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  • Location
    Upstate NY, United States


  • City
    Upstate NY


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture
  1. I know that I need a new front tire, and probably a fork rebuild, but this bike has the shakes. It rides good(to me) though it does have a slight wobble to it, or should I say a "light" feeling in the front end while riding. Now I had this bike up to 80 mph and it went straight down the road, but still that feeling on the bars. Going around corners(at speed) demands attention. The feeling I'm talking about is like when you're riding a fast bike hammering it(racing)and you get that "feeling" right before it pulls the front wheel off the ground. Also when its on the centerstand, if I shake the bars, the front end wobbles. The whole front of the bike shakes. I know that the front tire has a little spring to it and you can see that when it moves but I don't see anything else loose. What should I look for? Thanks for any help!
  2. It could just be me. Like I was saying, I've always owned in-line 4's. A little history on the bike. Purchased it from a guy who had it for a few years. He never did any work on it himself(not even a wash), he just rode it. The good was that he did take it to the bike shop everytime he had a problem. The thing was, he said he kept dumping money into it and was done with it. He went and purchased a new bike(Yamaha Royal Star). The Venture sat in his heated garage for "he said" about a year and a half. He did keep the battery charged, stabil in the tank, and he also said that he would start it from time to time. I was told that the stabil had been in the tank all along. I purchased the bike. Well, I finally had a chance to go over it and realized that 1 cyl wasn't firing(one pipe was cold). I changed all the fluids, the filters, plugs, and sync'd the carbs. Right after the plug change, all cyl's were firing. Then after the sync(waay off), the bike ran GREAT! The thing is, "to me" it sounds like a twin(putt, putt, putt)thats why I asked. Now... I did a search on the net of sound clips for the 1st Gens and yeah, thats what I hear. One thing that I questioned was the gas/reserve thing. I drained the fuel, but I don't know if I got it ALL. Did put new gas in though and didn't try the seafoam yet(thats next). I can live with it this way, but am a little bummed about the low speed/low rpm lag. I'm not giving up though. One more thing... I just want to thank everyone who has helped me, the site itself, and a BIG thanks for the guru/'s who opened it. I'd be lost without it. Thanks again!
  3. Oh, sorry bout that...we're having a little "get together" tonight. The wife keeps giving me the eye:no-no-no:. I'm in Rochester, NY.
  4. Sorry about the lingo... been a "hotrodder" forever. I have a 84 Venture. My last bike was a 1100 Ninja. I'm not saying it sounds like a Harley twin, which is kind of "choppy", it's more like a cruiser bike twin. It's also not smooth in the lower rpm(1st gear). It feels like it's missing until you get on the gas. It will smooth itself out the faster you go, and it sounds normal. Its just when you rev it , and pulling off from 1st gear, does it NOT sound right.
  5. I don't know anyone with another Venture, nor have I ever road one before. I always owned in-line 4's. So I'm asking... are these bikes suppose to sound like a v-twin? That's how mine sounds. It starts right up(min. choke), idle's good, but when you take off, it luggs(not boggs) a bit. It seems to have good power and speed, but lower rpm, it sounds like a v-twin... and luggs a bit, at slower speeds.
  6. I have a '84 Venture Royal with all the chrome and lights. A lot of the chrome(especially behind the rear tire) is pitted and can't be saved. To add to that, it has a bunch of lights attached to it, which are also pitted. I'm not really "big" into chrome and I just want to take it all off. My problem/question is... how can I, or what is the best way to remove the lights without screwing up the wiring? Thanks for any help.
  7. Hfab5

    long rides?

    Thanks guys... I was invited on a 300 mile(give or take)ride in a couple of weeks. My '84 seems to be running fine. Ive put some good "local" miles on it, but always have that worry feeling. My bike will be the oldest by a mile! Guess I just needed some inspiration.
  8. ...any fork braces left Condor?
  9. Wondering if anyone here is taking 1st Gen Ventures on lond distance rides... and how long. I see/hear about newer bikes on long rides, but I haven't really of the 1st Gens.
  10. Yeah MasterGuns, I did change but its semi-synthetic. Whats the best oil to use for this bike? I thought that a good semi, or full synthetic would be the oil to go with.
  11. That IS bad news... with a good outlook. Thanks for the info guys!
  12. Went to start the bike this morning, hit the switch, turned over a couple of times, then a loud clunk... like something broke inside. I hit the button again and it started right up, no problem, no sounds. What the heck could that have been? Took it down the street... nothing. It ran fine. Anyone have this happen to them before?
  13. Purchased a 84 Venture that sat for two summers with sta-bil in the tank. The bike ran really rough, smoked, and wouldn't stay running unless the choke was on. I drained the carbs, ran some new gas through, put in new plugs, changed the and filter, and sync'd the carbs. The bike runs great... but its still smoking a little. It looks more white but it looks to have a blue tint also. I've only been up the street(1st, 2nd gear) and back so I havent ridden the bike anywhere. Where do I go from here? Thanks for any help.
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