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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. Ok SW florida here ,what to do fishing ,boating, beaches here some local fun and local wildlie,Boca Grande lighthouse one shot at sunset also. and your trulys mug Oh ya i forgot great winter riding weather, actually today i had to break out my leather as it was 73* this morning. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_100_0535.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_100_0518.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_100_0470.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_100_0141.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_mini-DolphinJump.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_MVC-309S.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_MVC-258S.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_DSCN0505.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_MVC-813S.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_cid_001701c59c80b438908058ee3844myp.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_0223.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_Stumppass.jpg
  2. Im going to be ordering one soon Rick, ive just gt a few things going on before i can do it. mike
  3. ythanks for the info muffin mentioned Yamabond is this to seal the wires?
  4. Im thinking of upgrading to the high out stator from buckeye. ive never gotton into a stator on my bike b4 is there any thing special to look out for? im not the best wrench but ive done alot of work on my outboards boats ant cars. is there any thing to look out for on theese? also has anyone installed the Buckeye stator? any pro/ cons?
  5. I was thinking the same thing, it would take me a day just to get up there.
  6. Theres a saying "There is nothing-http://www.messingabout.com/images/dot_clear.gif absolutely nothing- half so muchhttp://www.messingabout.com/images/dot_clear.gif worth doing as simplyhttp://www.messingabout.com/images/dot_clear.gif messing about in boats." actually i just ride my bike but spend many hours just hanging out in the boat mssing around. of curse there more to mess with then the venture.
  7. prices skyrocketed here then droped again now for that money you can get one hel of a nice waterfront home dock pool ect. see here http://www.arismlsswf.com/HTMLWORK/20071029_27R1D3OT6.ASP
  8. I lived in Alton bay for 29 years it meet all you critereia. an hour to manchester or portsmouth Peease is now running commercial flights. You got lake winnipesaukee www.winnipesaukee.com with tons of awsome twisting roads around the lakes region. the snows not too bad. and an hour to the coastline where there great riding along usrt1 rye area is nice on up to the small islands like New castle on the maine border.
  9. around here you have to watch for hogs. theres one road that heads down to my marina that always has hogs dead on the side of the road. pigs too
  10. Jeff you meant undressed first gen right?
  11. Welcomr to the forum, its all in good fun even if they should've bought a 1st gen! and can't keep up with a 1st gen:rotf:
  12. Good luck Rod. I havnt heard of this on the news
  13. I here theres only 2 things that come out of Texas Just kiddin' sorry i couldnt resist
  14. I have to agree with Charley. a flashing headlight would give me reason to be more cautious. Just like a police cars headlights or a car flashing the headlight . i asume a emergency and give way.
  15. My prayerers go out to Garys family and friends. 16 is just to young to be driving solo.
  16. doese your shadow have a new bike Charley?
  17. I just sent some to your E mail word49while@photos.flickr.com
  18. Is there any must see if a took a day trip? I took a day trip?
  19. I was going to get me some Thongs this afternoon but they didnt have my size so i just got some new shoes
  20. Geeze i just got a nano reciently and now im going to be outdated:headache: one thing i wouldnt like is all in oine type of stuff i had a cell phone screen go bad one in my pocket so then my i pod would be trash also. my brother just did the same thing with his Sirus untit , He took it off his goldwing to bring in into the shop and plug it on the radio,. them later he forgot it was in his pocket and leaned on somthing and wrecked the display. I like my permanate mount sat radio on my bike. it stays put.
  21. Thom i didnt see anything from Randya on this do you have any more info on theese storbes or a link? also you mentioned a small SW what is this and why would your window turn blue? sounds cool i think id like a blue window
  22. Good for you Clay:thumbsup2:
  23. Thanks rocket, I still havnt tried one yet here
  24. Thom post pics please when you get it on
  25. Its my understanding that for large screens Plasma is better where as small screens LCD is best. Ive got a samsung plasma in my living room and just bought a Digital sony LCD 19" for my boat. I hooked it up to a simple antenna and was surprised with the new Digital signals as good as cable in my house.
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