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Personal Information

  • Name
    Fabio Zampieri


  • Location
    Sacramento, CA, United States


  • City
    Sacramento, CA


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Conputers, Programming, Networks, R/C Planes, Boating, and riding of course!!!
  • Bike Year and Model
    99 Royal Star Venture
  1. Dan, Payment has been sent. Sorry but it's not much but hope it helps. Get well soon! Fabio
  2. I hope that a defect is not the cause, but if it is then I'll know how to tear the clutch apart and put uit back together in no time. Pleanty of experience now The Castrol Activo that I've used on the bike since I owned it is motorcycle specific (for wet clutches), as the mineral Yamalube (also for wet clutches). Personally I would not have deviated from the the synthetic blend, if it wasn't for the dealership reccomendation to quiet down the motor, which it did not resolve at all. Moral of the story is that I have a non slipping clutch now that it's all cleaned up and the original synthetic blend oil is back into it. Now all I have to do is
  3. Well everyone I come with an interesting story. A while ago my engine was making a weird clanking / rattle noise upon deceleration, in fact I opened a thread on the issue: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=61278&highlight=engine+rattle Anyways, under the suggestion of my local Yamaha dealer, i did a complete oil change and switched to the Yamalube 10w 40 mineral oil, when I originally used a synthetic blend Castrol Activo 10w 40. Mind you the bike at the time had around 6k miles. Within 200 miles (4 days) i noticed clutch slipping through the high gears, especially 5th when i was trying to pass. I tore the clutch apart to see if the spring or any of the friction disks and clutch plates were within spec (yes they where). Put it all back together and same issue. So i grabbed 2 cans of brake cleaner and tore the clutch apart. Removed all the clutch components and thoroughly cleaned all of them. Replaced the oil with the original synthetic blend and the problem has gone away. I do realize that to conduct a proper experiment I should have put the mineral oi back into it to see if it did it again, but I just did not want to go through and dismantle the clutch again. To me this sounds weird, but I'm sure there is a logical explanation. Thanks for your continued support. This site is awesome!!
  4. fabioz84

    My baby!

  5. Condor, I sent you a pm with my contact info. Hope to hear from you soon.
  6. That solves it then :-)
  7. No the bike does not have the "Jason Mod". It might be something ill do at some time though...
  8. It's the chrome that make it faster eh? Again thank you!
  9. sure it is... . I suppose that you guys don't think I should do anything with the valves right? I'll look at the carb synch tonight again to make sure they're accurate.
  10. As promised, here are some pictures of the baby...
  11. No joke!!! Thank you Craigslist! Pics are to come rather quickly:) Thanks again. Fabio
  12. Thank you all so much for all of your responses. I paid $5,000 for the bike, I just came across it too, I was looking for a KLR650 and found this thing. I could not pass it up. It's the Bordeaux Red/Shimmering Silver one. I love it!!!! Such a fun bike to ride! As far as maintenance, I replace the oil and filter at 1,998 miles, cleaned and synched the carbs, along with the replacement of all the other fluids, including clutch and brakes fluids. Then I replaced the oil and filter again at around 3,500 miles. I have not ran Seafoam through the bike, I'll do that today. Thank all of you for the piece of mind and the confidence. I called the local dealer and to have the valves checked is $499. Does anyone is Sacramento want to get together and have a valve check party? Again thanks to all of you!
  13. Thanks for your prompt response and the welcome. The noise is very subtle, you almost have to listen for it, or it could be my imagination. I hope that is the latter one ;-) So far I love the bike, it took a bit to get used to, especially coming from a line of crotch rockets. At first I thoght that there was something wrong with the tranny because the shifting was loud and clunky, then the dealer told me it was normal, then he mentioned that the shifting will not be as precise as the one on a crotch rocket. That put my mind at ease. Anyways enough with the yammering, again thanks for the help. Fabio
  14. Hello everyone, I come in need of some help. I recently purchased (3 months ago) a 99 RSV with 2k miles. She was mostly stored, when i brought her home i did a complete oils, plugs, and fluid flush. She runs great, but now at almost 5k miles its now making an interesting noise / rattle when you let off the throttle. Listen to the file title rattle.mp3. It makes the noise when the engine is warm, not so much when it's cold. Could it need a valve adjustment? The other audio file is what she sounds like when cold. Not sure if its the right noise or not, but that's the way she sounds. Any help would be appreciated.
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