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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. ITs freezing here tonight 34º the hot tub was 102 º though i had to warm up somehow.
  2. Downrite cooold here 34º tonight i had to get in the hot tub to get warm. the run in dripping was a tough one too.
  3. Glad your bolth going to be ok, not the kinda of thing i expected to read tonight. I hope you can get home safe and soon.
  4. Hang in there Lowell, I went cold turket about 15 years ago, Well i got a bad cold and couldnt stnd the tayse of anything invlufing cigs, i lit one a snufed it out after one puff. after one pck like that i never bought another.and i was a 2 pack a dayer
  5. My I pod NAno has no trouble with bumps, why cant you use a i pod?
  6. This was long before i move here but maybe we can breack the record http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/almanac/arc2002/alm02jan.htm
  7. I knew alot of rider who added other air kits and just used a hyper for the looks hooking up to the vacume lines for the butterfly. . I had one on my v star, funtional. looks good on your but with the cowles it will block the butterfly action. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/th_image_30.jpg
  8. Do i have to stay up 'till 3AM eastern time:confused24:
  9. I remeber one time as a kid in souther CA we had a frost and i scraped up the whole front yard to make a snowball:rotf: then my folks drad me to the cold northeast were i came to my senses after 35 years now this is the only white on the ground http://www.desktoppictures.com/images/pictures/preview/florida-beaches/sea-and-white-sand.jpg
  10. MikeM8560


    Jackets? We dont need to stinkin' jackets
  11. the auto gps's are nothing like the marine gps especially of the past. the auto you just enter the address and you follow a red line on the map along with voice comand directions, as in " right turn on x street in 1/2 mile then again turn in 400 feet. if you miss the turn it tells you how to go to correct your mistake. Unlike the old marine gps's my new Garmin gps on my boat also give me a line to folow taking into acount my draft and bridge clearance to go to a new location I feel nakeg if i forget to bring my garmin gps in my work truck. For you guys with them on the bike , can you hear the gps or do you have it piped into your helmet? i ride no helmet alot myself so i was wondering?
  12. I got myself some new tackle and went fishing yesterday http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/card.jpg
  13. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/card.jpg Just hoping your all having a great holiday!
  14. Ive noticed alot of Harleys wave at my brothers wing or mine. Alot more then back up north. perhaps there older and wiser in Fl:confused24:
  15. Good Luck Jon, Ive been there myself and had to sell my orignal 84 for peanuts to get by.
  16. Doctors is the only profesion that you get paid to practice I hope it dont last long Don,
  17. I sold my house NH and all my buisness inventory in moved here to florida in april of 04, best move i ever made. I just wish i had done it 20 years sooner. I bought a house rented shop space and went to work. of course huricane charley i august gave an instant boom to my buisness. hottest ive seen is 95* its hot working outside but buitiful at night. now im cold at 50* just do it how ever you can.
  18. Dang breakers, glad its on now It sure was cold here today, 40* when i went to work:cold: but bettern then my sons place in NH
  19. i got mine here KBC shorty with a J&M headset, http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?cat=172 this place can work on your radios also if needed.
  20. not counting my Bonanza mini bike as a kid my first real bike was a 78 suzuki gs550 then a 84 Venture royale burgandy then a 98 650 v star 01 v star 1100 and now my 84 xvz
  21. thats cool but i like the next vid on theese titeties http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW4JVAOoKus&eurl=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=17535
  22. Ill take a revamped 1 gen but wouldnt a inline 4 be wider then a v 4?I wouldnt like that. not saying i dont like the cruiser style but wish they hand change the venture . the roadstar could handle the cruisers say a roadstar tour delux:confused24: anfd a first gens tly venture:thumbsup2:
  23. :bluesbrother:cool:thumbsup2:
  24. Looks like a typical day here. I was out last night t shirt shorts and sandals:thumbsup2:
  25. Lor if you check the pic then click genereate html and copy the code for image clickable thumbs you get this. its only a fish pic though http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Fish/th_DSCN0057.jpg
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