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Posts posted by jakester

  1. You being here is enough. GOD is not finished with you yet!!! Now get a plan, wait a month or so, then as winter begins, These bikes get cheap. Keep a heads up, understand, these bikes are mass produced, there are lots of them. Just find the one you want your name on, and go for it. Thank GOD above for this oppertunity to do it again.


  2. Sometimes it is like math, you gota work it out with a pencil. Sorry My first one I was about 30 and when I woke there was a smoking hot nursing school intern standing there taking bp reading. I just could not hold it in, I started farting and just could not stop. She just smiled and said at least they do not smell. Hope everything comes out alright, no pun intended.

  3. It is my understanding that millions of gallons sit in tankers off the coast, yes so not to flood the market. per barrel price should put gas around $2.50, however last summer a .50 tax per gallon was snuck into the mix quietly. Also I was told last week that no more pure fuel is avalable, it is all an ethanol mix now. So .... reasonably speaking, i believe it is political as well as big oil. Otherwise we would have new state of the art refineries, yes we export our fuel for refinement and buy it back.


    just sayen.


  4. Also......Ask the boss if she heard that noise when you start the bike cold? Man it is just auful. Then ask if she thinks you should take it in to be seen about? or maybe just warm it up a bit before you trade? And have you seen the tires....are those cracks? It is pure safety...


  5. It is an absolute safety issue. Doesn't she want you safe? Besides the safety, that old bike is ten years old, everybody knows the foreign bike manufacturers stop production of replacement parts after ten years. And also the trade value is much higher before the next anniversary when parts are no longer avaliable. Besides your fixen to have a bunch of maintence issues comming due, that can be posponed for the next owner. That just makes plain sence to trade now.......

    How is that for a start.


  6. If you can get the bolt hot enough to melt wax, Use gulf wax(canning wax)to melt down into the surrounding area. let cool down, should release and be able to remove. This method works on frozen bolts on tractors when a torch can be used to heat the fastner. I do not know if engine heat will be enough, but it may be worth a try.


  7. An article in rider magazine several years ago stated the author had a wing with all the lights, reflectors, high vis clothing and the like. He said the cars in calif gave him no room at all on the freway. Then he came upon a hells angel, all black bike, black leathers, had a chain with a lock over his shoulder....said not a car within fifty yards of this guy. Make your own judgement.

  8. Such a small price to pay for years free of pain. Do it now, or be quiet and hurt.

    Mine felt like someone strapped a 25 lbs weight on my arm, (diffrent repair) I learned when not in a sling to hook a thump in my belt line to relieve some of the weight of my arm. What ever it takes.


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