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Everything posted by Patrolman46

  1. Good to hear from you Dano. Mark (0honeman1981) & I have remarked about your mechanical ability, and we are both amazed at the rectifier you put on the bike in Cody. I don't think we actually met, but we all sat around & talked so we feel like we know you and consider you a friend, like so many others on the site. It's a great group and we are showing the love we have for each other today just like you did in Cody when you fixed every bike that needed it.
  2. Mark, You truly have been blessed to have such a GREAT Dad. Our conversation this morning was really a great tribute to your Dad. All of the neighbor kids had to LOVE him because he was the local fix-it guy that always repaired their bikes. And the Moms in the neighborhood had to really appreciate him for repairing their washers & dryers. Such a rare guy. Now we can all know why you stop for every stranded motorist, you learned it from your Dad. What a wonderful thing to inherit from your genes.....the natural heart to help those in need. We send you & your family our heart felt sympathies. And although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you. And I know it already has Best Wishes,
  3. I rode to work on Jan 3, the first official work day of the year. Way to start the year I figured. It was 54 deg at 5:30 so when I went downstairs to get dressed for work I just put the leather coat & helmet on and Babe said "what the hell are you doing?" Next morning it was 11 deg at 5:30. Mark & I went for a ride on Jan 14 but it was pretty cool getting home in the dark. Nice to stretch the legs..!!!
  4. Well the wife & I have decided to list the farm and move to town. Mixed emotions I guess. Babe has raised a cow herd here on the farm over the last 20 years, with all the cows having names & each with their own personality. Hard to take them to the cattle auction, but that's the reality of the cow business. I have lived here on the farm longer than any other place in my life. Lots of loves & fond memories of the 20 years here. It will be nice to open the garage door & ride the bike on cement or pavement without riding a mile & a half on dirt or mud. Lots more days able to ride without the worry of rain making the road to the house muddy! I will have to relearn to go into the house every time I need to make water. That will be harder than it might sound to you town guys, as here on the farm you just make water where ever you are. No more worries about the septic overflowing, the well quitting, the electric line losing connectivity, (as it did yesterday) or being snowbound for several days (2006). I will keep you posted.
  5. You & Lee should get the Murano because it is so well equipped. You will really like all of the features & Brendan will really like the entertainment center in the back seat. You guys deserve to have some comfort with your driving & the TAXI service that is only going to get busier as Brendan gets more involved in school & all the activities. GOOD LUCK & Let's drive it to Houston??? Think Lee will let us?
  6. Glad to see you headed in the right direction!! Keep us posted.
  7. What did the doctor diagnose & prescribe as a start to fix this problem? I ask my wife that has been a nurse for 45 years and she said the first thing she would have a dietitian look at your diet. She said to have your doctor order the consult with dietitian so the insurance will pay for it. Otherwise you will have to pick up the consult tab. And if you smoke, QUIT. The smoking robs the blood of red cells, so anything you can do to help it will be beneficial. Keep us posted & we will try to help. At least be a listening post. Take Care,
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY!!!! HOPE YOUR DAY WAS AS GREAT AS YOU DESERVE!! Hope to see you somewhere this year. May you have a Prosperous & HEALTHY 2012.
  9. You can count Mark & in to help
  10. Phoneman1981 & I are planning on riding up to Freebird's MD. Hope we can both get away. I would like to bring my 06 RSMTD & get some pin striping done on it. It is my bad boy daily ride to work bike & I would like to personalize it little bit. How do I get in line to be considered for this fine service? I don't really have any ideas what I want, but would like to talk with Jaybird & maybe he can guide me. Thanks for listening!
  11. Mark, The same "Stealer" charged me $343 for a Dunlop Elite III & a diff change. I think we've got to get a shop set up so we can do this simple stuff our selves. I might try showing them the price of the tires on the internet or J&P & see what they offer.
  12. 2011 was my 1st year of touring on a bike. Thanks to Phoneman1981 & his quick & timely message to me the day I joined VR.org I found a good riding buddy and new friend. I didn't join VR.org until April 29 last year after purchasing my MM in January. Phoneman1981 & I hooked up and rode several trips together, The Venture Riders International Rally in Cody was the highlight of all the summer rides & such a great group of bikers. Really fun to make so many new friends in a new life as "Biker Dude". We also went to Sturgis, SD and Saratoga, WY with 5 bikes, and 5 bikes to Hot Springs, SD Also made several ride & rallies that Phoneman1981 missed putting 5,500 mi on the MM and just short of 7,000 mi on the new 2006 Midnight RSTD that I ride to work every day I can. Last ride I had in 2011 was Thanksgiving Day. Gonna be a long winter the way it is starting. Like Phoneman1981 mentioned we are hoping to trailer our bikes to MD in TX. I really want to ride with my Daughter & her husband in Austin into the Hill Country. Sorry this is so long. THANKS MARK..!!! It's been a fun year & look forward to the miles in 2012. Wishing one & all a HEALTHY & PROSPEROUS New Year & many safe smooth miles in 2012..!!
