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Everything posted by elcorbs

  1. I too decided to leave the Venture behind after nearly 1 year. I tried with all my heart and sole to love this bike so I wouldn't be buying something else but it didn't work. The bike was great on the interstate, but due to the weight and top heavy feel it was not happy on the city streets. It was the most comfortable cruiser I have ridden. I did have a Royal Star Tour Deluxe in 1998 and a Road Star Silverado in 2001 and a Road King Classic in 2007. Out of these cruisers the RSV is the most comfortable. In 2007 I bought an FJR and was in heaven for 2 years. I told my wife I wouldn't ride anymore. Sold it and didn't ride for 1 year then begged to buy another FJR in 2009. I couldn't find anything except a Concours 14 ABS. I bought it but was never happy with it like I was with the FJR. Front brake rotors had to be replaced under warranty and then after 2,000 miles they started grabbing once more. I then traded it on the 2011 RSV. Thought I would be happy, but I couldn't take it. I like the nimbleness of the FJR and it being so much lighter and easier to handle. I find myself so excited about riding again. I think if I had never riden the FJR I would have been ok. It simply spoiled me! Thanks for all the help and answering the few questions that I had. I did enjoy being on this forum and having questions answered without me even asking. Elcorbs
  2. Hi Sebring and Miramar. Middleburg here. It was 80 today in North East Florida. Suppose to be around 80 again tomorrow. Leaving @ 0630 for a good ride with a friend. Elcorbs
  3. I have been using IE 9 since it came out and have not had any issues on a notebook and a desk top. Waiting on IE 10.
  4. I have only had my 2011 RSV since May of this year but I have not got less than 43 mpg. If I run the interstate it is around 43mpg and if I am running the country roads it is 47 - 49 mpg. Almost as good as my 2006 RK was getting. I am very pleased with the gas mileage on such a large comfortable bike. Elliott
  5. I rode with a 2008 Goldwing yesterday that had GPS that said he was doing 60. My speedometer said I was doing right at 65. Just ordered a ram mount and bracket for my Garmin so in the next week I will be riding the correct speed! Ell
  6. I have driven Chevy's for years but got frustrated having them in the shop for one thing or another. My 1982 Cavalier was in the shop 11 times in 9 months. I could not get the dealer to buy the car back so I found another dealer that traded it for a 1982 Malibu Classic Deisel. What a mistake. Got rid of one problem but took on another one with more problems. I traded the Malibu for a new 1985 Monte Carlo which turned out to be one of the best cars I ever owned. The Monte Carlo was given to my son for his first car. After a couple of accidents and knocked down mail boxes, he finally got rid of it. I bought a 1988 S10 Blazer and when it was a little more than a year old I was out washing it and watched the paint peel away while spraying it with water. I had it painted while living in Key West. We moved to Jacksonville and while washing it the paint started to peel again. I could not keep the front right tire in alignment. Chevy had no fix. My battery cracked and lots of equipment had to be replaced because of the battery acid. I had to fight chevrolet to pay for the repairs. My 2000 Corvette was the worst of them all. Total junk from day one. Took it back to the dealer the day after I bought it for differential fluid on the garage floor. The following year the gas gauge went bad. Replaced the sending unit in the left tank. About 6 months later the gas gauge went bad again. This time they replaced the sending unit in the right tank. The following year the battery cracked and leaked acid all over the firewall and had to be cleaned. Thank goodness it was fiberglass. A few months later my wife and I were leaving a restaurant. I put the car in drive and the steering wheel would not turn. Called for a ride home. Went home and got on the corvette forum to see if someone had a fix. Jerk the steering wheel from side to side then turn on the ignition to see if it was unlocked. I did this a few times hoping I wouldn't tear the steering wheel off the column. It unlocked and the next morning I took it to the dealer for repair. I had to pay because it was out of warranty. I brought in a corvette magazine that showed 38,000 other corvette owners were having the same issue but chevrolet had not done a recall. About 7 months later a recall was submitted and I got my money refunded. 0nce the car was paid for, more issues started. My drivers side window would not come down. The gate guards didn't like me opening the door to hand them my ID to get on the base. I got on the forum to see what to do. I was advised not to buy a new motor because it would do the same thing. I ended up taking off the door panel and tapping the motor with a small hammer to help the brushes make contact. It worked for a few months and I had to do it all over again. Then the passenger door started doing the same thing. I was just too frustrated with having to work on the car and it not being dependable. Now that Chevrolet is Government Motors, I switched to Toyota for good. No more GM even though I hated getting rid of my 2008 Z06. I couldn't get my wife to learn how to drive the stick so it had to go. Now I drive a 2008 Sequoia. It tows my 8,000 pound travel trailer and all my grandchildren and nieces when we go camping. My wife had a 2007 Camry XLE which was also very nice. We had no problems in the 3 years we had it but in 2009 she was rear ended while at a traffic light and I got rid of it. I have since bought her a Lexus ISC 350 to replace the Corvette. She said she wanted a corvette again but I kept reminding her of all the problems we had before so I convinced her to try the Lexus. She is really impressed. It doesn't have the outright power of a corvette but it is still fun to drive. It actually has more horsepower than our first corvette which was a 1995. The Lexus is so much fun and the electronics my wife won't even touch. I set everything up for her and showed her the basics so she could drive it. This Lexus is by no means an overrated Toyota. The engine size is the same as the Camry