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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. http://www.venturers.org/Forum/images/smiles/worthless_pics.gif
  2. Windy and damp here I got wet riding home from Breakfast buffet. so its a lamb
  3. My 84 has a lighter on the left side of the dash, and stays on all the time also. I though this was stock? as my old 84 also had this same lighter.
  4. cool I did say plow
  5. I am not a vet but my father was.
  6. Well I passed him again Saturday on manasota key with a group of bikes again.
  7. Wow just saw it tonight. a tear on my cheek and a lump in my throat.
  8. Bump, Dont tell me nobody else is riding:confused24: get thoose cameras out
  9. and the plow dosent have to be on the truck, just in the pic.
  10. Ok next one will be for you folks up north. You your bike and a snow plow. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/100_1543.jpg?t=1235268045
  11. Ok so this should do, I took a ride today down to the beach and took this shot on Lemon Bay http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/100_1543.jpg?t=1235268045
  12. My J&M CB has an attacjment to comnnect to your Cell, but I dont have it. why would i want to take a call while im riding:confused24:
  13. IS that Charley?
  14. i rember the first time i took a test ride on my first 84 VR I couldnt see the front tire and the window not turning with the bars was weirod at first, but you probly cant see the front tire on the G2 but the fairing doese turn. any way aside from a little oil leak ive got no issues. PS I just got back from a dnner ride tonight.
  15. So what was going on up there guys in Port Dover for the 13TH?
  16. Way to go putting them back Don, I quit cold turkey 10 years ago or so I lost track. I had a cold and the tayse of a cig was awful. Id lite one and take 1 drag and oput it out. I did this with a whole pack and never bought a new one. /hang ing there, I was a 2 pack a dayer, but if i lived with a smoker Id dont think it would have been alot harder .
  17. Were thoose photos Taken in Vero Beach? is that what the homes look liek over there? I take it to be up north somwhere.
  18. I was just going to ask the proper way to do this, but what is a Western Union Splice? just twisting them?
  19. Good though as I never look ther emyself and id hate to miss a good deal
  20. maybe this is a dumb question, but can new rotors be bought still ? specfily for my 84?
  21. now this is just to easy. Maybe ill ride to work tomorow and bring my camera
  22. I was gona say shave the seat down also, heres a corbin I think shaved down so you can get and idea how it could look.
  23. I think I had the starting bid 5 bucks but went to bed
  24. Back in 1995 I was riding a Suzuki GS 550 it was a sweet mint shape owned by a sweet old guy who was full of stories of his riding days and as a pilot flying with Lindburg, any way my brother bough t a gold wing I was on the lookout for a touring bike. Thats when a friend told me his neighbor had a nice bike he was trying to sell and he needed a new canvas top on his boat.( this was great for me as Im a marine canvas and upholsterer) so he told him about my shop and contacted me. we worked a deal on his bike for my services AWSOME!, the bike was a mint 84 Royale loaded with all the chrome two tone burgandy. I had to sell it in a few years do to life and a kid and ex wife. after a few V Stars and roadstar I decided I wanted morre comfort after i moved to FL a few years ago and found a 84 venture just as nice as my old one. heres the first Venture
  25. Well Ive alway been a boater and fisherman, im learning fishing again after moving to Florida and Photography I alway bring my camera in the boat or bike. I like woodworkig projects and working in my yard and gardens. I enjoy upholstery not furniture but thats my job.
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