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Everything posted by asigetic

  1. I'm looking for someone that lives in Crossville, TN 38558 or near by that could pick up a trike travel pak for me till I can come down in May
  2. Does any body know if a 1986 Venture Royale Passenger Foot Rests would fit a 1984 venture Royale without any modifications and are they just bolt on. Thanks in advance and does anybody have a set for sale in nice shape.
  3. I have a set of cable from a 1983 without cruise if you need them. I live in Cleveland Oh PM me if your interested and also have a set of sync gauges to use.
  4. I just picked up a 1993 GL1500A to add to the 1984 Yamaha Venture Roale XVZ1200DL and the 1986 Suzuki Cavaclade 1400LXE and the 1989 Honda PC800 in the garage. Looks like I will be a dealer soon. LOL
  5. They stopped making the mini I was told so if any body has the 2 lens and your chrome piece that's all I need. Dang old bikes.LOL What ya want for the chrome piece shipped to 44124 zip code. Thanks Al Here is where I found out they stopped making them and what the dimensions are for both.... http://www.detwincam.com/Drag-Specialties-BARON-TWIN-AND-BARON-MINI-TWIN-MARKER-LIGHTS-detail.htm?productId=7922788&ez=Drag%20Specialties:%20Electrical~q=bidaa400zzfidaa95zz~r=~
  6. That looks great do you know where I could get to Len's thou
  7. That is the one I'm looking for
  8. I am looking for the light assemble only for the lower out side light kit that went around the bags made by Drag Specialties for the Venture from 1983 threw 1985. If any body has one that they would like to sell please let me know. Thanks AL
  9. I will posting all the spare parts that I picked up for this bike as soon as I can get them out of the box's in the garage and what I payed for them. As for the deflectors I will see if I can make a mount for them because they are in nice shape and are unique in the way the work.
  10. Well I learned my lesson not buy from E-Bay when the add read for a 83-84 Yamaha Venture. That now goes in the box with the other items left over the years of rebuilding bikes, before I know it my garage will be filled of spare parts that when I die my kids will think! what nut collected all this stuff.LOL thanks alot guys for all your imput so far on this project. I love to restore old things but never get attached to anything this way I can't fall in love with just one bike. I will have pic's posted this weekend because it's in the finale stage and should be up and running all together.
  11. I have a set of wing deflectors that came with this bike and have never seen before and was wondering if anybody has seen them on a 84 Venture Royale and where do they mount. Any help would be appreciated on this. Thanks in advance. Al
  12. I will be out of town this weekend if I want to stay married my wife said. (LOL) I will PM you with my contact number
  13. Hey there Freebird can I PM you on my contact info
  14. I'm looking for anybody that has carb syn gauges that live in Cleveland Oh that I could use to verify my own gauges. Thanks In advance. PM me
  15. Here is the bulbs I used and the website I bought them from if any body is interested http://www.superbrightleds.com ---------- PRODUCT INFORMATION ---------- Qty | Product / Options | Price/ea | ============================================================ 5 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-W4-90: Cool White Wide ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 1.59 | WLED-R4-32: Red Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-G4-32: Green Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-B4-90: Blue Wide ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 1.59 | WLED-A4-32: Amber Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1156-x30: 30-LED BA15S bulb| $ 8.99 | 1156-A19-WV: 1156 Amber 100 Degree ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1157-x3X1W: 3 x 1.3 Watt High Power LED BAY15D Bulb| $ 16.95 | 1157-A3X1W: Amber ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1157-R19W6: Motorcycle Tail 19-LED 1157 Bulb| $ 12.99 | ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | RL-650: Tail Light Load Resistor kit | $ 4.95 | ------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Here is the bulbs I used and the website I bought them from if any body is interested http://www.superbrightleds.com ---------- PRODUCT INFORMATION ---------- Qty | Product / Options | Price/ea | ============================================================ 5 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-W4-90: Cool White Wide ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 1.59 | WLED-R4-32: Red Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-G4-32: