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Everything posted by ctraylor

  1. CFM = RPM X CID/3456 X Volumnmetric efficency of the vehicle. VE = .85 for a street vehicle VE = 1.10 for a race car 8000 X 79.326 = 634608/3456 = 183.625 X .85 = 156.08 CFM This bike pulls 156 CFM @ 8000 RPM. I hope this helps.
  2. Well which one broke do tell....
  3. I was raised in Louisiana. Let the good times role.......
  4. I bought a BMW K1200 lt and have never looked back. I been riding 40 years and have never riden a bike that handled this good. I have a friend that has 170,000 on one and all he has done is regular maintenance. The heated seats and hand grips are a plus also.
  5. Laissez les bons temps roule
  6. Can Am has a touring model now that is a great bike. It has a Rotax engine that is a proven engine and the bike is very comfortable and handles better than a regular trike.
  7. Santa brought me a new laptop with a 10 inch screen that I can carry on the bike while traveling, just what I asked for.
  8. Looks hard on the gonads for us older fellows...
  9. Owned Dodge products all my life and have never had a trans to fail. My PT Cruiser has 190,000 miles and no problems.
  10. Dodge hasn't really had a trans problem since the early 90's to speak of. If I didn't buy a Dodge I would buy a Toyota. I worked for Chrysler for 15 years before I started teaching automotive and is still my first love.
  11. I installed a Cummins in my 86 Chevrolet 3/4 ton crewcab. I get 20 plus miles to the gallon and can pull the world. I have to be careful how hard I get in it because I am afraid I will spin the world off its axis and that would be aweful.
  12. I couldn't even watch it much less climb it.
  13. You opened a can of worms here. Rotella.........
  14. I guess my pet peeve is trying to do a job and not having the right tools. As far as peeing on the floor, I can still hit the hole except now in stead of holding a fire hose and am holding a low pressure water hose. The pressure is sure gettin weaker as I get older. Maybe them real old guys don't have enough pressure to clear their pants....
  15. I went to the Bmw K1200 Lt and have never looked back. It is the best riding bike I have ever been on and been riding 40 years. The only thing I don't like is I can't stretch out my legs like on the Venture. You can buy road pegs but you still are spread eagle just to straighten your legs. I do love the fuel injection and the 50 mpg. and the reverse........
  16. Oh well I am having problems attaching the file. It says it is an invalid file anyone know what I am doing wrong. It is a power point presentation.
  17. This is a great PP to watch. I hope it comes through..
  18. Tried to quit for a long time but couldn't. On my daughter's 4th birthday I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said, "I want you to quit smoking daddy". This came from a 4 year old. It broke my heart and I threw the pack of cigs in the fireplace and never smoked again. She will turn 22 on Nov. 22. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done but well worth the effort.
  19. Make sure someone hasn't drilled holes in the air box. I had the same problem and taped up the holes and the problem was gone.
  20. I own an LT myself. It is the best handling bike I have ever rode and I have had many. Been riding 40 years.
  21. This is what I found: http://www.nadaguides.com/default.aspx?LI=1-23-38-5697-0-0-0&l=1&w=23&p=38&f=5698&m=0026&d=1500001924&y=1986&ml=H&z=72143&gc=AM&gtc=MC thanks for looking guys....
  22. I said "or best offer"........I know what it is worth....A new 2010 sportster list for $7999.00
  23. This bike is in exceptionally good shape and there is no oil leaks at all that I see. If you can give me your cell phone number I will text you a picture. I don't have a camera here at work.
  24. I had a weak moment and bought a 1986 Harley Sportster 883. This bike belonged to a fellow teacher that couldn't ride anymore. The bike sat for 3 years and I have repaired and got it road ready. This would be a great first bike and I will sale for 1400.00 under book value. I will take 4000.00 or best offer. I have rode the bike around 100 miles and runs great with no smoke. The bike has low mileage and when the speedo was removed to install drag bars the milage was at a little over 6000 miles. 870-405-3693 The bike is at Arkansas State University/ Searcy, AR Automotive Technology Department if you want to see it.
  25. See my previous reply for the trouble tree for that code. If there are no other codes it looks like it may be the PCM. (Powertrain Control Module) If it is under 100,000 miles I think it should be still under the emissions warrantee. Anyway you go it will have to be scanned to find the problem.
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