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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. I wish I was there too!!! Sounds like a great ride.
  2. BTW, if you tell them that you are a member of VR.org, you get a $5 discount. You have to call them or use the online order form to get the discount. Don't just do like I did and click the PayPal icon...you won't get the discount if you order that way. Motorman is a real nice guy. Buy his DVD!
  3. Take a look at the pix on this page: http://www.ridelikeapro.com/images/MCTraining/MCTrainingMain.htm Notice the black Venture? Looks like he's got a pretty good lean angle going, and that's just a student, not the Pro. I'd sure like to be able to attend one of his classes.
  4. Just ordered my DVD....finally. Hope it gets here fast!
  5. If I were you, I wouldn't be placing any bets against them when it comes to riding a Venture like that. Believe me....they CAN. I have seen video of them riding GL1500 Gold Wings exactly like that. And I have owned both the GL1500 and the 2nd Gen Venture. In my opinion, the GW is just as top heavy as the Venture. They make it look easy. It's all technique. If the bike is leaning at the proper angle and your speed is correct there is no way that the bike can fall. Physics (centrifugal force specifically) will not allow it to unless you chicken out and slow down. I don't have the videos, but am going to order them TODAY. I've been meaning to anyway, just keep fergittin! However, I have been practicing one of their techniques on how to pull a U turn on a narrow two lane road with no problems. It works....IF you have some nerves!! :rotf:
  6. You got the wrong one. They also sell one that is just like yours. Maybe they just grabbed the wrong one and shipped it to you.
  7. I had an iWay 250C for about 6 months. Bought it Refurbished with a 90 day warranty. Used it 3 times and loved it. BUUUUUUUT, on my 4th use, it died. Totally. Won't "boot up" at all. Tried everything, she's dead. And since it was refurbed, "tough luck, Mr. Customer". Don't buy one refurbed. Period.
  8. I don't know the difference, but if you buy the 450 it's cheaper here: http://www.shipdog.com/product.asp?i=GARZUMO450&ref=pricegrabber&sku=010-00567-05
  9. BTW, my 94 Goldwing is dead on the money on both speed and miles driven. If they could do it in 94, they could surely do it now, don't you think?
  10. If you own a bike that has a warranty based on distance (miles or kilometers) that isn't an upside at all. Then your warranty expires sooner. I have a sneaking hunch that this may be what is behind the motorcycle industry doing this pretty much across the board. It's no harder to make a speedometer accurate than it is to make it consistently wrong.
  11. I replied. Did you get it?
  12. If you can turn a wrench, you can install it. Remove the right saddlebag to expose the rear caliper. Also remove the left bag, as you will need to remove the axle. Just follow the instructions in the kit. Really not a bad job at all. Where to buy it? 1. Direct from Barons 2. I have a complete kit for sale, including the instructions. It was on a bike when I bought it, I didn't like it lowered so I removed the kit and returned it to stock. It's yours for $95 shipped anywhere in the continental U.S.
  13. Well, the bad news.....it absolutely cannot be fixed. You just need to GIVE IT TO ME!!!:rotf: Wow, a 2000 RSV for free??? What a deal! I'm not sure of what the problem would be, but my guess is it won't take a lot of $$ to fix it. Sure wish I'd run into deals like this! One quick thought.....have you checked the main fuse as well as the ones in the fuse box? Good luck!
  14. I also have a 99, and had the same problem when I first bought it. One question that I have: how do you know that the regulator is a good one?? Yamaha says that there is no method of testing this component except for replacing with a known good one. The way I fixed mine was to unhook the wiring harness at the regulator, then clean the contacts in both the harness and the regulator. Next I used a pair of needle nosed pliers to "tighten up" the connectors in the harness (the female ends) so that they would get a good connection. Then I loaded the plug on the harness with dielectric grease and plugged it back together. Problem solved. I would suggest also that you follow the instructions in the service manual for testing the stator (if you haven't already done so). It is quick and easy (does require a multimeter though) and will give you proof positive on that component. When you finish the test, do the same thing to the stator connectors that I recommended above for the regulator connectors. Let us know if this helps.
  15. The stock passing lamps are a Sealed Beam lamp. You cannot change just the "Bulb", you change the entire lamp unit. Take the chrome ring off and the lamp drops out. It is connected with 2 wires that screw onto the connectors on the lamp. There are some aftermarket lamp assemblies available that use a replaceable halogen H3 bulb, I cannot remember who makes them but I'll try to find the source. Here is what I put in mine: http://www.jpcycles.com/productdetail.aspx?PID=310-144&cs=Harley&GID=f50291fb-213e-4385-a2cb-e6db00522737&store=&page=&search= They are brighter and don't cost an arm and a leg like the conversion kits do. These are also a one-piece lamp like the originals but are halogen.
