the parking lot waiting for their turn to ride. We all had fun, and that has been my attitude about machines ever since. I have taught more people how to ride, shoot, drive standard transmissions with my machines than I can even remember. I really enjoy it. Just my perspective, that's all.
  25. Yeah, I was thinking I could purchase my own insurance.
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