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About Patrolman46

  • Birthday October 13

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dan Franks


  • Location
    Torrington, WY, WY, United States


  • City
    Torrington, WY


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Grandkids, Hot Air Balloons, Sail Boats, Motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 RSV MM, 06 RSMTD
  1. I really like the RSTD Bar End Weights. That's waht I hope to find.
  2. They are great. Mark (Phoneman1981) has a pair on his bike & I had ridden his RSTD & they really fit me well. I ordered them, had about a year before we got around to putting them on at the Tri-State MD in Sterling. Have only ridden a few hundred miles since install, but they are everything I was hoping. No more shoulder aches or neck bind. Do you have a set of "Bar End Weights" 6 a RSTD?
  3. Looking for a set of "RSTD Bar End Weights". I put a set of Flanders "Pull Back" bars on my 06 RSTD. Now I want to put the RSTD bars on my "RSV". I need a set of "Bar End Weights" for a RSTD to put on the bars. The bar end weights are the ones that have the bolt running all the way through them to a nut in the end of the handle bar. Thanks, Dan
  4. I am still looking for a Hannigan sidecar to put on my MMRSV. Anybody have an eye on one that is available? Need a used one as a new one will cost twice what my MM cost 3 years ago. Photos if possible. THANKS
  5. COOL.!! Happy New Year.!!!!
  6. If anyone has a Wagner Grill available I would be interested in it. Nine seven oh - 396 - sixteen oh seven. Dan
  7. I would order a white one for my 2000 MM Venture. Thanks Keep us informed
  8. Never too late. Good Luck & Enjoy
  9. I put a 130 on the front of my RSV after reading about the better slow speed handling & have really liked it. I didn't experience any poor handling at speed so I really like the change. Have a 130 hanging in the garage to put on my RSTD when the front wears out. Can't wait.
  10. Maybe we should have a "Millenium" reunion?? Any suggestions
  11. #775 18,000mi. Like New. Bought 3 years ago from a dealer in Ohio. 2nd owner.
  12. Your Welcome
  13. I ride withe the perfect example of a guy they pattered this code by. Some of you know him as Phoneman1981. He is the most helpful guy in the world & he knows somebody everywhere that can help in any situation. I have only been biking with Mark for 3 years and I could write 10,000 words, and tell of numerous stories I have personally witnessed. We are really lucky to have this great group of guys & gals here @ VRO to fall back on, but stopping and helping a stranger is the ultimate "Paying It Forward". Keep up the good work and thoughts. What goes around, does come around.
  14. Welcome to our little liars nest. Great group & you made a good deal & got a GREAT looking bike
  15. Watching your posts on the VRI in Alabama I looked for weather averages for the area. This may be of some help: http://www.weather.com/weather/wxclimatology/monthly/graph/USAL0255 C Ya, Patrolman46
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