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11 Good

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Liberty, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    99 RSV, 01 Volusia, 01 Concours
  1. Nice find !!!
  2. This is a very good bid of advice. Many, many years ago, while cursing the Blue Ridge Parkway I was looking at the sites and when my eyes returned to the road, well I was looking at the center of a monster truck !!!
  3. The MSF classes are Great !!! I rode for 30 years before I took my first one, and I learned a lot. Very much worth the cost and time involved !!!
  4. Well since you asked, this is my wife and I, a few years and bikes ago !!!!! Mike
  5. Wanted to add pictures. Mike
  6. Back in the fall of 2006, my wife and I set out on a nice October ride and a tree hit us !! Really, I happened to notice out of the corner of my eye, what I thought was a branch falling from a maple tree. Well, it happened so quickly, but for a split second I thought isn't that odd, a healthy branch with leaves falling...... Next second, leaves and branches everywhere !!! Everything was OK until the tree trunk got stuck on the center stand, the bike was going down !!! Well as a last ditch effort, I firmly planted my right foot onto the pavement, it worked, and dislodged the tree from the bike, but it also slammed my foot rearward into the passengers peg. At this time, enough had gone on and my wife realized what had happened. She didn't even know the tree fell on us because she was looking off in the other direction at the colorful fall foliage. Thank goodness she didn't see the tree, as I don't know what she would have done. Anyway, at this point I start screaming "I think I broke my leg, I think I broke my leg, honey, please try to help hold the bike up when we stop !!" I managed to stop the bike and got it on the side stand without dropping it. Man, oh man did my right shin hurt, but I was able to move and walk on it, so I was OK. The bike was hardly even scratched !! Within minutes two homeowners came running out to the road to see what happened since they heard the tree fall and my screaming. The men went back to their garages for a chainsaw, but not before we snapped a few pictures. We continued our ride, since we were supposed to meet my parents for lunch at a restaurant about 50 miles farther. For the rest of the ride all I could think about was all the darn trees on the sides of the road and which one of them might fall on us. It wasn't until I got on the section of four lane divided highway, that I felt safe from the darn trees!!!!!! I was never happier to get off a nice country road and on a divided highway !!!! Mike
  7. Please .... could anyone who owns the Diamond R Saddlebag Light Rail tell me if you need to lower the RSV's mufflers for installation ??? If possible email me the installation instructions ?? Thanks, Mike
  8. Hello, Would anyone who owns the Diamond R Accessories RSV LED Saddlebag Light Bar be able to eMail me the installation instructions ??? I'm particularly interested in knowing if it is necessary to lower the mufflers in order for light bar installation. Thanks in advance, Mike
  9. It would be great for a compact car, but at 970 pounds, that would double the weight of the bike, not including passengers and cargo...... too much load on the brakes I would say. Mike
  10. Krispy, thank you, I've sent you a PM with my eMail address. Mike
  11. Could anyone email me installation instructions they received with Ponch's Gauge Set, preferably the setup with the Tach ?? Thanks, Mike
  12. Do a search for Caliper Upgrade to Yamaha R6 4 pot fronts and smaller master. Mike
  13. Karl, It's not much, but my wife and I pray that this will help you in your time of need. Merry Christmas. God Bless, Mike
  14. Hey, is the 50% off good for the already discounted scratched shields which are in stock ? Had to ask, Mike
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