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Everything posted by RedRider

  1. A suggestion for future projects - use 12 place muffin tins for placement of nuts and bolts. Run a line of masking tape above the holes so you can label each one. Just don't drop the tin. RR
  2. If you jump your dollar limit a bit ($10k or so), you can get a good couple of year old Venture. They come with a transferrable 5 year warranty, so you might get a couple of years of warranty out of it. Always good when you are purchasing a used bike. Good luck in your selection. RR
  3. I feel the need to provide a shout out for New Enough. They have been the best internet vendor I have ever used - for any product. On Tuesday morning, I ordered a First Gear Killimanjaro jacket - on sale. Got home from work yesterday (Wed.) and there was a box on my back steps. Yup, sure enough - 1 DAY TURNAROUND! And the shipping was included with the purchase. And they contributed a dollar to our website. The jacket is mahhvulus loooking dahhlink. RR
  4. Best money I ever spent other than gas. Purchased it and immediately rode 4200+ miles in about 6 days (with 2 days rest in Vegas halfway thru). Also did an Iron Butt on it last year. Would have been a cripple without it. I goes on my stock - non pillow top - seat. Don't put too much air in it. Should be about 1/2 inflated to work properly. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! RR
  5. Usually wear a tinted face shield on my modular helmet. If I got the brain bucket on - Oakleys. Have both dark and clear lenses. RR
  6. Get a digital picture frame and load it with pictures of the bikes you would buy her if you weren't so cheap. You could throw some pics of you and the kids on there too just to keep it in the Mother's Day spirit. Have a great weekend. RR
  7. A nice investment of $10 at Wally World will get you a 12V air compressor. It is quite small and can be made smaller with removing the plastic housing. Just wrap it in duct tape or electrical tape to keep the wires from snagging. I carry one on my KLR since I drop the pressure if riding off pavement. RR
  8. Beautiful work. I love the leveling job on the rear bag rails. Outstanding. RR
  9. Ahoutzer, The great thing about the CB is when you are riding in a group. It allows you to converse with other riders. Very useful. Generally, the lead bike and the tail bike will have a CB. RR
  10. I've put about 700 miles on the new KLR. Intend to take the Venture out of moth balls this weekend. RR
  11. Pete, There is no more comfortable bike for a tall rider. I'm 6'4" and tried the BMW b4 buying the Venture. No comparison with comfort. The Venture has it all. As for power, I ride 2 up and pull a trailer. Other than increased stopping resistance from the additional weight, I don't even know the trailer is there (and it's full of the wife's junk). If you can score a nice 2 or 3 year old used Venture, you will still have a couple of years of warranty left on a very reliable bike. There are raising links available that are easy to install and make the slow speed handling much easier. Cost about $75. These bikes are easy to wrench on - if you are into that. Great group for support here - none better. Stop by the Maintenance Day at Freebird's and check 'em out. You will not be disappointed. Give your wife a ride on the back of one of these bikes and your decision will be made. Passenger comfort is unsurpassed. Welcome. RR
  12. Just got this magazine yesterday. Read about this ride this morning while .... shaving. Looks like a great ride. RR
  13. Wow, Really? I did not know this. Gotta try this out. Thanx Dawg. RR
  14. In every motorcycle GPS discussion, every unit gets compared to the Zumo 450/550. If you can swing the money, you will never go wrong with the premier product. The cost is the only downside to the Zumo - and eventually, you forget about the money. If you don't end up with the features your want, or the quality is not there, or ..... you remember that for a long time. The Zumo has been flawless for 2 years in use in both the bike and the truck. I'm glad I spent the extra for it. Also, the mounts are excellent for both (both come with the Zumo). Just my $0.02. RR
  15. I always wear earplugs. Generally the foam type I pick up when visiting various factories during work. I am interested in the custom molded plugs. Does anyone have a set with the built in speakers? If so, how do they sound? RR
  16. Not enough money in the world to get me on that path. Guy's got stones of steel or brains of iron - or both. RR
  17. JeffC, You are my kind of rider. Get to where you need to go as quickly as possible so you can spend more time riding in the area you went to see. Proper planning and discipline make a 1000 mile day fairly easy. My trouble is finding a willing riding partner. Arcadia Nat'l Park and California this year, 4 Corners next year, Alaska in '10. RR IB # 33089
  18. Believe it or not, the cheapest I found the Progressive air pump was at the local HD dealer (when you count shipping, etc.). They were having a sale of 10% off or something and I paid about $40 (might have been $35). It is also a zero let off pump. So when you release the valve, no air is released. This is important on the front forks because a little air will change the pressure a lot. RR
  19. Great looking thong chaps. If they were only pink. RR
  20. Wind mills for water pumps were used quite extensively in flyover country. Good find Pegscraper. BTW, I still need to post pics of the HD taillight assy I bought from you. It looks great. RR
  21. Yup, Garrison was the one I was thinking of. Used to pass it going to a resort just nort' of Mille Lacs Lake. Brainerd was the town we woudl go into for 'getting in trouble' and I didn't bother to look at a map. Once I pulled the map up and followed the route we took, Garrison was the right place. Thanks for the correction. RR
  22. There is also a big fish in Hayward, WI (Fishing Hall of Fame) and, I believe, in Brainerd, MN. There's a statue of a Boll Weevil in Enterprise, AL, but that only counts as bait. RR
  23. Just a shot in the dark, but have you tried to bleed the clutch? You may also want to check the adjustment of the linkage. Both are easy to do and would eliminate the simple solutions. RR
  24. RedRider

    00 Rsv

    Is it the beautiful, fast red one - or the millineum beige one. If it's the red one, jump on it quickly. If it is the beige one ..... well .... you should probably still jump on it quickly. RR
  25. Steve, Do we need to take a ride to Hayward this weekend? RR
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