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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. Squidley I saw the bulbs to replace the push type in my marker lights on my rar lightbar and my front spoiler lights, they were leds and like $10 each I must haev lost the link i had but i think JC whitney may have had them ill keep looking.
  2. condor is this like Buddys? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=13783&d=1196398443 if so what would you take for it?
  3. With the gas prices i was thinking i could haul a little trailer to do some of my boat canvas work delivering a cover and stuff. can one bre made for a 84 with my lightbar? I know ive seen pics of bikes like mine with a hitch http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/1984YAMAHA1300e.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/1984YAMAHA1300d.jpg
  4. Looking at the Maxum some of the upholstery look redone some Not and cracking, form the photos the bayliner looks better kept besides the soft floor ive seen that alot n 25 year in my work. the floor get wet alot from wet skiers rain with no cover but then the seats generlly are bad also. either way the privce seems hight for a 80s bayliner in todays boat market. mid 80s Bayliners dont have a good reputation either. or the force outboards and part can be harder to find. I had one also.
  5. ive had some people ask about my motor covers there is some covers on ebay now http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-XVZ1200-Royale-CHROME-ENGINE-COVER-SET_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10066QQihZ003QQitemZ130217524971QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW & http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-side-cover-trim-1983-through-1985_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ013QQitemZ230246762474QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  6. Ya well I got no Class:confused24: and im doing OK
  7. are you sure it isnt 116,000?
  8. If its not a private drive then is it public land? just wondering is htis your only way out with car or bike? id think the town would have some resposibility how about a culvert?
  9. Odd, must be regional? I just toped off the tank today 115 miles and took 2.6 gal (us)
  10. Heres were i got mine http://www.bellscb.com/ I got a firestik http://www.firestik.com/
  11. Thats what kills me also In my work i end up needing my P/U and have to run around average 40 - 60 miles. none harldy bring the work to me.
  12. It would be nice to have some new good fishing spots also.
  13. My boat isnt going far either this summer. try 1 MPG or 32 GPH and its over $800 with 220 gallons. I was sitting at my dock sunday and there were alot of boats out full speed and big 40 ans 50 footers running the ICW. I just sat there watching them behind me http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Misty%202/th_100_1056.jpg
  14. I cant say to know your loss but i have had my share. and you will have more and more good days:smile11:
  15. I just wish i was older so I could retire. I think of all the money it costs me just to go to run a buisness, gas insurance ect and I watch all the retires riding there bikes to the tennis courts on my way to work. Take me off the list
  16. My clutch res is full in the window and im sure its motor oil. the leak seems to be in front of the shifter shaft as is oiley in front of it on the exhaust pipe and dosent look to be the shaft. perhaps it is the stator grommet. im planning the buckeye upgrade at some point so well see. so is that metal line a clutch line?
  17. My 84 has had a oil leak sence i got it 1 1/2 ago. seems to be on the left as that the messy side or perhaps itts from sitting on the side stand. but the left pipe is dirtier then the right . grimy on the leftside near the kickstand. there dosnt seem to be oil running down form the valve covers. and only drips after a ride for a while. anyway i was looking for the source today and came across a few thing i was wonder about on the left there is a square rubber cover http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_1060.jpg and under it seems to be a bleeder fitting? what is it? http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_1059.jpg and on the left running along the frame and going up the front is a small metal line? http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_1062.jpg and I also saw what apeared to be a repair to the frame, looks like it to me and has some black paint missing. the right side looks fine http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_100_1065.jpg
  18. What no ticket? must be who you know
  19. im getting 44 mpg us my last fill up took 3.5 gal after 154 miles Im not a nut 55 - 65 and solo rider.
  20. SO i got up today and stoped at my local BP, the price jumoed to $3.59 overnight. this is rally getting rediculas. I hav to drive all over with my work. On a side note the gas last time I looked at my marina was $4.15 a gal for gas. Im looking to sell my boat rathen then just sit at the dock all summer. so how bad is it everywhere else:confused24:
  21. :thumbsup2:You lucky SOB
  22. Is it a big noticable diffrence?
  23. What is the advantage of the brace over the stock? mine dosent seem to have any wobble sway ect.
  24. Go for it Charley I got just the shirt for you http://static.zoovy.com/img/toonstation/W179-H167-B5fb8ff/t_shirt___ts121___gumby_dammit___front.jpghttp://static.zoovy.com/img/toonstation/W179-H167-B5fb8ff/t_shirt___ts121___gumby_dammit___back.jpg
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