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Everything posted by RussLightwing

  1. MAIN DRIVE GEAR SITS DRYYYYYY all the time on the side stand HMMMMMMMMM I Now stand the bike up when home it coats the gears in a bath of oil which flows passively into the clutch chamber=a combo of lucAs OIL 20/50 AND MOTOR kote also lucas oil additive helps with the noise too best yet tried it for a week now well see if its accumulative:cool10: I TRIED it leaned over on side stand again for two days and WHIiiine was back there isn't enough oil on that gear while driving BUT if it is soaked it sticks which is lucas oil specialty so stand er up pour in your engine kote let it sit for day and 25% quieter try er out boys good luck THERE is in fact a center stand available from Rivco:080402gudl_prv: http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=60&cat=202&page=1 now for windshield pouches to tone down reflective noise HAS any body tried that?????
  2. MAIN DRIVE GEAR SITS DRYYYYYY all the time on the side stand HMMMMMMMMM I Now stand the bike up when home it coats the gears in a bath of oil which flows passively into the clutch chamber=a combo of lucAs OIL 20/50 AND MOTOR kote also lucas oil additive helps with the noise too best yet tried it for a week now well see if its accumulative:cool10: I TRIED it leaned over on side stand again for two days and WHIiiine was back there isn't enough oil on that gear while driving BUT if it is soaked it sticks which is lucas oil specialty so stand er up pour in your engine kote let it sit for day and 25% quieter try er out boys good luck THERE is in fact a center stand available from Rivco:080402gudl_prv: http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=60&cat=202&page=1 now for windshield pouches to tone down reflective noise HAS any body tried that?????
  3. HI yES HAVE CHANGED To THE I BASKET for mild improvement Still not happy INTESTING FACT when changing out clutch basket it was leaned over and dry of oil????? didn't have to drain nothing HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:detective: MAIN DRIVE GEAR SITS DRYYYYYY all the time on the side stand HMMMMMMMMM I Now stand the bike up when home it coats the gears in a bath of oil which flows passively into the clutch chamber=a combo of lucAs OIL 20/50 AND MOTOR kote also lucas oil additive helps with the noise too best yet tried it for a week now well see if its accumulative:cool10: I TRIED it leaned over on side stand again for two days and WHIiiine was back there isn't enough oil on that gear while driving BUT if it is soaked it sticks which is lucas oil specialty so stand er up pour in your engine kote let it sit for day and 25% quieter try er out boys good luck THERE is in fact a center stand available from Rivco:080402gudl_prv: http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=60&cat=202&page=1 now for windshield pouches to tone down reflective noise HAS any body tried that?????
  4. hi GENTS Thanks a bunch for your ideas and inspiration I just did my seat and its even HMMMM Tolerable lolol actually comfy! i took some of the top of back ande may take a liitle more so i can move some more and DANG IF I DIDNT SHAVE THAT STUPID BALL BUSTING PEAK AT THE FRONT RIGHT DOWN IT IS NOW MORE STRAIGHT AND SMOOOOOOOOTTTHHHH AAAAHHHH, SAVED! IT CAN NOW STOP AND STAND IN COMFORT JUST need the darn lowering kit lolol and I may actually start to like this beheamoth BUT still runs rough accelerating it is not normal after new plugs irridium and vacuumed filters lolol see ya Russ
  5. MIne doesn't work past one song HMMM directions are crap I say qwheres that return folder hmmm loololol
  6. Where is there a MANUAL?WEEEELLLLL I SAW IT IN kijiji in New brunswick 1500k away bombed down there me and a buddy nonstop with a trailer behind my beloved rav 4 5 speed picked it up in the trailer and bombed home left thurs morning got home sat morn what ablast so Have no idea how to get service yet? or where yes it has warranty for 2 years HMMMM will look around NEver let any body touch my Vulcan cept for tires and they screwed that up a couple of times lolol DID my on rebuild last winter yesss Where is there a MANUAL?
  7. haha i need a tach then NO idea what it is suposed to sound like or what revs i'm in wow thanks guys
  8. HI Guys just bought a 08 venture 40,000k PROBLEM is during acceleration or going up hills in cruise it stumbles vibrates and chugs in 4 or 5th 80- 100k/when i crack the throttle with out going to 3rd not much power! Sounds and feels terrible vibration is this carb syncing???I have bubs which i repacked sounds wicked thanks for reading this ANY help would be great! thanks RUSSLightwing
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