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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. Same here Redneck, My lawn is gettimg double duty on the sprinkelrs.
  2. It seems im always holding the camera. here is me on my v star 1100 vacationing in FL before i moved here 5 years ago http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/meonbeach.jpg heres a more recient shot of me on my boat http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/MVC-299S-1.jpg
  3. That ewould be a cool pic to see. kida like this Beemer
  4. they tayste like Chicken
  5. when i first moved to Fl I bought one that went up with the push of a button went from 2' tall to 7'
  6. They look like my old V Star 1100 fenders http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_1.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_34.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_30.jpg
  7. whoever did it copyied my stereo set up. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_760s_461.jpg
  8. Looks like a great day!
  9. Actually all the Ipods, at least my nano has shuffle on it. if I dontlike one song i can just hit forward to the next tune. some times its odd to go from Van Halen to Asleep at the wheel though to ill pic one genre rock blues ect. I just bough a new stereo for my boat today with a Ipod hook up
  10. Tell him to buy a Yamaha
  11. XXXL shirt= XL Bob and XXL wife. is this what your saying Bob better not let the wife see this
  12. if my bike has set a few days or so i usually get a number of clicks I didnt think it was a problem:confused24:
  13. I was the same way when i bought mine and the first year the V stars came out at Lacons bike week the firt year I didnd see any others. then it was nice to see more and morein later years.
  14. Remember thoose studed snow tires? they sure made some noise too.
  15. ive got one from http://www.tourkingcovers.com/shop/ that i keep onboard all the time
  16. Ya I found the spring missing. I found the hose off poking around looking where I have a oil leak on the motor.
  17. Ya and the socks need to go too:D Glad you had fun:thumbsup2:
  18. Thanks snagle, ill have to check that out again:thumbsup2:
  19. Sorry guys Ive been off for a few nights No Tom that not my bike, I dont have the time to do a swap out like that right now with work and the riding is just to nice now to tear the bike down:D
  20. Error here also. I got one on E bay for about 50 after I go tmy bike. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/6929_1.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/6555_1.jpg
  21. Doese it look like this?
  22. Ok so i found a hose not connected to anything tonight on the left side of my motor. the hose goese down to a filter or somting on the left next to the frame and then in front of the motor drains i gueese , it looks like a vent/ drain line. but the top end of the hose is not connected to anything. any idea where its susposed to go I dont see any thing in my shop manuale. heres the pic of the hose. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/100_1422m.jpg
  23. Derrok how is that cape coral bike night? is it worth the ride and when is the next one?
  24. Thanks Wayne I felt my hand all over the tip and didnt fell any spring
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