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About imagesinthewind

  • Birthday November 17

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ginny Newman


  • Location
    Littleton, CO, United States


  • City
    Littleton, CO


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale
  1. I think it did survive, I'll look and let you know. Thanks!
  2. Windshield is broken in half. He went through the left half of it after hitting the cow straight on. Sorry.
  3. Hey Bilko, The front forks are bent back so the front wheel almost rubs on the underside of the bike. It's a parts bike now. . . Thanks!
  4. Glad to hear you're both relatively okay. Sorry to hear about the bikes, good luck dealing with insurance.
  5. Thanks for all the well wishes. Tom is sitting on the couch, working from home today. At work tomorrow. Now to deal with the bike. Here's what it looks like, not bad considering. . .it didn't skid. Just hit and fell over. http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6137/5961930452_b578a6f00d.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6129/5961931084_1dcb225807.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6001/5961375389_57b4dbeb3f.jpg Anyone need anything?
  6. Not in Colorado. We're a free range state. Dogs have to be on a leash, but cattle can roam anywhere they want in the state. The rancher can actually sue us for the future value of the animal. Not that he will, but he can! Wish the reverse were true, we only carried Liability on it. Would be nice to get the cash to replace it. Ah well, he's okay, that's what matters.
  7. So, Tom was riding home on a back windy road, at 10pm Monday night. A stray cow was in the road, black angus, and Tom didn't even see it to brake. He spent the night in the ICU (concussion, small bleeds in the brain) but the cow didn't survive at all. Tom is much better, bleeds stopped and he's been sitting watching baseball and playing videos games so the brain doesn't seem to be hurting. Sore, but only take Tylenol. The front forks on the Venture are bent toward the rear, so we are going to part it out. The front faring is destroyed but all pieces from the front of the seat down are good. He's debating on riding again or not. I'm trying to push him to keep riding. He enjoys it, good fuel mileage and I was starting to enjoy riding with him. Stupid cow. . .
  8. We went for another ride yesterday, 50+ miles through twisties, highway, hills and dales. It was a lot of fun. I think it's good for me to be the follower instead of the controller sometimes. Tom is a very good rider, turns out. I was still a little nervous in the beginning of the ride, but I got comfortable soon enough. Time to take a trip to. . .Sante Fe?
  9. It is a fun bike, up for sale right now cuz the hubby says 4 motorcycles and three scooters are too many (what does he know?). Here is the CL ad with photos: http://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/2409364015.htmll
  10. I said MIGHT! LOL! :)i
  11. I'm a control freak. There. I said it. This means I am not a good passenger, I want to be in control because then I cannot be mad at anyone but me if something untoward happens. I rode, for the first time, on the back of a moto with my husband. I have ridden behind before, but never with Tom. I'm not sure if it's a trust issue or what, but today I decided to give it a try and trust that he won't do stupid things and kill me. It was fun after about 20 minutes. There were some twisties and I've always thought he takes curves to fast, so I just closed my eyes and turned my head toward the curve, so I didn't try and correct with my body. Ended up being a nice ride, my weight on the bike allowed him to be closer to flat feet so he was stable at stops (my biggest concern). We might even do it again!
  12. I want 96*! I'm just hoping the rain goes away and we get a full summer!!
  13. I'm watching the same episode now! Cool bike they made, even though I'm not a chopper person.
  14. I'm glad he isn't too injured, hope he understood how lucky he was that day. My 16 year old daughter just took the MSF class and got her M endorsement. Instructor said she was the most aggressive girl he has ever taught. Not dangerous, but fearless.
  15. Sunshine isn't bad for you. BURNING from a sunburn is bad for you. And the melanoma some get at 30 is from sunburns they got when they were 15, when we thought the best way to get a good base tan was to burn the first tan of the summer. Sunscreen sucks because many people think that one slathering of the stuff protects you all day. It doesn't. It can only protect as long at the number says. An SPF of 20 means you can stay in the sun 20 times longer than you could without it before burning. But for most people (more than 50%) begin to burn in TEN MINUTES! And the stuff needs to be reapplied every hour to maintain the number. Just an FYI.
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