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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. I heard alot of airports up north were closed. a friend was flying out of here today go go back north. and got stuck waiting for his flight. I told him it made up for the hour he lost today
  2. You would think they would have heated antenas up there kinda like heated mirrors on your car. My condolences on your family.
  3. Got to love a nice hot soak
  4. Winter made its return here also. down to 49º here tonight It was chilly comming home on the bike tonight. leather and gloves on
  5. that just kills me too i get that alot on 41 around here.
  6. My brothers goldwing has that compufire altanator and with all the lights including halagen lamps stereo and cb idleing hes got 13.6 volts on the meter. ive been thinking about the buckeye stator when i have time to install one http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/p24.htm
  7. Do you have a pic of thoose boards Bob, thats one thing im still looking to gewt aroud to one day. One thing i like about my pegs is at 6'4" and a 32" inseam my knee is tight right in the fairing and my foot can angle down as in the pic rathern then having to be flatfooted on a board and my last venture had boards. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/th_aaaaaaaazz.jpg
  8. I dont see any Water? :confused24: just another day in paradise http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Scenery/th_MVC-696S.jpg
  9. I only use mine when riding with my brother on long trips. solo riding i never use it.
  10. Dontcha just love it I was woking on the AC in my boat today had to make few rides to the hardware store 71 º tonight
  11. In 20 year running my buisness ive only been stiffed twice for about $300 total. Bad check on the ballance of a job.
  12. 65 in a 55 is one thing but unnign reds is a different story.
  13. Gee they need some of thoose here seems more people think yellow meen go for it when all they need to do is stop:confused24: there pretty crazy drivers around here.
  14. Ive got a CD player n my new stereo but i dont use it just a little bump and it skips. I just use the Ipod or XM features most of the time.
  15. MikeM8560

    Itchin' to ride

    So let go
  16. Only 57 Sold, I sure hope you dont get stuck with alot of unsold. I got mine the other day great job and it looks great on my office wall. especially august http://www.lookingglassphotos.com/p551246291/?photo=h2492518F#613568911
  17. dose antone know of a good wource for non prescrioption transition sunglasses? i dont were glasses and alway ended up with only my sunglasses at night and i dont think this NH laws carries here in FL New Hampshire Drivers and passengers under 18 must wear a helmet All drivers and passengers must wear protective eyewear (unless motorcycle has full windshield) Id like somthing that turns Clear for nighttime and darker for daytime
  18. would gravity bleeding the clutch work ? :confused24:I tied my front brake handle and let time and gravity bleed my brake line a while back worked good.
  19. Got to love it, when it down cold here 40s i like to hop in the tub 101º then the pool 68º to cool off then do it all over again
  20. I seen too many days like that myself on I95. glad you made it home safe!
  21. Ive got the J&M on mine i love it i dont use it much but for long rides. mostly i dont use my helmet when its hot. ( I know not good idea) actually i removed all my stock stuff and installed a sony marine stereo under the dash with a remote on the dash I pod transponder on the dash built in XM satalite and all hooked up with the J&M cb. though the cb can only be heard with the helmet. ;pme eagle mentioned the lack od bass controll in the helmet speakers. with my set up the dash speakers still play and i can hear in the helmet and dash so i adjust the hedset music volume to even it out nice for the dash bass of the polk speakers i installed and the headset speakers.
  22. Naa you know we look way better then any wing
  23. Funny hip When i lived in NH i worked 7 days a week being in the marine canvas upholstery buisness had to work from iec out to ice in prety much to make it all winter, we did have a small bait shop also. but when i started taking a couple month off and come to FL in my Motorhome the first year i felt guilty like i shoulf be working rathern then out fishing in warm weather. then i decided to go home a couple weeks early and relised how lousey it still was when i got home. right then i decided to sell it all and move south.
  24. I had to break out the shorts and put the leather away here Thom
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