she first had but the Lexus has 38 more horsepower which can be felt. The car is so quiet and comfortable. The Lexus sound system is great and all controls including the GPS are really pretty simple to use once you learn them. My wife lets down all the windows holds down a switch and the top goes into the trunk. She really loves the car. My coworker bought an Audi Q5 for his wife because they couldn't find the Toyota 4Runner that they wanted. He has had it repaired already and said he is dissapointed that he didn't wait for what he really wanted. I subscribe to Consumer Reports because I want to see what the owners say about their cars and not someone who gets paid to advertise like JD Powers. According to Consumer Reports the Audi Q5 is rated worse than average and the Lexus is rated better than average. Of all the automobiles that had enough respondents to the survey, Audi is 3rd from the bottom of the list of most reliable automobiles. Lexus is second from the top. The only automobile better is the Scion which is made by Toyota. Hope this helps you in your decision.
  7. I had a new 2006 Road King Classic. Nice bike but couldn't ever get comfortale on it. Added the riders back rest but that didn't do it either. The seat was horrible. Did a stage II upgrade but was still not what I expected. I moved on to an FJR. Great bike, but just not very comfortable. Stopped riding for a year and bought a Kawasaki Concours. After the front rotors were replaced and they started acting like the first set I bought the RSV. I am really happy with the bike. I only have 2500 miles on it so far but it is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned. The power is nice. It likes to run in the higher RPMs. Hopefully this will be my last bike. Elliott
  8. I am a member because free membership came with the bike. I haven't met any members or made any rides due to my working every other weekend. So far every meeting and every ride has been on my work day. I have spoke to the Jax president and at one time I was on the e-mail list. Since I have not ridden or attended any meetings I have been dropped from the list. I will not renew until I retire in 2016. I will then be able to attend the meetings and ride with the group. Elliott
  9. I just bought mine in April and would have hated to see any changes after just investing all that money. I am very pleased with mine and like was said earlier "if it aint broke don't fix it". Elliott
  10. My previous bike was a 2008 Concours. It was great straight ahead but took a lot of effort to get it into a turn with speed. The front brakes were terrible. I had the rotors replaced at 6,000 miles due to warping, and when I traded it in on the RSV I was starting to notice the front brakes once again grabbing. Check out the Concours forum to see the issues they are having on their bikes. I have found it good to see what others are saying about their bikes on forums before investing. I also had a 2007 FJR 1300A. That was a great bike except for the seat. It was very uncomfortable. Everyone was getting the seat replaced. I have found that the seat on the RSV is the most comfortable stock seat I have had on a bike. The final decision must be yours. Test riide everything you are considering. I have found that no matter what you buy you will always be looking for something else. Boys and there Toys! IMOHA Yamaha builds the better bike. Ell
  11. I have been there and done that front brake at slow speed thingy on my RSD I had back in 1998. My wife and I both went down in a parking lot. Neither of us physically hurt but it again reminded me to stay off the front brake at slow speeds which is hard to do sometimes. I notice that I get to comfortable myself and that is when we get caught. Elliott
  12. My parents both grew up right there. We were there just a little more than 2 years ago with my parents reminiscing about the good times they had when they lived there. They had lots of stories to tell my brother and I and our wives. Elliott
  13. Mike, I bought a dremmel tool and 2 packages of the cut off wheels with 20 each in a package. I only used about 15 wheels so I think I did well. I took the bike out for a 100 mile ride and really enjoyed the new sound. Not too loud, just the right amount of sound. I could still play my I-pod over the speakers and enjoy the music. So glad I joined this forum. I am learning a lot about the bike. After about 6 bikes in the last 13 years, this is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned. I sit up straight, my feet are the right distance on the floor boards without my legs hurting and I have love the reach to the handlebars. My back has not bothered me at all. When I owned the 2006 Road King Classic I could only ride about 30 minutes and my back was killing me. I had to add the riders back rest in order to ride it. With my posture on this bike I have not had any back pain. So happy I made the investment. Thanks again for the help. Elliott
  14. Mike, thanks for the pictures and instructions. What you showed me and told me is not what I was about to do to my exhaust. Now if I decide to accomplish this it will be much easier with your instructions and pictures. I don't even own a dremel so would have to buy that first. I also see an extension which I would guess will allow me to get further into the exhaust to make the cut. Again, thank you. Elliott
  15. Could someone post pictures of the mod? I am wanting to do this but want to ensure I am doing it correctly. Only have 1 try. The pictures of the exhaust cut in half just doesn't do it for me and my simple mind.
  16. The installation instructions says and I quote:"This component is not authorized or packaged for retail sale as an accessory." "The insatallation of the digital interface is considered part of the normal unit assembly procedure on this model." Like I said previously, there are no part numbers listed for the interface module or interface cable or the iPod cable. Orbit
  17. Hope this is good enough for all to see. These came out the best. I will try and answer all questions that I can.
  18. elcorbs

    My 2011 RSV

  19. I will take pictures once the rain clears on my next day off. Had doctors appointment today and didn't find the time.
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