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About ctraylor

  • Birthday 08/23/1961

Personal Information

  • Name
    Curtis Traylor


  • Location
    Mountain Home, AR, United States


  • City
    Mountain Home


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding my bike of course, building furniture, basically building anything with my hands.
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 BMW K1200 LT

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  1. I agree. The Hub in Harrison, AR is in the Central U.S. and there are many great roads in Arkansas to ride and the people that own the Hub are just great.
  2. Well guys my cancer came back and I am at The Cancer Treatment Center in Zion Illinois for treatments. I did my third treatment today and am not feeling too bad other than weakness and kind of shaky. Was just sitting here in my motel thinking of my motorcycle families and I do love this site. Just needing some prayers. I had testicular cancer about 4 years ago and it came back in the form of a tumor on my left kidney and got into my lymph glands extending up to behind my heart. Doc gave me at least a 90% cure rate so I will take that. Prayers needed guys, Curtis http://arkansasbiker.net/Themes/default/images/icons/modify_inline.gif
  3. Sounds like the piston is stuck in. Sometimes when you push in the piston past the normal travel there can be rust on the walls and cause the piston to stick. I always make it a habit not to push the piston in too far for that reasonl
  4. Been using Lemon Pledge for years on the whole bike and has done me good and cheap. I tried the cheaper versions of lemon furniture polish and didn't do as good.
  5. \ I took a written test and passed and the guy walked out with me and told me to make a loop around the court house and if I haven't busted my ass by then he would pass me.
  6. Here you go...
  7. :cool10:I am thankful for the wind in my face, the road in my rearview, and freedom...... I love you guys have a great day....
  8. Are you using car oil in the bike? I put Castrol in my bike and the clutch starting slipping. I changed to Rotella and within 2 oil changes the chutch stopped slipping and I now have over 60,000 on it and going strong.
  9. I am in Mountain Home so not to far from Eureka Springs call if I can help. 8704053693
  10. anger. I went back to that motorcycle and loaded it up and traded it in on a brand new BMW K 1600 with a straight six engine. The first thing that happened is I got a ticket for flying too low. The cop said I was going to fast to.....
  11. Prayers sent. God speed my friend.....
  12. First aid kit, tool pouch, windshield cleaner and cloth, a .357 derringer (hold permit), and some CDs for some tunes. Oh, and usually some clothes if I'm traveling. I never used a rain suit because after the rain stops you get blow dried anyway......
  13. We will be having our 4th annual garage sale and expo on the ASU Searcy campus on Saturday April 21 and I would love to see all you guys come out. We are having a bike show with 3 classes, antique, foreign, and american bikes. The antique bikes must crank and run. 1st-3rd trophies will be awarded in each class and 1 overall best of show. There will also be a car show sponsored by the Civitan Club of Searcy. There will be free spaces if anyone would like to come sell their wares during the show. There will be a 15.00 entry fee that benefits The Skills USA student organization. I am looking forward to making this the best bike show in Arkansas... Curtis Traylor 870-405-3693 ctraylor@searcy.asub.edu
  14. Hello everyone, my name is Curtis and I am a naked chatter. I must confess that I have been doing it for a while now but with the help of the support group I know I can kick the habit. It is just the chair feels so good on my, well, you get the picture. Maybe we can help each other..........
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