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Everything posted by ctraylor

  1. Guys this is a really nice bike with a trailer that is road ready to go anywhere. I would really love to see one of you guys get it. I will list it locally if no one wants it.
  2. I am about 5'9" and weight about 280. I have a 30" inseam about your size I guess. The seat hight on the BMW is a little higher than the Venture but I can still get both balls of my feet on the ground. When the wife is on I can get both feet flat on the ground. The BMW seems a little more top heavy to me but the ride and handling makes up for it. I expecially like the reverse. That was a problem with the Venture. It has heated seats and hand grips which are nice in colder weather. I will try to take some pictures this weekend and put on here.
  3. This is the best riding bike I have ever been on. I love my Venture and will always have respect for them because they have hauled me for many miles, but this BMW has really impressed me. More power and a constant 50 mpg at 70 mph. It is also fuel injected which is nice on a cold crank.
  4. Don't have pictures yet but will try to put some on here by the end of the week. I am away from home right now working. I bought a 99 BMW K1200LT with 15000 miles on it.
  5. Okay guys I bought another bike and don't need both so I am selling my 1986 Venture. Alot of you guys saw it at the International Meet in Harrison last summer. I want to give you guys a shot before I put it in the paper. I will sell the bike along with the custom built trailer for $3000.00. It has 60,000 miles and I wouldn't be afraid to go anywhere on it. I rode it to Charolette, NC last summer. This is a really nice bike. Curtis Traylor 870-405-3693 http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs124.snc1/5333_126247972121_832227121_2291135_433058_n.jpg
  6. I thinks that is a CYA thing for Harbor Freight. I pull my trailer at 80 mph all the time with 8 inch wheels. I installed some greaseable bearing cups so I can shoot some grease in every once in a while.
  7. Pledge for the whole bike for me. It is cheap and works great....
  8. Bet my Beemer can catch ya
  9. I ride my BMW when it is cold with heated hand grips
  10. Will probably go up the interstate though Rolla and then St. Louise and on
  11. that would be my guess since you have the O2 codes. I would look at the CAT being stopped up. Sounds just like a plugged up exhaust.
  12. Give me a ring when you go next time.
  13. I actually work in Searcy and come home on the weekends but am off all summer.
  14. Ooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy :255::95:
  15. Nope, I do it all the time. We don't have emergency brakes on these things.......
  16. Is there anyone from Arkansas going to Don's Maintenance day and would like some company?
  17. Worthless??? That depends how low cut her shirt is......
  18. 10 hours for me, might be a good ride though.....
  19. Me and my biker chicks..... http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs023.snc3/11040_1054231411863_1708165472_108490_1636361_n.jpg
  20. Try this and you'll find just about any kind you want. http://aerobourne.com/motorcycletrailerindex9.htm
  21. Trailer frame is 16X35" and overall is 6'. I haven't weighed the tongue but will estimate about 40lbs loaded. I load the heavy stuff to the back. I have never bottomed out and we ride two up most of the time when pulling the trailer. Usually 2 suitcases and an ice chest. One time I had stuff tied all over it by the time we got home. My hitch is welded to the rack under the trunk. I cut a small hole in the trunk just large enough to drop in the pin.
  22. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs124.snc1/5333_126247972121_832227121_2291135_433058_n.jpg Here is mine and I have pulled it about 5000 miles and pulls great.
  23. I have straight pipes on mine and sounds like a v-8. I did weld in Harley baffles on the ends of the pipes so my wife would ride with me.
  24. Worked for Chrysler dealers for 15 years then went to college at 35 graduated at 40 with a degree in agriculture business and now teach automotive technology at Arkansas State University.
  25. I just hot wired mine. You just have to remember to put up the kick stand when you take off.
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