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Everything posted by MikeM8560

  1. DOnt forget Ray Charles, I got to see him sing a few years back at a summer concert. great talent also. been a tough week first Ed then Farrah and Michael.
  2. Ive also got a set of Kendra' happy so far
  3. I agree its the wifes fault. Ive doen this twice and it was never my fault either. Once 20 years ago My boy was on the back and when leaving a Ice cream stand he shifted in the seat and my foot sliped on some sand over we went. then once when my X was giving me a problem I forgot to lower the sidestand when getting off the bike.
  4. Hey Its only a 1/4 mile to DQ
  5. nice ride and price. is that a light on the bar on the trunk?
  6. HNow about when we went so high on a swing the chains would go slack then you let go and shoot up into the air
  7. Randy ever sence i got my 84 the side stand down the bike wil not start but if the bike is running and in gear if I put the stand down it only slitly kills the motor like its running on not all 4. hit the kill button and try to restart no go. do you think it may be a dirty plug like yours?
  8. Have fun Bob!
  9. I agree. I saw one at thunder by the bay down here this winter, i say car
  10. Rub it IN I dont see any of that attitude down here. I get waves fro almost everyone Wing HDs and even rice rockets( I think i fool them head on as one myself:hihi:)
  11. I had one on mmy old 1100 re jetted and cobra pipes there was a extra kick but more for show for me. my old dealer installed it so i dont have details PS it was the Barons Hyper kit they sold back then http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/New_Image7A.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_1.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_34.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Shoebox/image_30.jpg
  12. Thanks this is an upgrade in my future. maybe if my stator goese themn ill bve forced not to ride i dont run with my driving light on unless at hight speed but then i dont really ned them like on dark backroads. but then the volts go way down.
  13. what do you read at an idle with all the lights on and off?
  14. Not a sailor either but a boater.I spent the weekend here at the local redneck yachtclub party 6 bands playing all weekend on a barge in party cove swimming drinking and barb queing http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Redneck%20Yacht%20club%20bash%20oct18%202008/may%20daze%20sunday/Untitled-Stitched-03.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Redneck%20Yacht%20club%20bash%20oct18%202008/may%20daze%20sunday/100_1713.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Redneck%20Yacht%20club%20bash%20oct18%202008/may%20daze%20sunday/100_1711.jpg
  15. Just wondering hdw my door locks closed and id need the key to open it? good idea ,kinda like mine i put under the bottom radiator trim http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/100_01yyyyyy56-1-1.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/MikeM8560/Venture%20XVZ12/mvc_605s_114.jpg
  16. Looks Great Mike, I really like the side marker leds. do you have a pic of how you ran the wires in the bags? did you install a plug for removing the bags also?
  17. Well im sure that wil be the last time she mows the lawn, I feel you pain:headache:
  18. My Dad had that done also he was surprised how much better his viwins was and how painles it was . you will be back mowing the yard soon enough Randy.
  19. Thanks all I feel better now
  20. Had one myself great bike the only thing there was was twisded starts to watch for . Just start the bike without hitting the gas. somtimes you could get a good kickback that could damage the starter clutch.
  21. Well 2 -2 so far any more input?
  22. I was just ooking at a pic i took when i was looking for somthing on my bike and had the covers off this is the left side behind the sidestade you can see a welded piece on the frame is this normal or is it a repair? i heard some of the early bike had frame issues. btw i have sabded and repainted the spot
  23. nice warrior. too bad about your troubles. I passed that crossroad myself.
  24. Wow, Fred I didnt hear about that, were you on your bike in the accedent?
  25. IHO the 1 gen style is far better then the gl1200 wings.
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