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Everything posted by ctraylor

  1. Since she is a southern bell why not name her Bell......
  2. Both I guess, is this a trick question???????
  3. I looked at that dog while at the ralley. That dog looked to be very old. His teeth were almost worn down. He may not last long.
  4. Some of you know that I had a mass removed last Thursday and went back today to find out that it was Seminomia, form of cancer that it very treatable. The doctor seems to think that he got it all but done a cat scan today to make sure it hasn't spread to my stomach area. I will get the results from the scan on Monday. Keep me in your prayers. You never think this will happen to you. Thanks, Curtis Traylor
  5. If you are looking for a small car with good gas mileage, the Toyota Yaris is your car. I bought one for my daughter and despite the size this carit, has plenty of room for 5 people. The engine is a 1500 cc and has a chain driven overhead cam engine so no need for replacing the timing belt. I teach automotive and I was facinated by the simplicity of this car. It racks up about 41 mpg and the standards get 42-44 mpg. That kind of mileage ranks right up there with the hybrids which if you factor in the price of the battery is no more practical than a car that gets 30 mpg.
  6. You could all move to Arkansas. I did. It is great and the schools are wonderful. Great place to raise your children.
  7. Why are you wearing a jacket in the summer? I wear a white t-shirt and have not problem. Don't forget the sunscreen....
  8. ctraylor


    I was raised in Louisiana and followed my Papaw on a trap line as soon as I could keep up. We ate coons and possums. They taste alot alike. Mamaw would boil them until they were tender with some ceyanne pepper in the water then put them in the oven with creole seasoning on it and sweet taters around them. Man I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
  9. Lemon Pledge for me. Been using it for years and my windshield still looks good after 4 years.
  10. I gave $3200.00 for my 86 with 24,000 miles on the clock and never regreted it. This is one great bike. I now have 55,000 on the clock trouble free.
  11. Just returned from Charlotte, NC and pulled trailer there and back. I ran on the interstate most of the way around 75 to 80 mph. This trailer pulls very well. My wife rode with me and the bike handled great. The only time I could feel the trailer slightly was when I ran up behind a Semi and the wind turbulence shook the bike slightly but I feel that even without the trailer, just a little more noticeable with the trailer.
  12. It's just my bike clearing her throat after a long ride.......
  13. Can you move the kick stand to the right side and get on from there. Someone ought to fabricate a left hander's kick stand so they can get on from the right side.
  14. I called the Hub today to see if there was any cancellations and there was some openings. I emailed from their site the room I wanted but still haven't got back a reply. I guess he got it. If not, I will just tent it I guess.
  15. Do we have to make a reservation at the Hub if we are camping in a tent?
  16. Yes it leans with the bike and seems to add stability to the bike instead of take away. It does make the bike handle a little different but after about 10 miles you get used to it and don't even notice it is back there.
  17. The hitch is built like the Eaglemate trailers. It is slipped into the slot with a pin in the middle so it will pivot left and right also. I welded the hitch to the bracket under the trunk. It is built just as heavy as most of the hitches I have looked at and I don't have to worry about it when I remove the rear wheel. I had to cut a hole in the bottom of my trunk but it is covered with the pad in the bottom so no problem. I will be at the Hub for the national meet if you are coming and I will bring the trailer if everyone promises not to make fun of it.
  18. I heard that they were going to cremate him but since he contained so much plastic they were going to melt him down and make legos and let kids play with him for a change...
  19. ctraylor


    The universal will let if pivot up and down and left/right but not side ways, if that makes since. I used a total different set up on mine. It works kind of like a fifth wheel set up with a pin securing the trailer.
  20. ctraylor


    I built a similiar trailer and have pulled it more than 3000 miles now and it pulls like a dream. I load the heavier stuff to the back and usually put my ice chest up front when we are traveling. I can't hardly tell it is back there unless there is alot of wind then I can sometimes feel it wiggle a little. All in all I am well pleased and on the bright side I don't have to worry about someone stealing it because the hitch is one of a kind. http://s665.photobucket.com/albums/vv14/ctraylor_photo/
  21. I load the heavy stuff toward the rear of the trailer. Even with my wife on the rear it never bottoms out tire is wearing normal. I pulled it to Pennsylvania last summer and am going to North Carolina this summer. I pulls great and I can't hardly tell it is back there. The ony time I can bearly feel it is when I am behind a semi and the wind turbulence is bad. When it is loaded it falls further down and not as high. I didn't know if it would work either but turned out it pulls great.
  22. I just put them on photobucket and provided a shortcut for them. Thanks
  23. I thought I would share this in here. I built this last summer and have logged about 2500 miles so far. http://s665.photobucket.com/albums/vv14/ctraylor_photo/
  24. OK guys I'll try it this way. I have had trouble uploading pictures so I will try it this way. I built this trailer last summer and have logged 2500 miles in it. It pulls like a dream and with the suspension, the heavier you load it the better it seems to pulls. http://s665.photobucket.com/albums/vv14/ctraylor_photo/
  25. I was going to share some pictures of the trailer I built but every time I try to upload the file, I get this message. Your submission could not be processed because a securtiy token was missing. Can anyone help me on this. I think you guys would really appreciate this design trailer. Thank you,
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