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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. I have alot of fun at my house with decorations I have a ghostly skelton flying from a trees over my garden at the front dorr with a light glowing on her. and a motions scary evil sound when little kids come up the front walk. my glass entry door is flashing froma strobe i have inside and a smoke maching hidden in the bushes if the kids make it past the scarry stuf they find me and my brother sitting out front and they dont know if were real or not til we move to hand out candy im hermam munster http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/cid_002401c5de93f944ed9058ee3844myp.jpg
  2. So i called my nearest ymaha shop to get a new front tire. they asked what bike and year and after they looked up the tire they had service set up a time to install it. they again asked what bike and year. so all was good. the tire came in today and when i talked to service they said oh we dont work on any bike older then a 2000 even just to install a tire that they said they would when i ordered the tire? I was pissed but they had already charged my card when they ordered it. they mount it but if i bring in the wheel though.
  3. Not a rsv BUT here was MY OLD 1100 blue black http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_34.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_30.jpg
  4. I didnt even know we had secret forums? I so lose em here I lightend it up for you rocket
  5. by Feb the weather is getting real nice down here so id gueese it be prety ok in up north a bit. I remebr my first trip to Fl and it was still cold at the Ga border so i kept driving south till i got here
  6. Thats why they call it a Practice I hope you fell better soon JT take it easy
  7. Too bad yopur gona miss the sarasota bluesfest this weekend
  8. heres one I came across
  9. It sadens me to hear f your loss Mama, and brings back memories when i had to put my dog Pepper down a few years ago now. our furry friend sure do work there way into our hearts and can make a grown man cry when there gone
  10. Snow, isnt that a FOUR letter word?
  11. Droped 5 cent in n hour here today and i filled the bike at $2.35
  12. Lowest here is $2.44 and murphy at walmart. though last week I put a little over 20 gallons in my boat for $100 at the marina ive though of bringing gas cans to fill it but you cant find any non E10 stations besides the marinas.
  13. good deal! looks liek you have a great spot for it too. ive got a antique ansonia clock in the shop right now.
  14. Dan right click on the link and then "save target as" or when you have the link open you sgould see a icon up top on the left to save the file it looks like a floppy disk
  15. I refered to my Exs fiesta as the clown car
  16. cant beat the looks and power of the mk1's:smile5:
  17. -20º no wait that was on my snowmobile
  18. Im needed new tires and was just gona go with elite 2 again, what is the advantage of this set up Randy?
  19. I beleve that is what is on my venture and id dose match nicely with the trunk rack http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/1984YAMAHA1300q.jpg
  20. Walmart is down to $2.89 others are up to $3.09
  21. Congrats Bob:clap2: I didnt make it that long myself. Guese you in toronto by now
  22. ride on :thumbsup2:Tonighthttp://weatherforyou.cachefly.net/hamweather/hw3/images/fcicons/pcloudyrn.gifChance Of Showers Lo: 70° POP: 20% Partly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of showers. Lows in the upper 70s near the coast and in the lower 70s inland. Northeast winds around 5 mph.Saturdayhttp://weatherforyou.cachefly.net/hamweather/hw3/images/fcicons/chancetstorm.gifChance Of T-Storm Hi: 85° POP: 30% .Saturday Nighthttp://weatherforyou.cachefly.net/hamweather/hw3/images/fcicons/pcloudyrn.gifChance Of Showers Lo: 75° POP: 20% Sundayhttp://weatherforyou.cachefly.net/hamweather/hw3/images/fcicons/chancetstorm.gifChance Of T-Storm Hi: 89° POP: 30%
  23. Im no expert but mine goese up and down voltagewise from idle to cruising
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