Green Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 2.59 | WLED-B4-90: Blue Wide ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 | WLED-x4-x: 4 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb | $ 1.59 | WLED-A4-32: Amber Narrow ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1156-x30: 30-LED BA15S bulb| $ 8.99 | 1156-A19-WV: 1156 Amber 100 Degree ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1157-x3X1W: 3 x 1.3 Watt High Power LED BAY15D Bulb| $ 16.95 | 1157-A3X1W: Amber ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | 1157-R19W6: Motorcycle Tail 19-LED 1157 Bulb| $ 12.99 | ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | RL-650: Tail Light Load Resistor kit | $ 4.95 | ------------------------------------------------------------
  17. I have installed all bulbs including the dash bulbs with LED's and I can say that it was worth every penny because the load on the battery has changed from 15 amps to around 2 amps with a inductive amp meter wrapped around the ground side to see the diff. Jumper the CMU for running and brake lights and installed a 50watt 6 ohm load resistor kit on the let and right side to trick the turn signal relay just enough to have it flash. Will post pictures tomorrow of what I did and if any body needs the info on what bulbs went where I can send that to you. The total cost was around $130.00 for every bulb and the two load resistor kits. Now on to the rest of the bike to finale finish her up and give it a ride..
  18. I have installed all bulbs including the dash bulbs with LED's and I can say that it was worth every penny because the load on the battery has changed from 15 amps to around 2 amps with a inductive amp meter wrapped around the ground side to see the diff. Jumper the CMU for running and brake lights and installed a 50watt 6 ohm load resistor kit on the let and right side to trick the turn signal relay just enough to have it flash. Will post pictures tomorrow of what I did and if any body needs the info on what bulbs went where I can send that to you. The total cost was around $130.00 for every bulb and the two load resistor kits. Now on to the rest of the bike to finale finish her up and give it a ride..
  19. I have a 84 Venture Royale XVZ1200DL and are in need of a Turn Signal Flasher unit if either of ya have one please let me know. Thanks Al
  20. here is as far as i got after 2 months of restoring her
  21. OK I am resembling the bike finale and the 4 way flasher switch is acting up I have no turn signals or 4 ways and sometimes I will flicker it back and forth and they will work and so will my turn signals. Is that a sign that the switch is going or am I missing something else in the picture. By the way if any body has a switch for sale let me know. Thanks Al Or is there a way to by pass the switch to make the turn signals work.
  22. I know the bulb is burned out for the rear running light I'm trying to figure out why the head light bulb will not go out after I put a factory bulb from Yamaha and it works on bot beams,
  23. The arrow is pointing to the light I am talking about I replaced the head light bulb and this light stays on always still what should I be looking for. My High and Low beam work as they should and nothing shows up on the the monitor as being burnt out just that annoying light is lit up. Also I assembled the air cleaner box back on and found that the clamps keep sliding up and the seal is broke so I looked on the cheep cycle website and found that there was suppose to be some type of plastic runners inside the rubber boots. Here is a link to there website. http://www.cheapcycleparts.com/model_years/5086-yamaha-1984-xvz12dl/assemblies/154005. Besides the CMU possible being bad looks like I will need the four boots and the plastic runners and clamps for the air housing. If anybody has that because there discontinued.
  24. Hi there all I have been working on restoring a 84 Venture for the last 2 months that was in a garage with 26,000 miles for the last 15 years. I tore it down complete to a motor in a frame and have since down all the updates that I have read on the forums and have a issue at this moment. The headlight bulb stays lit all the time in the dash Evan tho the head light works on high and low and also the tail and brake light stays lit in the LCD Evan tho the lights work. Does anybody have a idea where to go to test or has anybody ran across this issue before. Thanks I will have pictures of everything I have done so far posted when I get a internet connection that does not take 24 hours to upload. Thanks in advance. AL
  25. I don't need the service manual I'm looking for the owners manual folks
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