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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Try PCLinuxOS, commonly called PCLOS. It is similar to Ubuntu in that you can boot from a bootable cd and try it out without installing it to see if you like it and if it is compatible with all your hardware. To me, PCLOS seems more graphically refined (prettier) and easier for a Windows user to adapt to. Menus are more like Windows, etc. By default, Ubuntu uses the Gnome graphical interface which (again, just my opinion) is a lot "plainer" looking. Whichever you try I'm betting you'll be surprised by how easy it is to learn. Linux has come a looooooong way in the last 5 years. If my company's business apps were compatible, we'd be running Linux.
  2. FreezyRider

    In 135

    I may be blind, but I can't find anything on your M&E offer. Got a link to it? Details? I love 135.....and 58.....and 62.....250.....66......258.......150.....geez, I could just ride Southern Indiana everyday and not get tired of it!
  3. You're a better man than I am....I'll pay my local guy the $20 for mount and balance. I do all the checks and maintenance on my bike while the wheel is off because I feel a lot like you do when it comes to someone else "doing it all right". I just have more peace of mind knowing that I've personally checked everything myself. And since I get to watch the guy mount and balance my tire I even know that this portion was done correctly. Best of both worlds. Too bad you're not closer to me, I'd bring my wheels to YOU!!! :rotf:
  4. A friend and I bought the HF tire changer, going to save some serious $$ by changing our own tires.......riiiiiiight! We changed a rear tire on a 1500 Gold Wing. Took the two of us an hour to get it changed and balanced, and that's not counting dismounting and remounting the wheel. Those tire sidewalls are some pretty stiff material! Next, we took on a rear tire on a friend's Kawasaki Vulcan 2000. You know, one of those super wide rear tires...that was an impossibility. We gave up after an hour. The three of us together couldn't get the old one off. So, we took it to a local independent repair shop. He has a pneumatic changer built just for mc tires. Took him about 10 minutes to change and balance it. And he charged $20. So, guess who does all my changing now? The HF changer gathers dust in the corner. I figure that an hours worth of struggle for 2 guys isn't worth saving $20.
  5. I sure hope you are right! If a new, updated Wing comes out, the prices will fall on the 1800's and maybe I can upgrade to one!
  6. Life is short. If you have the itch, SCRATCH IT and don't look back.
  7. I just installed Speedbleeders last Saturday while replacing brakes on my Goldwing. YUP, best thing I ever did for myself!! Can't believe that I did it the hard way for so many years. I don't know who invented these things, but that dude has my gratitude. I changed all the brake fluid as well as the clutch fluid, can't believe the difference it made in how my clutch feels. Kinda like changing shock absorbers on your car....you don't really know how bad they are until you change them. Same thing with the clutch fluid. Make the investment, you won't be sorry. Joe
  8. Nope, that is where Internet Explorer favorites are, not where Firefox favs are stored. On my pc, my FF favorites are in: C:\Documents and Settings\my username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(Random folder name here)\bookmarks.html The Application Data folder is a hidden system folder. You will either need to go into Folder Options in My Computer and click the option to Show all folders, or the easy way is to do a search for any file named 'bookmarks.html'. Be advised that there is a file with that name in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Defaults\Profile. You don't want that one, it is the one that is used with a new installation of FF, not your customized one. Good luck.
  9. Another, less costly word: Linux! In particular, PCLinuxOS is great for Windows users. Very user friendly. And Free. But, Ken...I've cleaned up a lot of these kinds of problems. Your easiest course would be to use the System Restore feature in XP to return to a previous good state. You can do this as long as System Restore has been configured to make "snapshots" of your system. By default, this will be enabled on a new installation. To use System Restore, first close all programs. Click Start. Click All Programs Click Accessories Click System Tools Click System Restore Follow the Wizard to return your computer to a point in time that was before you had your "brain fart" This procedure will not remove any data, only reset system files to a previous state. In the system restore utility, when it asks you to select a restore point, look at the little calendar that is displayed. Any date that is bolded contains a system restore point that you can use. Good luck. Joe
  10. True, but you are no better off with paper maps either. Chances are, if it's not on your GPS software, it's not on your 4 year old Road Atlas either!
  11. Looking forward to meeting you too James. I've always loved the color of the 03, a great looking bike! Joe
  12. The only thing NEW about it is the first word of its name. I think it was established by Noah right after the flood. He needed someplace to dump all that leftover "stuff" that was in the Ark. :rotf:
  13. What, you don't ever want him to come back???
  14. I'm in the FW area....about 25 miles south. Pegscraper (Lynn) is closer, about half way between me and FW. When are you coming? Would be neat to meet up. You won't find many twisties or mountains in this area though!!
  15. Maybe this link http://randsco.com/index.php/2007/05/30/p442 is what she was referring to. Click the graphic at the upper left. Dang!!!
  16. I have to confess that I had an unfair advantage. Lynn pm'd me that he had posted an April Fools gag, so I already knew. However, since I know Lynn personally, it would have been obvious to me anyway. He's just that kind of guy....you gotta watch him or he'll get ya!! (if not with words, he'll get you with Mustard!) Sorry Lynn....couldn't resist. Joe
  17. I have a Gold Wing with a tall Tulsa style windshield. Would one of your kits treat the entire windshield or would it take more than that? Thanks.
  18. If you are going to top off the bottle with gas so that the stabilizer doesn't break down, DO NOT use gas that is formulated for winter time usage. Stabilizer will only work correctly with gas that is made for summer use. That's why you add it to your summer gas to make it stay workable over the winter months. I have heard that if you put stabilizer in winter gas (which is still what they have at the gas stations in Indiana), it will blend in so well that come next fall you won't be able to separate the stabilizer out from the gas so that you can add it to the correct summer blend. You'd just be wasting your time and money.
  19. Strange, I have always felt that it's the other way around. Maybe that's because I had a 2nd Gen, and it seemed that every time I had a problem or asked a question, the very first response was "Buy a 1st Gen and you won't have that problem." Got to the point that I hated to post anymore. I guess it's all a matter of perspective...... :stirthepot:
  20. Just curious, Debelt...... Do you kick hornet's nests just for the fun of it?? :rotf::rotf::stirthepot::whistling:
  21. That is due to one of the major laws of nature: "A watched pot never boils". Mine never comes up either when I go there. It's usually YOURS that is always there!!!
  22. My 99 did the exact same thing to me the day after I bought it, and the regulator and battery were brand new (prior owner had this happen and thought a new battery and regulator would fix it....wrong). I immediately suspected the stator, so tested it following the instructions in the service manual. It tested OK. So I decided to pull the new regulator off, it is not unheard of that a new one can be defective. When I pulled off the connector, I saw the problem. One of the wire connectors inside the connector plug was not making good contact. The "female" side had spread apart a bit, therefore the spade part of the connector wasn't making good contact. I used a pair of needle nosed pliers to snug up the connector a bit, then loaded the connector socket with dielectric grease and plugged it back in. Never had the problem again. I'd suggest you check that connector. Good luck!
  23. The Baker Bilt company is only about 15 miles from me. They are out in the middle of nowhere, started by a farmer who rode a Gold Wing. He wanted some air deflectors, and just decided to make his own. Other riders saw them, wanted him to make some for them......and before long he had a business. Started it in a farm shed. It's now in a much larger building, but still located on the same farm. Really great Christian people. You can't go wrong buying from them.
  24. Are you confusing Xenon with HID?? The HID systems normally run 200-300 bucks, a Xenon bulb is much less. HID (High Intensity Discharge) is the super super bright-as-the-sun lighting. Sure wish we could get those for $50!!! Not even JC Whitney can do that! Joe
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