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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. I'm looking for a muffler bearing adjustment/calibration tool. But here's the kicker....It has to work on all 3 muffler bearings for the GL1800 Wing. Can he help with that?
  2. Definitely a good cause, I'm in. Don't care if I win or not just glad to be able to help. Dan, hope to see you riding again soon! Joe
  3. In some installations - like on my Wing - the connector on the end of the cable is too wide to fit into the recess and pull tight against the battery lug. Those spacers simply space it out so that it can be tightened down correctly. In other words, they go between the battery post and the cable lug. Joe
  4. Speaking of ancient photography, feast your eyes on these high def pics from WWll.....stunning. http://pavel-kosenko.livejournal.com/303194.html?thread=22669914
  5. Yes I am.
  6. You are right....they are different. I am not so sure that there is a size that is right for your 1st gen. I have an 1800 Goldwing, mine is a 195-55r-16. I agree with others who have tried them on the Venture though. If it takes 100 psi or more to get one to seat properly, I'd be leery of it.
  7. :sign yeah that: If cost were the main factor, I would not have a Kumho on my bike right now. For what I paid for it, I saved very little over the price of a good MC tire. It may save money due to a longer life, but that isn't why it's on my bike. A couple years ago I had a blowout of my rear tire on a curve in Tennessee. Hit a piece of steel thrown onto the road by someone who had mowed the side ditches. Fully loaded, carrying a cooler on a hitch rack, wife and luggage for a week's travel all squeezed in. Fortunately only doing about 35mph or so......that was enough for me right there. It went down onto the rim in a very short time. I shudder to think what would have happened if I had been running at highway speeds. I have left all the air out of my Kumho just to see what happened. The back end dropped maybe an inch at most. Not even close to sitting down on the rim. In addition, the "feel" is confidence inspiring for me. One thing that has always made me nervous is gravel in the curves. Still don't like it.....but last year on our trip to Maine I ran into gravel on curves several times. No slip. That big fat tire plowed right through. I could feel the gravel in the front end, but the rear was planted. Same in the rain. I used to "pucker up" pretty tight when having to run at any speed in the rain. Now it feels really solid in a downpour. For me, it's all about safety. If you don't agree with that, that's ok, we are all entitled to our opinions.
  8. That is a fine looking old Wing. My first one was an 82, it was nice but yours looks better!
  9. I had a 1994 Aspy, and put my Stebel under the left fairing pocket. Worked out really great there. Joe
  10. As bad as I hate drywall work....and as long as it takes me to finally get it right....I'd pay him pretty well. Live generously, you will never go wrong, and you will sleep well. Bless others while you can.
  11. If possible, I would ride both before deciding. Which one feels "tighter"? Does one have rattles and squeaks that the other does not have? Most importantly.....which one has fewer "Crickets on steroids" making that horrendous SCREECH???
  12. Wow....a 50% offer is really good comparing to what we've been able to get from our hospital. Think we got as high as 25% once.... If they refuse your offer, you might want to consider (depending on the $$ amount of the discount) borrowing the 50% elsewhere to pay it off, and then making the higher payments to the lender. Could still save you a large amount of money if you get a decent rate on the loan.
  13. Nah....don't have a third of that in mine.
  14. Firecreek Accessories makes an electrically adjustable windshield for the Goldwing, and they are soon coming out with models for HD, BMW and "cruisers" according to their website. Might want to contact them to see if they could make one for the RSV. http://www.firecreekacc.com/index.htm
  15. I would recommend fixing it with one of these.....easy and long lasting. You'll be glad you chose this method! https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RHLtzdOaRkA/TvIydi1BDSI/AAAAAAAADrs/zM65JXA8KpI/w542-h391-k/P1000215.JPG
  16. Just MHO, but splicing connectors in sounds like a prescription for trouble. Electrical problems aren't any fun. If you're going to go to the trouble to swap harnesses, I think you should find one that is made for your bike. If you look at Pinwall Cycles' eBay store they have about 10 of them for the 1200's. You'd probably have to call and have them verify which model they came from to be sure you got the right thing. Worth the trouble and $ in my opinion. Good luck!
  17. Oh, works equally well with Android Gingerbread on the Droid Bionic.
  18. Hey Don, I know you didn't ask, but in case you are curious.....this also works really well with HP's TouchPad running webOS! Good Job! Joe
  19. Why anyone would allow them to spy on you in order to determine how much to charge you is just beyond my ability to comprehend. As soon as State Farm adopts a system like this and either makes it mandatory or penalizes me for not using it.....they will lose a 25 year customer. Joe
  20. Great job, Dennis! Looks really nice. You have more patience than I do, evidently!!
  21. I'm betting she already knows that!!!
  22. Hey Dan, Follow the instructions on this site exactly, and you should be able to get your favorites moved to another browser. http://www.pchell.com/support/exportmsnfavorites.shtml Good luck! Joe
  23. Let me know how to contribute, I'd love to help!
  24. I would pay $80 per ticket for the Moody Blues! My all time fav as well. I have cd's of most of their music, ripped to MP3 and loaded on my Garmin. We rock to the MB's whenever we are out on longer trips. Joe
  25. Looks like it is owned by Permatex now, and I see it is available at Advance Auto. Interesting article, let us know if you try it.
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