  13. Here's wishing you a Healthy & PROSPEROUS new year in 2012. Keep the old girl if you can. I just got my MM a year ago & I know how you can get quickly attached to a chunk of iron, plastic & rubber. Keep us up to date & don't stay in silence because we care & want to know. We're with you!
  14. My 1st 2 wheel ride was a Red 1962 Cushman Eagle. I rode it 10,000mi from the time I was 14 until I got my 59 Plymouth Belvedere when I turned 16. What great freedom it gave a 14 year old that was a gear head @ age 5. Thank God Colorado changed the driving age to 16 for any motor vehicle before my kids got to that age. My poor mom never knew where I was.
  15. Thank God for our dear wives!! Don you are really lucky to have a wife that cares & is worried about your health. It's a great wake up for all the guys on this site to heed. You need to have a complete blood workup every year. Most insurances will help pay for it & it's really important to keep up with our health issues. Some of us even have some bad habits that contribute to our health problems. If you have a vitamin D deficit you probably also have a bone density problem. Not a bad idea to talk to the doc about that. Good luck & keep us up to date on your "D" progress. I'm married to a nurse so she has had me on a complete vitamin regimen for years.
  16. I didn't read to the end & see your last post. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You struck gold. Enjoy the ride. Looking forward to meeting you somewhere on the road. If you decide to go to Sturgis get in contact with me. we are trying to put together a mini VR rally in Sturgis.
  17. MERRY CHRISTMAS & Happy New Year!!!! Babe & I wish you the best Christmas you've had. We're so glad you're doing so well! We were one of the couples that sat with you and Kathy at the banquet in Cody. We've had you in our prayers and thoughts since the spill. Hope you get to go home soon. Keep up the great work you've been doing with your rehab. Hope to see you at the MD this spring. Kreg, Thanks for the update!!
  18. Sorry to hear of your Father's mishap. Our thoughts & prayers will be with you & your family. My wife & I have both lost our parents & have felt short changed for the time we haven't had with them, but this is traggic to hear of your Fathers suffering. Speedy Recovery!!!! Help Mom get through this time!
  19. Now several days later & with quite a few stories to tell I find this "crappy excuse post". We sold a farm last year to cut down on labor & tasks the hired man (ME) has to do. Need more time to ride the scoot around with Phoneman1981. So as the year is winding down & most of the fall chores are completed, my wife volunteers to spread the neighbors manure. (In trade for hay for her cows). Long story short she figures out she can't complete the chore but the hired man (ME) could. Second load (10tons), which might be the biggest load of crap this site has seen, a basketball sized chunk of concrete lodged in the beaters & sheared a keyway on a 1-1/2" shaft. SHAP!!! 2 of my favorite words joined Well that's about the time Phoneman1981 texted. You guessed it, that's how this post got started. Advance 10 days & 25 stories later I'm back home after a great dove hunting trip in Maricopa, AZ for 5 days with my son, friend of 60+ years & a couple other conservative hunters that tried to out drink us 2 old men. What a job, but somebody had to do it. By the way I got that load of manure off the spreader after replacing the key on the shaft & digging out the concrete. Still have 20 loads to go. Might have to talk with the "BOSS" about this working for the neighbors & cutting into my scoot time. I might have to quit & move to town in the ALLO apartment. By the way Phoneman1981 how do these guys know me so well? I see some posts that I resemble.
  20. Brian, Thanks for making contact with the Sturgis HS person. That's great! I think we should wait to ask for something specific from her until we know more about how many people are interested. maybe we could consider a table or 2 on the North side of the cafeteria 7 put a little sign up for all the VR members to see. Just thinking out loud?? Any ideas?
  21. We would enjoy meeting you & your friends. Sounds like you've got a great group of rides planned. Let's all stay tuned here on this thread & maybe one of the moderators will help us with a place we can post our dates to be in Sturgis & our phone numbers. It will be great to meet some more of the family. We might even try to arrange a small VR Sturgis Rally.
  22. Hey we are serious!! You bring the flame bike to Sturgis & we'll put you in a 10 bike escort. Ha Great ideas guys!! I think it will be a lot of fun to meet all the VR family we can.
  23. Welcome to the VR family!! Great looking ride!!! The International Rally is in New York this year so if you go to it you will really get some miles under you. If you don't go to the Int Rally we are going to try & get together in Sturgis this next summer. Phoneman1981 & I will probably make a ride to Rock Springs this spring just to meet you. We're always looking for a reason to go somewhere. If you get to the Western NE area look us up. You can find our phone numbers here or you can message us here too. Glad to have some more rural guys in the family. You will get a kick out of the guys joking with each other & the family care for each other from this site.
  24. Got my G-Bells Sat. Babe tossed the package to me with "well here's another package for you". I might have to get a PO Box for all this fun stuff I keep getting in the mail. THANKS DON !!!
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