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10 Good

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About BigD

  • Birthday 04/09/1952

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dave Van Curler


  • Location
    Walled Lake, MI, United States


  • City
    Walled Lake


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, Grandkids, Woodworking
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Midnight Venture
  1. Happy Birthday Buddy, have a great day!
  2. Bad Lands and then up to Pikes Peak.
  3. I'am planning a 10 day road trip in in a few weeks and I wanted to get my carbs adjusted. It has been a few years since I had the carbs tuned at a maintenance day event. I went to a local Yamaha dealer and they said they wanted 225.00 to do the job. Could this be right? I was wondering if there was someone in the Novi, Commerce, general area with a carbtune that could maybe help me out. Thanks Guys
  4. Well I tried bleeding the brake last night with a loop in the hose, and like magic after 2-3 pumps no more air bubbles. Thanks again for the help guys. I can't believe it only costs 12 dollars a year to have access to this kind of information and help.
  5. Thanks guys, I will try to get some help tomorrow. And yes, I was trying to bleed with the hose straight down. Thanks for the help!
  6. The rear brakes have been feeling mushy all year, so I replaced the pads which were needed. The brake pedal still felt very soft so I started to bleed the rear brake. I can't get the air out, in fact it seems to be getting worse. Am I pulling in air from caliper or maybe from the master cylinder??? I have a 06 RSV with 30,000 miles with to original rear pads. Help guys, I planning on a 2,000 mile trip in the next few weeks. Thanks in advance for any input.
  7. Thanks Wade 2000, sounds good to me. No problem on the thread, lots of good information to think about.
  8. Thanks for all the feed back, sounds like stopping many times will be a key thing to remember. It will be the first week in Sept., so I hope I don't have to deal with snow at that time. I was there a few years ago and saw many bike, but most had a fuel ejection system Thanks again Guys.
  9. I'm planning a trip to the top of Pikes Peak in September. Just wondering if I may have trouble with the carb system on my 06 RSV? Any tips from anyone that has done this? Thanks
  10. Congrats Larry & Joyce!
  11. Sent my payment in today as well, best money spend for sure. :mo money:
  12. Happy Birthday Buddy!
  13. Still in my prayers, get well soon!
  14. I'm glad both of you had a great time and made it home safe.
  15. Sorry Larry, full weekend but great job on trying to get something going.
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