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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. I hope these links work. The first one is the route we took from Madison, IN to Bardstown, KY. The second is the route back to Madison. Get there Get back
  2. First hand experience here....check my profile. I ride a 1994 GW, it has 98,700 miles on it. Still purrs like a kitten, runs strong. These bikes don't have a stator, but a true automotive alternator. It can be removed in 10 minutes flat. If you replace the brushes in the alt about every 60,000 miles, and do your other maintenance as specified you'll get really good service out of this bike. People talk about low speed handling issues. Well, I can speak from experience here also, at least when compared to the 2nd Gen Venture. I owned a 1999 RSV, and it handled no better than the Wing at low speeds. Both are big, heavy bikes and meant for long runs. In my opinion, the Wing handles the twisties much better than the RSV. But, that isn't really what either bike is made for. If you're looking for a twisties bike, get a Concours or FJR. For me, the RSV gives better comfort for the rider. My wife likes the rear seat of the Wing better though. That said, with a couple of accessories the GW's comfort for the rider can be quiet good. A backrest, a sheepskin, and some good highway pegs make it a very comfy bike. Hey, if you can get a good deal on one, snag it. Joe
  3. Yep, I still have it on the map. I'll get it run through Google maps and then post a link so that everyone can see it. I'm at work now, so it'll have to wait until this evening. It was such a great weekend. Meeting up with Kevin & Sue, Darrin & Deb, and Bob was really a blast! It was great to ride, eat, laugh, and "sample" together! Even though one particular incident kind of "bugged" me, it was still an awesome time. I don't think I've ever seen 3 more glorious days for riding than Sat-Monday. Can't wait for the next one! Joe
  4. If you're looking for a free Front Page replacement, try this one: http://www.kompozer.net/ I haven't tried it, but did play with its predecessor (Nvu) and it was pretty good. Joe
  5. What do I like about it???? Well, let's see....that would be the Food and the Ambience!!! They have a room at the back that overlooks the river....windows all around, kind of like a sunroom. It's right on a spot where the river makes a big winding turn to the South. Since the restaurant is built on a bluff high above the river, you can watch the barges coming from the east as they make their way around the bend and follow the river south. Probably see about a mile of the river all told. Really nice. The Dock sounds great too. Glad you mentioned it, now I have another place to check out when I'm in the area!! I think Southern Indiana is the best kept secret in the Midwest! Joe
  6. Hey Steve, do you mean "The Overlook" restaurant at Leavenworth? Man, I love that place! Joe
  7. What a coinky-dink! 4 or 5 of our gang are going down to Madison, In for the long weekend. Staying there Saturday and Sunday nights. We're planning on riding to Bardstown, Ky on Sunday to go to the Olde Talbot Tavern....what a great place! We were there a year ago and had so much fun we decided to go back. Saturday afternoon we'll wind back up toward the river, may actually pass through the Corydon area. If I see ya comin' I'll do something to get your attention. Have a great time, Kevin. We hit that area in late June, really love it around there. Joe PS....If you're interested in riding down to Bardstown and kickin around with us for the day on Sunday, let me know. It would fun!
  8. The other (huge) advantage that a Wing or Venture has over a Beemer is the availability and cost of service. Not sure I'd want to head out cross country on a BMW when their dealerships are so few and far between.
  9. So.....if a Geek won an office, would he/she be a Geekitian or a Politigeek???
  10. Guess that's why he's the LEADwolf and not the LATEwolf!!! :bowdown: Joe
  11. Had a set on my 94 Wing. Got 23,000 on the front tire and 17,000 on the rear. Since I like to compare brands, I next ran Dunlop E3's.....not happy with them. Loud, shorter life. Now have Michelin Pilot GT's. We'll see how they do. Maybe my Metzler's were just exceptional, I don't know. But they were good to me. I do have to admit to being a bit leery of buying them again after all I've read about the problems. A lot of this is happening to GW riders also. It does pretty much seem to be limited to the tires made in countries other than Germany. Mine were German. Most people with problems report that theirs are marked as made in Brazil. Joe
  12. I'm absolutely a one-woman man. But I'm promiscuous with my motorcycles! Can't help it....they all look good to me!
  13. Congratulations, Kevin!! Great looking bike. To be honest, I was kind of rolling that one around in my mind too. Denden said "no whine or chirp" and that alone had me interested. You got a great deal on that one!
  14. Yes, I've noticed that "wavers" are getting fewer and fewer. My theory is that the more bikes you see on the road, the less likely it will be for bikers to wave. It used to be a much smaller "club" of riders. Many of today's newest riders don't even know what the wave means.... That's my story and I'm stickin to it!
  15. You're a wise man, Bummer! Of course, being a Hoosier that's expected!
  16. Now that is one beautiful bike! Congratulations!!
  17. I'm sure that they all had an attitude due to the splitting pain inside their ears which was caused by that insane CHIRP they heard when you pulled in...... After all, if all Goldwing riders have an attitude, then surely all RSV's have an obnoxious chirp (like mine did). :witch_brew:
  18. I'm betting that the 3rd Gen Venture will just be a 2nd Gen Stratoliner. Time will tell. Joe
  19. DT, your action is a perfect illustration of what's needed in our world. Many people will wait until someone else does a good deed for them, and then feel that they need to "pay it back". In reality, we all need to realize that the world would be so much better if we'd all practice the "PAY IT FORWARD" philosophy, just like you did. What we "pay forward" will be waiting there for us when we arrive at the point where we need it. God bless you! Joe
  20. It was a 30 amp relay in the kit. Should be plenty stout for use as you want. Joe
  21. Didn't need one for my use. Joe
  22. I bought mine from Cyclemaxohio.com, and everything was included in the price. Relay, wires, connectors, instructions....all was there. Joe
  23. Darn nice picture ya got on that post, Peg!! BTW, I agree...real great thing you did for Bummer. When I read all that I had to wonder why you went to Canada in your car this time instead of on the bike. And then I realized..... HE had it all planned, knowing that Bummer would need your help. It's great to be right in the middle of one of His plans, isn't it? Joe
  24. Rumors MAY be true....I have heard that in order to meet new federal emissions specs for 2010, most large mc engines will need to be water cooled. Wonder if that is fact or just rumor.....
  25. Cindy, Copying and sharing is a violation of copyright laws unless you contact the seller of that DVD and get his permission. No different than buying an authors latest book, running it through a copying machine, and passing it on. I know most people don't realize it, but you can be prosecuted by the producer of the DVD. Just not worth it. You can legally send the original to someone to view and return. Just can't legally burn copies.
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