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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. That's one of those "all depends" questions. Not all hard seats are the same, nor are all soft seats. I loved the soft pillow top seat on my 99RSV.....my 1500 Gold Wing also has what I would call a soft seat, but it hurt my butt. I have ridden on a firm seat that was very comfortable. So.....I think it depends on how the seat is formed as well as whether it is hard or soft. The beads allow airflow, which is what keeps you from getting Monkey-Butt. If your rear end gets hot and sweaty, that's when trouble starts, whether the seat is hard or soft.
  2. I also have them. They really work great.....and if you need a change, just take it off and throw it in the trunk for a couple hundred miles. Really good price: http://www.cyclemaxohio.com/inc/sdetail/198
  3. What??? ..... shaving??? combing what little hair I have???? popping pimples??? What, man, what????????
  4. Geez, this is just common sense. The color red ALWAYS indicates "hot"....and since summer is hotter than winter, you should use the air out of the RED hose!!
  5. The previous model from Diamond R were clamp-ons....I had them on my RSV and didn't think much of them. They clamp on to the passenger grab bar, which is padded. So, the clamps twist around pretty easily. Hard to keep them in place. Personally, I think the bolt on model would be better.
  6. Well, how about these: http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Passenger%20Highway%20Pegs Diamond R has it all.....
  7. They are available from Diamond R Accessories, a great place to do business....and a supporter of VR.org too! Here ya go.... http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Swingout%20Tubular%20Armrest
  8. Same helmet that Donna and I wear. They are really great fit, quality, and comfort. You can remove the faceshield if you don't want one on your helmet. Joe
  9. Hey Kit, just a word of caution from one GW owner to another..... The heel-toe shifters are known to lead to transmission problems on the GW's unless you are very careful. People tend to apply too much pressure, and since the effective length of the shift lever is longer with the h-t shifter, it applies too much force to the shifting forks. Almost anytime there is a GW with a tranny issue, it can be traced back to the use of a h-t shift lever. I think you're safe as long as you are aware of the potential for damage and take it easy on the force applied. Love that new ride....she's a beauty. Wish I could afford a new one myself. Joe
  10. I've had this condition for going on 30 years. Middle finger, right hand. Caused by high production mig-welding for too many years. It used to be only an inconvenience....and a conversation piece when I showed it to my friends.....but now it's starting to bother me. Sometimes gets real painful for a week or so, then subsides. The worst thing is that my hand keeps going numb when riding (throttle hand...glad I have the cruise control) and I have to lower it to my side and shake it around for awhile to get the blood flowing again. I'll tell ya....getting old sucks.
  11. Shush yo' mouth about those saddlebags! I've always liked the looks of that machine, but have been telling myself that I wouldn't be happy with it because of the small saddlebags. And now you're trying to shoot that excuse all to pieces. Guess I'll have to fall back to my other excuse......NO STINKIN' MONEY!! :rotf:
  12. Hey Kit, you getting the NAV system and the airbag too?
  13. AH Haa!!! See..... I'm NOT the only "traitor" on this site!! You guys will love your Wing. They 'get under your skin' though....and make it really hard to ever be satisfied with anything else. Congrats, Popeye and Kit. Welcome to the Dark Side. Oh, wait....it's not a Harley so can't be the Dark Side. Maybe the Grey Side??
  14. Wow, Brad.....glad that bronco bucked you off into the soft grass instead of throwing you under her and then stomping on ya! To be able to walk away from something that looks like that is proof that you are under His watchful eye. Get back in the saddle soon! Joe
  15. Hey Jerry.....are you going to sell your Wing? Got any details on it? A guy who goes to the same church that I do is looking for one similar to yours. And only a few hours away. If you are interested, send me the details in a pm. Thanks Joe
  16. Kit, Are you speaking from experience about Frogg Toggs being hot and leaking? I have worn my black FT's (2 piece) through torrential downpours....raining so hard I had to pull over because I couldn't see more than about 50 feet. I have not had problems with leaking as you describe. Jacket doesn't pull up, pants don't fall down, and I don't get wet like you describe. Yes they are a bit warmer than not having them on at all, but not nearly as bad as any other rainsuit I have ever worn. I wear them over my leathers a lot, and don't suffer from it. Joe
  17. Hey Juggler, if you are wanting to move away from Windows, you might want to check out PCLinuxOS on your desktop. Nice! Fast, stable, pretty.....and FREE! If you don't like it, then you can still spend your money on a MAC. Joe
  18. Kit, Some of my friends who ride Gold Wings are running the PIAA 1100 series. They look like landing lights on a 747!! If you ride too slow, they will melt the asphalt in front of you. But....they ain't cheap. Nothing compares, though. If you read reviews, there is nothing in their class. Take a look: http://www.piaa.com/Lamps/Lamp-pages/1100x.html Joe
  19. Do you know whether Netscape still has that feature? If so, why not install the current version, import the favorites from IE, let Netscape clean out the dead ones, then import the good ones back into IE. Or better yet.....Keep using Netscape!! Joe
  20. The US Dollar has lost a lot of value compared to the Euro over the last few months. So, it was probably still a good deal for the buyer even with the cost of shipping. Joe
  21. Pete- I do the same thing with my rack and trailer that you are wanting to do. I use the cooler rack with my receiver hitch for most trips...weekends, etc. But for longer journeys we pull a trailer. My rack frame unbolts from the drawbar that came with it (2 bolts, 5 minutes) and then I use the same mounting holes and bolts to mount it on my trailer tongue. Works great. This is the one I have, only with the receiver hitch mount: http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com/new_cooler_rack.html Price is low enough that I wouldn't care to make one on my own. Good luck. Joe
  22. Thanks, Kit. Great info. Joe
  23. With all of the posts about final drive problems and noises, I thought this post might help. I saw it on a Gold Wing forum, but it certainly applies to the Venture/RSTD rear drive unit as well. They are nearly identical to the GW drive. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/Shaft.html
  24. Just curious.....have you used this product or do you know of anyone who has. It looks really interesting, and if it works as well as they claim it would be awesome. Joe
  25. BRILLIANT idea there, Jack!! You better patent that before I beat you to it!!! :rotf:
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