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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Antennas are definitely reversed. CB antenna should be on the same side as the heal-toe shifter. Joe
  2. Bill.....nothing wrong with that at all. I confess I do like curves, but also enjoy the kind of riding you describe as well. God made us all individuals and it would be boring if we were all alike. Definitely don't feel bad about your riding style, we all have our own preferences. Joe
  3. Darn you, Rick!!! I've been battling Vision fever for a couple weeks now, thought I about had it licked. Now you gotta make me read all these good reviews, and I'm re-infected. The only thing holding me back is that the Boss would probably wring my neck. Again. Joe
  4. Yeah, I'm still waiting for my 6-course STEAK DINNER, Bill!!! My memory is slipping in some areas but not when it comes to FREE FOOD!!! I'm trying really hard to figure out a way for me to make it to your meet. Stinking WORK seems to be the issue.....we are in the middle of an entire server/network system upgrade, and wouldn't you know it has to be the entire month of June!!! I am hoping that things will be going smoothly enough that I can slip away for 2 days and beat it down there....but it will probably have to be a last-minute call. Believe me, if I can swing it I WILL be there! Joe
  5. I have ridden my friend's Stratoliner a few times. Have to agree with Snarley about the power, it is awesome. That said, my Wing will still outrun it in any test you want to give it....quarter mile, 50 mph roll-on, twisties. But it is close, close enough that it really doesn't matter. If I were to buy one, it would be the Deluxe with the fairing. Only problem is, then I'd have to add a bunch of $$ to make it comfy for the Boss. Trunk, new seats, etc. After all that I still wouldn't have the one accessories that, to me, is killer. REVERSE. When you have a 27 inch inseam, reverse is nearly a requirement.
  6. I may be mistaken, but I thought that the Roadliner was just a "less equipped" Stratoliner. Is that not true? I know the RoadStar is very different, but what are the differences in the Roadliner and Stratoliner beyond cosmetics? EDIT: Found this comparison on Yammie's website. Looks like they are twin brothers: http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelspecs/484/0/specs.aspx
  7. I have the same tire, and also run mine at 32. Very happy with it. I can feel the "squirrely" on occasion.....IF I am thinking about it. But I've gotten so used to it that I just make automatic adjustments without even being conscious of it I guess. For me, it feels like the most stable rear tire I've ever run on. I no longer fear gravel in the twisties, it just plows right through it. Also feels like it has a ton of grip in the rain. Joe
  8. :goodpost::goodpost:
  9. Tell Larry....GREAT PICS!!
  10. Rather than do multiple file uploads on this site, I just posted our pix online. You can see them here: https://plus.google.com/photos/110935340875701357991/albums/5747675033597853697 Joe
  11. Make sure you remember to remove that ugly weather vane ya got on the roof! :rasberry:
  12. James, Mine is a Kuryakyn, was on the bike when I bought it. It's this one... http://www.leatherup.com/p/Trailer-Hitches/Kuryakyn-Trailer-Hitch-for-2001-2010-Honda-GL1800-Gold-Wing/156935.html?gclid=CLaEt_uM_a8CFSWFQAodGEgXDQ Joe
  13. Don't be so stingy.....give us more pics of that purdy bike! Joe
  14. Hey Fuzzy, Measured mine.....the center of the pin hole is 3/4 inch from the bottom of the vertical tube. Hope this helps. Joe
  15. Fuzzy, My Wing is an 03, so the hitch mounting brackets are a bit different than the one you show. However, the tube on mine is vertical like your, and the stinger looks to be identical. I have a hunch that there are a lot of these "hidden" hitches out there as I have seen quite a few myself. Joe
  16. The older 4 cyl Wings ALL puff a bit of smoke at startup. When you lean it on the sidestand, those left cylinders are pointing down and a small amount of oil will seep in. This isn't harmful....best to just monitor the oil level and let it go if it isn't burning more than that. Or, use only the centerstand.
  17. Use it to power a small elevator lift for Boomer to use in loading/unloading his hoard of Pygmys!!
  18. I live it that zip code too!
  19. Got it covered yet, Dan?
  20. Exactly my opinion as well. Let the sceptics "scept", I don't really care!
  21. This is not a scam. It is valid. I checked it out using my Android tablet, which is not subject to Windows malware. Nothing dangerous there. I guess for many who don't trust this, they'll find out for sure on July 9th....
  22. Only thing you're missing is your mind.....
  23. Not on a Venture. I'd rather have one with higher miles that has been properly maintained than one with lower miles and I don't know the seller or the history. A couple years ago my buddy bought a 2001 Venture from a member here. It had over 100,000 miles on it. At the time I had a 99 with 45,000 miles on it, and the previous owner had not properly maintained it (didn't check close enough before I bought it...my bad). That Higher mileage bike felt like a new one in comparison to mine when I rode it. Maintenance is everything. Good luck with whatever you do, and make sure to join up....best $12 you'll ever spend. Even if you don't own a Venture, the comedy around here is worth it!!! OH, and the friendships too! Joe
  24. One of our members who goes by Juggler on the forum has an identical one for sale in our classified. Loaded to the gills, and comes with a trailer. All for $5000...... He's farther away but maybe you should talk to him. He has been a member for a long time and has kept it in top shape. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=68837 Joe
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