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Everything posted by Greekdog

  1. You also might want to try the AirHawk seat cushion. A little pricey but my wife really likes it on a long trip.
  2. I hate bikers....
  3. Beer cheese.. Reminds me of the old Steak and Ale restaurants a few years back...(20 or so) . They had the best beer cheese soup. We would go there just for the soup.
  4. Have to agree about the E3's. I have about 9k on them so far and the rear looks just as good as the front... Very pleased..
  5. Have 9 k on my E3's. Had a minor cut that took a while to wear down, other than that they're great. Velocity will match prices if you find them cheaper elsewhere
  6. If it makes you feel any better it's only supposed to be 64 tomorrow..
  7. Brrr it's only 81 and sunny here....
  8. Joe, didn't see u at the police rodeo today. It was pretty cool.
  9. Don't know about a kit, I just went to Advance and bought the vacuum caps for around 3 bucks. Worked great. Should get them at any parts store along with hose. Helped my rough idle....
  10. 1,970 air horns? That's gonna be loud...... Where to put them all.......
  11. To quote Dick V.... Awesome baby!!!
  12. How can the speed be irrelevant. 100 mph in any condition is dangerous. Why should the gov be responsible for someone else's behavior. Next you'll be complaining about big brother sticking his nose where it does not belong....just saying.
  13. What good will that do...by the time it's all over they're soiled anyway...
  14. Bought mine on flea bay not long back from an outfit in Fla. Only took a couple of days to get it. Shipped on a Monday am and got it on Wednesday
  15. Happy National Hot Dog Day to everyone. Now go and celebrate
  16. Nope... Someone needs to give you a bell for it to work. You can install it yourself with no troubles.
  17. Just bought another one from Horn Blasters. Found them on Amazon, out of Florida. Ordered on a Monday am received them by Thurs. Works great...Try this address... [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003SEBYF0/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2/177-7683274-3182468?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_r=1Z21K952TKEACKJETN80&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_i=B000NPRTII]Stebel Nautilus Chrome Compact Motorcycle Air Horn : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41e7NXGKRcL.@@AMEPARAM@@41e7NXGKRcL[/ame]
  18. The one time everyone is HAPPY there are no pictures.....
  19. That's got to be the funniest thing I heard in a long while.. It has to be true...no one can think that stuff up....
  20. Same here. The "kids" gave me the 100 light set for christmas last year and them suckers are bright...
  21. No, but I did swing by your place today....Doors were closed so I turned around and went home...Was a beautiful day for a ride about....
  22. It's sunny and 84 here today....
  23. Our Wally is open 24 hrs. The best time to go is around 3 am. Nobody in the parking lot...Don't have to wait in line to check out either..
  24. Just move to the sunny south...we ride all year.....
  25. Me too Tom...been about the same amount of time. Cravings are not too bad..but it seems like the longer I go without a smoke the more I hack and cough. Go figure....
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