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Everything posted by RedRider

  1. Not if you only push it back a little. I have changed out old to new pads and have never opened the reservoir. The only time I have opened the reservoir is to flush fresh fluid thru the line. RR
  2. OK all; it appears we have a handful of 'Will be there' and a handful of 'Maybes'. Good enough to make this a go. Just for you 'Maybes' - there Maybe beer still in the fridge for you. Just for edification: tools currently on hand - Carbtune - sync carbs - 10 to 30 minutes ColorTune - set mixture - 1 hr Lift and lift adapter - grease splines, install Dynabeads for balancing, oil change, brakes, etc. - varies Wrenches and various tools - clutch work, electrical work, etc. Let me know what else might be needed or wanted done. I am on the SE corner of Fond du Lac. Have plenty of room for lots of folks - camping or couches. Inside parking if it rains for a good dozen bikes. More details as this shapes up. RR
  3. I'll be in Ft. Wayne the following weekend for my folks 50th anniversary. Small world. RR
  4. I would be very surprised if the bearings were damaged. Needing re-packing with grease? Perhaps. Having done this last winter, it is a PITA - but not hard. Good luck. RR
  5. FYI - Save the money and purchase the plugs from the local auto parts store rather than the Stealer. Same part number and everything. RR
  6. An extra enticement - It is the same weekend as the Fond du Lac County fair. The Guess Who are playing Friday night and 38 Special on Saturday night. Or - we can do a bonfire. RR
  7. OK all you Cheeseheads and northern Flatlanders. I have clearance from the tower to have a Maintenance Day at the Estate on July 18th/19th. Wife and daughter will be heading to northern Illinois for a basketball tourny, and that leaves me to my own devices. I know it is kind of short leadtime, but we can pull this together. The VR calendar has been checked and there appears to be no conflicts. What do you say? Anybody up for beer, brats, and wrenches? Fond du Lac, WI - kind of in the middle of everything. Plenty of ground for camping, beer fridge is full (as of now), workshop is fairly clean, garage is ... well, I will need to work on that. Let me know if there is still interest and we will get it set up. RR
  8. There is a guage cluster that a couple of folks have added in the area of a removed cassette player. Looks really nice. Do a search in the 2nd Gen tech section. RR
  9. The KLR is a fun machine. The first ride I took on it was in fine powder sand in the Francis State Park in SC. I had never been off road before and it was quite a bit different. The guys I was with just advised to do exactly what you would least expect to do. When the front end starts to wash out, give it the gas. Sure enough, it comes right around when you do it. My new Sargent seat just arrived today. I couldn't stand the stock 'board' for more than 150 to 200 miles. We will see how this goes. Also, have installed HappyTrails hard panniers, Nerf bars (crash bars), highway pegs, raising links, Acerbus hand guards, 1" bar risers, master cylinder protector, aluminum skid plate, Zumo mount, 4" extended windshield, official Kawa KLR tailbag. Done the license plate mod, de-Californication, added IMS pegs with springs, and footpeg lowering brackets. Made and installed a 4" tool tube. Also have a 12V electrical plug and a 16 tooth sprocket to put on once I get time. It is never ending. PM your address and I will send you a throttle lock for this baby. It is a Cat O-Ring that fits between the bar end and the throttle hand grip. I got 3 of them when I ordered. Now that I installed the hand guards, they no longer work for me. Will have to use a Cramp Buster. Still need to do the Doo, 22 cent mod, and drill out the slide. Once that's done, the only thing left is to add extra lights (HID), perhaps a fork brace, some tank panniers, and ride, ride, ride. This baby is taking me to Prudhoe Bay in 2011. However, farkles for the KLR sure are cheap compared to the Venture. Great pictures. Enjoy yourself, but be careful. It is a long way to the ground on this bike. RR
  10. Depends on which Corbin seat it is. If it is the king/queen (driver/rider) as one seat, it can be much more. If it also has the backrest, it can be $300+ (gone higher on EBay). Edit: Reread the original and realized he was looking for a price for the OEM seats, not the Corbin. Never mind. RR
  11. It's like you guys are a bunch of KLR650 owners. They(we) have the reputation of getting all our accessories by dumpster diving or modifying something from Walmart. RR - Who's only cheap when it comes to women - but never easy.