  16. Here you go: http://www.jpcycles.com/productdetail.aspx?PID=310-144&cs=Harley&GID=f50291fb-213e-4385-a2cb-e6db00522737&store=&page=&search= I have these, and they are brighter than stock and don't drag your charging system down. Priced right too.
  17. In my gallery..... and here's the linky: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=893
  18. Some of my riding buddies were complaining that they couldn't see my turn signals during daytime riding. They said they were just to dim. So, I dug out some dual-intensity LED lights that I had bought for another project (they are really bright...some of the best I found at any price), made some brackets to mount them on my saddlebag rails, and have them wired as running and turn signal lights. I'm happy about how they turned out. Now everyone behind me can actually see what I'm doing. give me a few minutes and I'll have the pix uploaded to my gallery.
  19. I really don't think you'll be happy with just an LED replacement bulb. LED's are too directional to do a very good job unless you get something like this: http://www.customdynamics.com/Yamaha_tail_retro.htm Look at the first item on the page. I've seen those in use and they are BRIGHT. More expensive than a bulb, but sometimes the old saying is true....you only get what you pay for. I will have one of these on my bike before long.
  20. Some people here have managed to change the headlight bulb without splitting the fairing by using long slender needle nose pliers (or a small feminine hand!) to reach in behind the fairing from the left side. They say that you can do it if you have patience. I DO NOT HAVE PATIENCE or a slender hand or long enough needle-nosed pliers. So I just split the fairing and do it that way. It really doesn't take that long. I can do the total job in about 30 minutes and don't have to get aggravated enough to cuss at it. Oh, and if you do split the fairing, you do not have to totally remove the headlight housing assembly. You can remove the mounting bolts but leave the adjuster bolt attached. Then you can just move the housing around enough to get your hand in behind to get the bulb out. I bought my 99 last fall, and it seemed that the headlight was very weak, and could not be adjusted down far enough. It was always pointing at the tops of the telephone poles. When I split the fairing to replace the bulb, I found that the previous owner had evidently tried to change the bulb without splitting the fairing and had gotten the bulb in "crooked". It was not seated properly and was pointing up at about a 30 degree angle. It would be easy to get it in wrong if you don't split the fairing so you can get to it properly. I know others have been successful in doing it this way, but I'll always split mine. Probably only takes an extra 10-15 minutes to do it that way, and then I'm sure it's in right. Plus, I love working on the old girl!!
  21. And since we're talking about tires and safety, y'all don't forget to get that winter air out of your tires and get it replaced with summer air. I usually make sure mine is changed by the end of April, then change back to winter air in November. Of course, those of you in warmer climates may do it differently. What's your schedule???
  22. I don't know about the Tom Tom, but here's my advice (based on experience).....don't just look at the display in bright sunlight. Also look at it in bright sunlight while wearing your sunglasses! My iWay is fine in sunlight....until I put my sunglasses on - which I almost ALWAYS wear while riding. The sunglasses must filter out the frequency of light emitted by the display, because when I put them on it looks like my GPS is turned off. Major bummer.
  23. Last time I was out was last Sunday. You could call me WindBlownRider after that one! It was hard holding her on the road. Did you have any icicles hanging off of ya this morning? Johnson's is easy to follow. If you're coming down 101 from the north, just cross 224 and start looking on the east side of the road. New grey building, he does have a sign out, not real big though. It's only a couple hundred yards past 224. Can't miss it. Kind of a throwback to the old time shops. You walk in the door and you're in the shop. You can watch everything he does and look at all the bikes in the shop for repair. He's a real knowledgeable guy, can tell he knows his stuff. I'm sure looking forward to warmer weather. Maybe I can even get a short ride in this weekend in between other family activities.
  24. Lynn, Just turn 'em inside out and mount 'em! Have you been to Johnson's shop yet? (on 101 just south of 224). I was there last Saturday and had him mount a tire (a real fatty!) on the rear wheel of my buddy's Vulcan 2000. He has a really slick setup for changing tires, and only charges $20 for mounting and balancing if you bring the wheel in to him. Dang, I can't mess with mounting and balancing for that! Joe
  25. For the sound that you are looking for, your best bet IMO would be the RK muffs. You can get them pretty cheap on ebay.
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