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Everything posted by RedRider

  1. Set of ball end hex wrenches metric open end set small cresent wrench couple of phillips and straight blade screwdrivers mechanics picks (2) spare bulbs - taillight and headlight (essential!!!) elec tape Duct tape (about 1/2 roll flattened) small elec meter fuses 1/4" socket set with extension and screwdriver type drive (metric sizes only) 3 or 4 feet of multistranded wire small roll double sided tape good Leatherman cheap Leatherman knockoff small ball peen hammer with handle cut short tire repair kit w/ CO2 cartridges for filling tire This all fits easily into a small canvas bag. Just in the saddle bag - at least 2 ratchetting tie downs, soft straps, Honda spray wash, towel, kickstand pad (I use an electrical junction box cover with a wire tied into one of the screw holes - this allows me to pick it up after I've lifted the bike off the kickstand). Windproof pullover for when it gets cool out. If I am on a trip - also take along a light weight bike cover, extra sunglasses, extra earplugs, electric jacket liner, 3 sets of gloves (warm, cool, cold - wear one set at all times), clear faceshield for my helmet (wear smoke shield during the day), notebook and pen. Hide an extra key somewhere on the bike. I also carry a first aid kit and a zero letoff air pump (not really needed to carry along - it is just a good place to store it since it is small). Always have my cell phone. .... and the kitchen sink. Hmmm, maybe this is why I need to take a trailer along when my bride rides with me. RR
  2. Well, sorry Jack. I already sent you the money. Thanks for putting this together again. RR
  3. There is a Midnight RSV with sidecar for sale on advrider.com. Link: http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298304 RR
  4. 2000 Red (the fastest color) with 52,000 miles. Had to replace a starter solenoid under warranty, a clutch not under warranty, and then just maintenance items. If only your kids could be so reliable. I love my bike - and my kids. RR
  5. Congrats and Happy Anniversary Don and Eileen. Have a great time up nort'. Drive carefully. We got hit with several inches of new snow yesterday. Not sure how hard they got it up der', but it could be ugly. We expect pictures of the big fish!! RR
  6. You are welcome to come smell all you want. It is beautiful though. Have a great New Year. RR
  7. Rick, Thanks for the info. I had noticed several cracks in my carb boots and was intending to replace them during my winter maintenance. I will rethink that now. Not concerned about the looks of the cracks as long as they don't leak. RR
  8. Bump, Bump
  9. Stebel horn and a Morgan Carbtune II. I was a good boy this year. I also got 2 books written by Ron Ayres about long distance riding and the Iron Butt Rally. RR
  10. I'd be in for one - maybe two (have other bikes that need a battery). RR
  11. Attached are instructions for mounting a Yamaha/Clarion CD changer in the trunk. Good Luck and Merry Christmas. RR
  12. Actually, I believe it is German. The website address at the beginning has an extension of .de RR
  13. Guess what showed up in my mail today? A check from DakotaSport for $250 (he owed me $265 since I paid $15 for shipping - but I'm not complaining). Don, apparently, you did some good. Envelope was postmarked 12/18. It will be deposited tomorrow morning. Thanks all for the notes of support and help in getting this resolved. Kris, I hope your deal gets cleared up also. And finally, Tim, if you are still checking this out, thanks for getting the check back to me. Merry Christmas to all. Time to break out the safety chrome catalogs. RR
  14. That's it. I was close. Thanks for the research. Was it you who purchased a set of pillow tops from someone that I asked about? I thought he perhaps sold them again - but delivered them the second time. RR
  15. Don, Thank you for your action. I hope this will provide some positive response, but I certainly don't expect any as of this point. I was the one who entered an agreement to purchase a set of pillow top seats for $250 +$15 shipping. He said he shipped them USPS but they were damaged. He was going to get them repaired, get new ones from a dealer friend, etc. I trusted and accepted his excuses. Eventually, I advised him to just return the money. Tim has been very difficult to get a hold of as the phone number in his listing does not connect and he does not return emails. He called me after I posted a note in the thread where he was offering to part out his bike. Promised to send a check. --- Nothing ---. I would really like to think there was some good excuse for this not working out. After this amount of time, and other similar poor business reports, it appears I have been had. Perhaps this will give me incentive and focus for a long trip this comming summer. Don, again, thanks for your diplomacy and help. RR
  16. Santa is bringing me a Morgan Carbtune and a Stebel horn. Yeah Santa!! RR
  17. Dale, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry - I was going by memory and I should have checked the member list before I put that name in the post. The previous member name was some variation on this - but was not you. I am sorry for not checking before I posted from (poor) memory. RR
  18. Do you need it for the front to make it easier to hook up and tow? RR
  19. Interestingly enough, it might be the same guy. I recall he was previously registered under a different screen name - MidnightRider or something like that. RR
  20. Interestingly enough, it might be the same guy. I recall he was previously registered under a different screen name - MidnightRider or something like that. EDIT - It was not Midnight Rider (Sorry Dale). However, I remember it as a variation of that. RR
  21. One of my favorite gifts for Christmas was a Wok. It is black with use (after about ten or so years). It lasted longer, and was more reliable than my first wife!! RR
  22. Kit and all, Kris and I are really sure. We will work with Don to attempt a resolution. If that does not work, then in the immortal words of the Fantastic 4 -- FLAME ON! RR
  23. There is no really easy 'one button push' GPS. You can access all the features in the Zumo from the GPS itself. However, it is easier to program routes and locations on a computer. View it as similar to a Camcorder. You have the ability to edit your video with the camcorder, but it is a whole lot easier to edit a video on a computer. The Zumo is full featured and you will not need to upgrade (until there is a leap in technology - should be a while for that). You will not go wrong buying the best. It will just take some practice. RR
  24. I have tried Chatterbox and J&M. The Chatterbox units are complete POCs (Piece of Cra*). I had a set that lasted a little under a year, took it back in for warranty and my dealer provided another one. It lasted about a year. Even under warranty, I did not want another set. I had them installed in a 3/4 helmet and a brain bucket. I purchased a J&M set and have been very pleased. The hi-fidelity of the music isn't that great, but the mic and speakers have worked flawlessly for 2 years. I have it installed in a modular full face helmet. J&M is the best I have tried. RR
  25. Got mine yesterday (or maybe Wednesday). They ROCK!! Thank you very much Don for putting this together. Much higher quality than I expected. The gremlins don't stand a chance. RR
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