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Everything posted by jakester

  1. Nice Relax and enjoy Bill
  2. Great start!!! I rode from Sturgis to home in west Texas last year- 964 miles in 17.5 hours. Thought about --but did not go the extra 36 miles to make the 1000 mile iron butt mark. I was ready to climb off that bike. I guess I don't need to prove to myself , like I used to think I had too. So point being...you had a safe , great , long ride. Saddle sore or not, you have fun. No disappointments, only great memories. Bill
  3. Ill have to figure out where the Yamaha shop is...I remember the Indian shop on the west end of town, Do not remember seeing anything... but a Yamaha booth (tent) in town. sounds good. It will be nice to meet up with yall. I got up early and rode to see the sites early in the morning, return to Sturgis in the 1 to 3 oclock range everyday grab a bite, watch the in town action a while. 5 to 6 go to camp and park the bike and watch the adults start to misbehave as the sun went down. Bill
  4. Thanks Puc, we rode by the turn to your camp rode last year, you were not there. If I can remember which rode it was on, maybe we can hook up. Looking forward to it. Bill
  5. Awsome, keep the pics coming, loving your trip. Thanks Bill
  6. I am getting married July 10th woo hoo...we will be going. I went last year, and this will be her first time. Staying at Glencoe camp. I camped next to Tx2sturgis last time and had a good experience. Much to see that I could not get too last year. Cow puc mentioned that he would be there too. Bill
  7. I just got the C2's on my venture. Ive got almost 100 miles so far and they ride nice. I had avons before and logged 17400 miles on them. Not quiet worn out back tire,but close enough. Front still ok, replaced it anyway. They did great for me too. Hope the C2's are as good or better. Bill
  8. What o you mean?? He has a helmet on...
  9. Proud you are still among us. Looking forward to hearing how you are doing. Bill
  10. Best of luck ... prayers with you. Bill
  11. Everybody knows the black ones are the fastest.
  12. I would love to meet up with yall in Texas. The first of August is when I plan to be in Sturgis. Darn Another Time Bill
  13. Verry Cool
  14. Best of luck, you should enjoy Cloudcroft, ridden through there and stayed/camped there quiet a bit. I will hit it again this summer...sometime. The road to Ruidoso is very nice in the fall, or anytime else. Watch out for the elk. Bill
  15. I bought a clearview about a month ago. I got tall, wide , vented, tinted. I took off a shorty show chrome. I got it so my passenger would be better protected. It does that. like the vent, it removes the low pressure zone at hiway speeds. They teach you to measure from in front of the fuel filler to the top of the wind shield. I suggest a yardstick and a level to get an Idea of what you need. I can look right over mine and the wind hits me right at the top of my head, out of my face. The shield is different shape than stock and it is noticeable. I bought clearview instead of F4 because of the shape(recurve) I have not had a F4 so I can not say it is better or worse, only I am pleased with the clearview. Good Luck Bill
  16. I bought a clearview about a month ago. no coupon, however I asked about a blemish or a seconds windscreen and they had a couple in the inventory available with a discount. I bought one, and it has one spec out of the line of sight. Works great. You might give them a call and ask ? Good luck Bill
  17. I got a hagon, set up for me. It was a couple hundred cheaper at the time. No complaints...what a difference in the ride and handleing over a worn out leaking factory shock. I have only heard good feedback on both companies. I am sure you will like the new setup.
  18. They will keep your butt dry on a warm day.
  19. Been dealing with diabetic wife(now ex-wife) and son, both type 1.. 25 years. Keep a juice box, or koolaid cooler (bag drink) with you. They are sealed and cheep. If you get low, push the tiny straw in the juice and squeeze it into the diabetics mouth. Lil at a time, you will join the living back in no time at all. Done this for years. Best of luck Bill
  20. Might just remove the battery cables and hook up the jumper direct to the cables off the battery. then start and run, shut down and try to re start. This will isolate the bikes battery as the problem area, then you can charge and load test. We used to disconnect the battery with the car running,... if it stayed running then we knew the charging system was operational, That is old school medhodology. Bill
  21. Got the wind wings, like bert2006 showed. They work well in the cold to keep the legs warmer too, and adjustable hwy pegs. Bill
  22. Texas has the castle doctrine, this allows firearms on person for home work and to and from. I took concealed carry course and I never filed or it. The instructor make it known that if I ever drew the weapon that I had better prep for a law suit. With CCL you are held to a higher standard because of training. With the castle doctrine you need to show that you FELT that your life was in threat of injury or death, Im just sayen. Bill
  23. Congrats Oldgoat, Glad to hear you are making it. Bill
  24. I left Sturgis last year and headed home, no plans I just rode. I got home 17.5 hours later at 965 miles. I was not worth shooting the next day. I carried my cooler rack off my trailer slid in my receiver hitch with fuel and a cooler of water. I had snack bars and 5 hour energy with me. About every 130 to 150 miles I stopped for fuel and a streach, got a fresh bottle of water every stop, kept within 5 mph of the speed limit. No receipts or plan but a great experience. Have fun, be safe. Bill
  25. Hey CJ, I understand cold can / bottle therapy is very relaxing too...and you must soak the wound in alcohol(from the inside out) and hold the bottle up high when applying the medicinal alcohol. This takes care of the elevation part of therapy. LOL Really though therapy seems to drag on, it is a very small price to pay for healthy mobility for the rest of your life. Best of luck. Bill
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