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Everything posted by RedRider

  1. Curt, That is a great explaination of the electrical properties of this setup. I wonder what the minimum length of wire would be before you begin to blow fuses (since you are making a direct short to ground with this system). As long as the wire is long enough, you should have enough resistance. This might come into play with wiring gloves only. Thanx
  2. Paul, I have gone thru Chatterbox headsets at 1 per year. It seams they last as long as their warranty. The connection between the top cord and the helmet connector gives out. Recently spent the extra money and got the J&M set (about $225). Audio quality is much improved, but that would be expected vs. the Chatterbox @ $100. Haven't had the the J&M long enough to evaluate quality. I can just say that I will never purchase another Chatterbox. Jeff
  3. Bike Bandit looks like they may have it. Here is a link: http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/partsbandit/oem_schematic_view~schem_dept_id~640337~section_dept_id~1~section_dept_name~OEM+%28Stock%29+Parts~dept_type_id~2~model_dept_year~1985~model_dept_mfr~Yamaha~model_dept_id~632434~model_dept_name~VENTURE+ROYALE+%2D+XVZ12DN.asp#stay Good Luck. Jeff
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