  12. I had just re-entered the US on the west side of Lake Superior and was wearing a half helmet and sunglasses. A bee got trapped between the helmet, my sunglasses arm, and my ear. My wife was on the back was kind of freaking out as to why I was power braking and pulling over on a narrow 2 lane road. That really hurt. RR
  13. Bob, Glad you are Karen are OK. Thanks for taking another of these forest rats out of the population, although, there are certainly easier ways to do this. Went for a ride with my son yesterday evening and cut it short because of deer concerns. Saw 2 right next to the road and another crossed the road about 100 yards ahead of us. It was a weird ride. I hit a seagull (need to clean the sh*t off my windshield) and almost hit a grouse. A couple of cats were also wanting a piece of me - they ran away with a blast from the Stebel horn. And this was all in a 45 minute ride. As for the damage - that'll buff out. Again, glad you and your bride came through safely. RR
  14. Yup, that should work. RR
  15. Here is a link to my ride report for the Minnesota 1000. Pics will be posted this weekend. http://www.network54.com/Forum/154362/thread/1245959830/last-1246021701/Stupid+Long+Ride+Report+from+a+Noob RR
  16. I am surprised at the CCC (Credit Card Companies) cancelling cards that get paid off. I could understand it if it was a card that wasn't used and had zero balance, but not one with a usage history. They make a majority of their money by getting a percentage of the dollars charged. In other words, when you buy gas on credit - let's say $100 to make the math easy - the CCC gets 5% or $5 for handling the trasaction. This comes out of the gas station revenue. Now, when you use Debit, the CCC/Bank only gets 1% of the total spent. The percentages may be off a bit (CCC may be 4% or 6%), but there is a significant difference. This is also why many places do not accept American Express. They charge a higher percentage than Visa/Mastercard. RR
  17. You will want to keep some type of switch in the circuit. If you eventually install heated clothing controls, there may be times you will need to turn the lights off to prevent draining the battery. Also, the DC outlet is in the fairing, clutch side, at the bottom of the fairing. You can't see it from the top. Put your head down by the shifter and look up. You will see it. It has a black plastic hinged cover on it. RR
  18. Pics will be posted soon. RR
  19. Make each transaction a 'Credit' rather than a 'Debit' and this shouldn't be a problem. Hotels do the same thing but for larger amounts. Thanks for the 'Heads Up". RR
  20. The Minnesota 1000 was an epic event and one of the highlights of my relatively short riding career. A total of 88 bikes took off at 8:00 Saturday morning from Leo's South (just south of Minneapolis) for parts unknown. Everyone had to choose their own route among the 60 or so bonus locations - each with a varied point value. By 8:00 Sunday morning, all needed to be back to Leo's for check in and scoring. As a rookie at this organized type of rally, I choose a more conservative route that I was fairly certain could be completed with some wiggle room on the time. If you are late by 1 second, you are time barred and considered a DNF. Total ride was 1055 miles with 13 bonus locations worth 9400 or so points (final scoring hasn't been posted yet and I don't remember the actual points). And ... I took home hardware!!! 3rd place in the Cruiser Class. I was both pleased and surprised. For anyone interested in long distance riding, this is an event to try. Great folks, great organization, and great fun. I will be back next year to try to win my class. The year after ... who knows!! RR
  21. Pete, Thanks for the clarification on the IBR entry. I must have read that when reviewing all the TS information and superimposed my memory on the MN1K. It was great meeting you and your wife. I had a really great time. Team Strange is a great group of folks that run a very tight ship. This rally was extremely well organized and definately geared towards everyone having fun. Everyone was very helpful to the rookies. The Harvest Run sounds like fun also. I will need to check with the boss, and the guy who signs my paycheck, to see how that weekend looks. This LD riding may end up being addictive. RR
  22. Just got back from the Minnesota 1000 and am catching up at work (and on my sleep). Will check with the bride on dates and get this rolling soon. Sorry for the delay. RR
  23. No question about it, get the CarbonOne lift adapter. You can find it in the Classified section. If you want to do more than just change the oil, you should probably spring for the one with the legs. It makes a nice, stable platform for your bike while allowing you to remove the jack. RR
  24. Good looking lady on a good looking bike - that shoots guns and is soon to be gainfully employed. I may have to push my 20 yo son to take a nice ride to Ohio. Seriously though, good on her. RR
  25. This weekend will be my first entry into an organized Long Distance Rally. The Minnesota 1000 is run by Team Strange out of Leo's South in Lakeville, MN. The rally begins at 8:00 am Saturday and is completed at 8:00 am on Sunday. Of course, the Liar's Banquet is held Friday night and the awards ceremony is held after the completion, but it is a 24 hour ride. Website: http://www.teamstrange.com/ The basics of the rally are: 1) A list of bonus locations are provided at the Friday night Liar's Banquet. 2) Each bonus location has a point value assigned. 3) Each bonus will be located within about a 500 mile radius of Lakeville, give or take a hundred miles. 4) You determine your own route based on the bonus locations you think you can get and still return by 8:00 am Sunday. 5) Proof of reaching a bonus can vary - a picture (with a time stamp), purchase an article, copy down an inscription, etc. 6) He (or she) with the most 'captured' bonus points - assuming the ride was completed on time - wins. I believe there are also points for keeping a fuel log, a rest bonus (stay in one location for a minimum of 3 hours), and other various hijinks. The rolling couch (2000 Red RSV) has been ColorTuned, CarbTuned, all fluids changed, new plugs, new air cleaners, Dynabeads in the NEW Dunlop E3 rear (no tire issues this trip, please), splines lubed, pins lubed, new to me Corbin seat, washed, waxed, and new tunes installed on the Zumo. Will be adding a bicycle water bottle cage onto the handle bars later this afternoon. I take off tomorrow with the intention of getting to the hotel by early afternoon. This will give me time to set up the trip planning computer, lay out the maps, and take a nap before the banquet. Once the banquet has been completed, I will need to get my route laid out, plugged into the Zumo, and get some sleep. Just hoping to finish on time with a respectable point total. This should be a lot of fun. I will let y'all know how it goes. RR
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