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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim Bykerk


  • Location
    Demotte, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Venture
  1. Hey Freebird, I just found Mic-Mutes, you may have just saved my favorite passtime, thank you.
  2. What are mic-mutes and where do I get them?
  3. Here is what I have noticed about my RSV, the whine is not unbearable for me until I turn on the intercom. The intercom picks up the whine and amplifies right into the headset. I know, turn off the intercom, the wife and I really enjoy riding together and the intercom is just part of the deal.
  4. SilvrT, T had a 1500 goldwing couldn't ride it more then a 100 miles without getting off. The thing just killed me, but it didn't churp or whine.
  5. First let me thank everyone who gave me input on my clutch basket change. I switched to a generation I clutch basket, It made no difference at all in fact it added a churp down in my low rpm range. Now I have a churp/whine all the way from 0-70, I will be changing back to the original tomorrow. This 05 Venture is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned, and I've owned many, but this churp/whine p's me off.
  6. Thanks to all. I'll do some more bleeding.
  7. Can anyone tell me how much travel should be in the pressure plate when working the clutch lever? Mine travels about 3/32nds of an inch but the clutch does not want to disengage, I'm thinking I might have air in the line but so far have not been able to bleed any out.
  8. I am getting no air from the bleed screw and I checked the ball bearing is still in the hole. Really frustrated.
  9. I have the clutch basket all back together, the clutch lever wokrs good now. New issue, The clutch is not disengaging far enough, when I put it in gear with the lever depressed it lurches forward and dies.
  10. The clutch lever will not even move when the clutch basket is not installed. I do not recall touching the lever when things were apart but maybe I did. Could this be my problem.
  11. I changed the clutch basket and now the clutch lever will not depress, it's hard as a rock. Anyone else have this and what should I do.
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