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Everything posted by Greekdog

  1. Congrats Joe, Hope everyone is doing fine. Still waiting on my first one....and waiting....and waiting.....
  2. On my 97 RSTD the bad connection was in the light housing where the ground wire connected to the housing via a rivet. The rivet had worked loose and needed "adjusting" with my trusty hammer and a wood block. Took care of the connection...
  3. I agree with squidley...MC has a plugged hole...happened to me on my front brakes. Took a wrench and relieved the pressure and rebuilt it when I got it home. Found the hole plugged, when you squeeze the handle you should get fluid squirting out....No squirt...gotta be dirt...or tiny pieces of brake seals...
  4. Butch wax according to the google search was for the flat top haircuts that were popular....always had mine shaved off
  5. I'm thinking butch wax was for a moustache??? As far as Micky D's goes, I remember when you could get a Big Mac, fries and a drink and still get change from a dollar...
  6. PF Flyers...high top. usually white, tennis shoes or "sneakers" eveyone had to have em
  7. 23...but I already knew I was older than dirt...or so says my better half...
  8. Definately try the Ultimate Seat. My brother gave me his when he bought a new HD and the difference was night and day. Just came back from a week+ in the Tenn/NC mountains and the seat was great....No monkey butt...
  9. Try this [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wEI2NcoBEM]YouTube - ‪Lone Marine Rolling Thunder‬‏[/ame]
  10. Now you know why all them "Yankees" want to move to the good ol south!!!!!
  11. Sorry to hear about your Mom Joe, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...
  12. Has anyone installed an electronic cruise control on a 97RSTD, not the vacuum operated device? Looking for some info. Anyone used these units? Thanks, I think!!!
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