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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. Was your wife with you goin in?
  2. They have so many handicap spot theese days they should have degrees of disability like Wheelchair drivers up front then guys with one leg, a cane and lastly wheel chair passenger can get pushed in anyway. Bring back the days anyone could get a good parking spot. and dont flog me my Dad who lives with me in in a chair.
  3. Allan how did that happen so I can avoid it myself? thanks Oh Ya 84 Venture 1200 60,000 mile and runs sweet.
  4. I had that happen on my last VR, i had tio wiggkle the face to get it to com on. some tuner cleaner from radio shack fixed it.
  5. I was too tired tonight but tomorow if need be il take care of the Ferris wheel
  6. the last owner of my bike replace the battery and removed the sensor. i tried the fix shown here with the 2 ditterent size resistors but It didnt work for me
  7. So what has passed a 1st gen besides bodywork ?
  8. :thumbsup2:
  9. Tom here is the rear brake light switch http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_0995.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_0994.jpg
  10. My though on that is one could miss a new thread but if all the photos are in one thread the original you just have to go to the last page to see the new target:confused24:
  11. I though that looked familiar, I was just down there this afternoon on Work, turnes out the place was mobed with spring breakers. ( I forgot my camera) This sounds like fun but not very many covered bridges near me
  12. My standard didnt have one but my old VR did, I found the plug under the false tank cover.
  13. regular going any where from 3.31 -3.39 here. And Im getting 45 MPG.
  14. Ive got to PAY!
  15. You really have alot of building still there was tons of it here but now its completly dead. In fack I just saw a sign down the road today for a brand new 3/2/2 for $105,000 a couple years ago it would have been $180,000 - $225,000
  16. Did you unit come with the noise supressor?
  17. She looks Great! nice touch will all the white sand dunes
  18. when I installed mine on my XVZ they recommended tapping the tail light for power witch I did and put the noise suppressor behind the battery in front of the fuel fill.
  19. WOW 93k in a year and a half:thumbsup2: you have got to be retired http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:PJw8zryI8PFNKM:http://www.somethingcreative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/envy.jpg
  20. Thanks Rick, here what I did Clay first i gutted it all out and cut and bent the mounting bracket for the stock tuner and amp to mount my new sony unit on http://www.crutchfield.com/S-0US9qvRNKo8/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=221050&tab=essential_info&i=158CDXR30M#Tab http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_748s_478.jpg here the sony mount is rivited to the yamaha bracket http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_749s_138.jpg Here it is mounted in place with the sony slide out mount http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_750s_135.jpg and here with the head unit in place http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_755s_197.jpg I did have to remove the duct work to make room but the air intake now blows air cooling the radio amp. I also got the sony remote and mounted it on the dash. I had removed the dash display and fabricated some new black plastic to fill the space of the stock display and mounted the remote on it http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_759s_416.jpg the remote controls all radio and cd funtions along with the XM satalite reciever sony has as an add on. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_760s_461.jpg I didnt have a casset deck and had previously installed a I pod tranponder deck in the place the cassette would have been. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/MVC-588S.jpg the stereo has 52 watts per chanel ( 4 channel) and installed Polk 4" 105 watt dash speakers http://www.crutchfield.com/S-C55VjcYspyv/App/Product/Item/Main.aspx?g=51200&tab=essential_info&i=107DB400 the sound is great and alot better bass then stock. Heavy bass will distort if the volume is WAY up but im planning to try some bass blocker when i have time http://www.electricalconnection.com/audio/amp-accessories.htm
  21. Ill never forget as a kid " Gertrude and heathclif sitting on a telephone wire........"
  22. Awsome
  23. awsome shot
  24. It drives me crazy here. Its all you see retiries. Am here I am busting my @zz driving all over to work at $3.29 a gal. Im sure id save money if i didnt have to work then I could put more time into
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