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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. standards like mine have no class just a air fill for bolth shocks.
  2. Ive got a 1/2 cover from http://www.tourkingcovers.com/shop/ I carry with me n cae of rain ect.
  3. NOw that aint bad lookin for a 2nd Gen . course you cant go wrong with Blue
  4. I agree Im just glad all my stuff is paid for. but for my utilities food and taxes.
  5. Dont forget pics when id the ride I kinda wish they were after thanksgiving. seems liek we go from holloween to christmass.
  6. Great Idea, now you will need to paint you bike Red also. I just got home from the Reat Teddy bear run in Sarasotta.
  7. Its like the marine industry. alot of builders are going away also. no bailouts there. the prices of things just kept going up and has been unrealistic.
  8. Margaret and a nice looking bike it is, looks like weve got another boater i the group also. you guy have all the fun while im all alone down here.
  9. Here its CROCKS and shorts but in the Winter too:thumbsup2:
  10. pm sent personaly ive also though the 1st gens best angle was the rear quarter. you have permision to use any photos of my 1984 venture XVZ1200 http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_1984YAMAHA1300d.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_1984YAMAHA1300q.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_venture.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/th_1984YAMAHA1300n.jpg
  11. Thanks Thom I could e mail him a full size pic if my sig link pics arnt big enought
  12. MikeM8560


    Ill help too, going on a toys for tots ride tomorow myself
  13. Let me turn on COPS! maybe ill se you running down the road me im Blue i 'spose i wear different shirt being my own boss there the saleman shirt and the worker shirt.
  14. my house is in a hoa. bot bad but but i did have a renter next door who got a free motorhome and decided to paint it with a brush orange and black and stick harley stickers on it and parked in in front of the house. i was glad for the hoa then. around here even without a hoa the county can get after you for unregistered cars and having a junk like condition of your property. So how did it go a1bummer?
  15. I have to agree I followed the link o a vulcan site and they have a video on the bike
  16. nice spot but it looks cold
  17. nice, I got a extra seat and backrest with only minor damage or could just reupholster that one. Condor where can ytou buy ust the foam for the grips? mine is gettign a bit worn.
  18. I alway check stuff out
  19. Thanks! Frank have you tried this with the 3" blocks and do you have a lightbar installed? http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/1984YAMAHA1300i.jpg
  20. the link to the tool didn show for mew but they do have some chrome cover i could use a few of. ive got a few broken one on my lightbar http://www.saber-cycle.com/store/media/parts/679-033.jpg
  21. when i was younger i spent my honneymoon in PA and it was verry scenic
  22. If I could quit it would be easy decision for me All i have is retired B@$terd$ in my area. Im driving to work while they all out walking the dogs, playing golf, tennis or out fishing. I just hope i can make it too:fingers-crossed-emo
  23. Bad luck Thom btw when did you move to TX? i must have been sleeping.
  24. question about the rear if i get the bike on a stand can the rear wheel come out without removing my bumper/lightbar?
  25. (I would have refused the tire but I wanted the tire for the weekend. I did fond a local bike shop who will work on anything and although I didnt buy the tire from him installed it today for me for $50. even with my extra covers and lights. T & E Cycle 1700 Steadley Ave Punta Gorda, FL (941) 639-7200
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