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Everything posted by Lepapehermann

  1. The turntable is now secured onto the garage floor and the bike is on it. Turning my ride around is a breeze, I couldn't be happier with the whole thing. I wanted to ride today but we had some snow last night.... I will have to wait a little longer.
  2. A real steal, I just installed the following 9" red led strip lamp, under my RSV trunk, on my brake circuit. It is really looking great, no special bracket required, not difficult to install and the leds are really bright..... professionnal look. I used transparent silicon to hold it in place and connected it to the brake light circuit...... et voila.... P/N 8059495 at Princess Auto , special this week 9$ Canadian(REGULAR 15$) CATALOG PAGE# 359 http://www.princessauto.com/PAcountry.cfm?CTRY=CAN&INF=home Princess Toll Free Phone:1-800-665-8685 Hermann
  3. Great if you have a centerstand but if you don't !!!!!!!!!!
  4. [quote=Lone Eagle;62992 WOW - THAT IS AWESOME, HERMANN. Tools, time, but moreso knowledge and imagination. Do you think those wheels would gradually pick up stuff from the floor to cause them to stop turning? The wheel, in reality, are bearings and the concrete surface in the garage is extremely hard so I don't expect any dust buildup. I will certainly have to keep the floor clean, sweeping it from time to time should be enough to keep the dirt out of the way. All the bearings are aligned according to the radius of the turntable so they roll flat and at the right angle eliminating any possible skew that could generate dust buildup.
  5. PICTURE 1 I used DURAL industrial carpenter glue G2300, it's a pretty good glue that I use for all my woodworking projects. Picture 2 Also note, in the included photo, the center strip that has a different color, this is due to the surface that has been treated with sand while the paint was still wet, the surface (center strip only) is now like coarse sand paper.
  6. You can't have it all!!! jack and turntable. :)
  7. The only difference between yours and mine is the price (+$930 for you!), they both do the job effortless. :)
  8. I just finish building and painting a wooden turntable for my bike. Backing out of the garage was almost impossible and turning the bike around inside the garage was not an option so I decided to build a turntable. A couple of 2X12, a 2X6, 8 ball bearings (5/8 I.D.), a 5/8 hardwood dowel rod, a 12" turntable bearings, some screws, a few woodworking tools, many hours of work et voila!!!! Total cost around $70 My first test is a real success and I can now easily turn around my 800 pounds machine, the only thing left to do is secure the center of the turntable to the concrete floor in the garage and install a lock so the table doesn't swivel while going up or down on it. I have included a few pictures for those who may be interested.
  9. They are out!!!! Thanks to all, here is the secret: The rivet has a center plunger that can be slightly pushed in to release the lock, once the lock is release you can easily pull the rivet assembly out. To re-assemble you simply pull the center plunger out, re-insert the rivet and push the center plunger flush with the rivet's head... et voila. See picture
  10. I would really like to do that but it is almost impossible as there is nothing sticking out in the middle of the rivet and each rivet is in a hole with very little space on the sides plus I will have to use a mirror to see what I am doing, see picture taken from inside the trunk.
  11. Thanks Scott, I will try to slowly pry them out like you say, I am only concern by the fact that they are firmly in place and will force them out fully extended at the back. Could that cause a problem?
  12. Hi Scott, Not sure I understand, what do I push in with the small screwdriver, is it the center pin that I push inside the rivet? how far?
  13. Hello I would like to know how to remove the latch cover inside the trunk of a RSV1999, there is 4 plastic knobs that seems to hold it in place but I don't know how to remove them and don't want to break anything. Is there any special tool needed? Can I use something else? Any trick? I have included a picture from inside the trunk so you can see what I mean. Thanks for your help Hermann
  14. I just finish adding a trunk lid spoiler to my RSV, the installation went smoothly and I am happy as this is adding a lot of visibility to my motorcycle. The installation is straight forward but I would caution you not to follow the connection instructions, they say to open the connector and insert the wires into the female part and then put it back together. This is very risky for short and for connector damage, I would suggest removing the pins and soldering the wires on the pin then reinsert the pin in the proper slot.(see pictures)
  15. Thanks for the good suggestions for cleaning whitewalls tires and I am sure you all recommend working with caution and in a well ventilated area when using those products. I will try the Castrol stuff first and if it doesn't work I will try the grill cleaning stuff. The Castrol Super Clean must be really good.... look what the National Institute of Health says: Acute Health Effects:From MSDS (Material safety data sheet) Inhalation: Nasal and respiratory irritation, pneumonitis, and tissue damage. Eye Contact: Irritation, redness, tearing, pain, conjunctival swelling, burns. Skin Contact: Irritation, redness, extreme dryness and peeling, scarring. Ingestion: Can cause severe irritation or burns to digestive tract. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Pre-existing skin disorders. The grill cleaner must be very good too.... Acute Health Effects:From MSDS: Inhalation: Hazardous in case of inhalation (lung corrosive). Inhalation of the spray mist may produce severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized by coughing, choking, or shortness of breath. Eye Contact: Hazardous in case of eye contact (corrosive). Ingestion: May be fatal if swallowed. May cause burns to mouth, throat, and stomach. Skin Contact: Hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, permeator). Skin contact may produce burns. Harmful if absorbed through the skin.
  16. Anyone out there knows how to clean whitewall tires? I am having trouble finding stuff that doesn't require a lot of hard work and will properly restore the whitewall on my bike's tires. No matter what I use there is still some yellow marks, along the outside perimeter, that I can't get rid of. Thanks for your help. Hermann
  17. Thanks for the info, I will be making one in the near future. Hermann
  18. Hi Gary, I am planning to buy one of those bike jack and was wondering why you needed to modify your jack!! I own a 99 RSV and would like to use a jack to move my bike around in the garage, will I be able to do that without modifying the jack Can you also provide the details for the modifications, the pictures are good but a detail explanation of the modifications will help me put everything in place. Many thanks, Hermann
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