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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. I have always been told that "size doesn't matter"! :rotf:
  2. Cool! Thanks for the info. I have priced things several times through them, but always found it for less elsewhere. I'd say their price on these helmets is pretty much untouchable. Joe
  3. Wow....that looks like an excellent price! The closest I could find to that price was $135....mind if I ask where you found it for $108? Joe
  4. So, where would we get $40 Trillion??? That amount approximates the total GDP of the ENTIRE PLANET. We really need to get our heads fixed....we can't keep throwing money around (especially when it's money we don't even have!). I'm really scared for my kids and grandkids. They are going to live in poverty I'm afraid. Joe
  5. If you decide against it, let me know where it is. I'd definitely be interested. Joe
  6. Actually, that's not as great as it sounds. This is a DEDUCTION, not a CREDIT. To illustrate it's effect on your purchase, assume that you are going to spend $15000 on a new Venture, also assume that you live in the state of Indiana where sales tax is 7%. The tax on that new Venture would come to $1050.00, so you could enter that as a deduction on your taxes next year. Now lets assume that you are in a 25% tax bracket (some will be more, most will probably be less). The amount of your actual savings would be $262.50, not a great fortune considering that you have to spend $15,000 in order to get that $262.50. When it comes right down to it, I doubt that a savings of $262.50 will be the deciding factor for someone looking to spend $15K.....unless they don't stop to look at the figures. Joe
  7. LIKE IT!!! Joe
  8. So, am I blind??? Where's the PIX??? If you're gonna play the game you have to follow the rules, Lynn!!! Joe
  9. Hey Dan, did you see this guy's "Ultra Star"? http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w48/funone46/My%20Ultra%20Star/ Joe
  10. Dan, take a look here: http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=starroadliner&msg=8045.9 In the first post there is a phone number where you can call the guy who makes them. No website for them. Joe
  11. We just need the OK from ECK. Come on, buddy say the word, I'm itchin to donate! Joe
  12. I'm assuming that most regular readers of this forum have read about Eck's close call in this thread. I've been thinking about this all night and getting sicker and sicker about what happened. Folks, this world seems to be getting worse and worse....How can someone do this to someone else? Scripture says that "in the last days the love of many will grow cold"....Yep, for sure we see that happening. This creep that ran Eck down cares nothing for others. And the scary thing is that he's not alone... Several people have suggested to Eck that he go to the TV stations and ask them to run a news report on this situation, and to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of this jerk. I want to add my support to that idea. He needs to be caught and soon. I've been thinking......there are over 6000 members of this VR Family, and roughly 150 of us have posted to Eck's original thread. If we all chipped in a few bucks to a reward fund we could come up with enough to get someone's attention. Hey, we ALL can afford something....let's face it, most of us have expensive hobbies....bikes, hunting, fishing, boating, golf, etc....it wouldn't hurt us to part with a few bucks for such a fund. I don't know how to go about implementing this....maybe a PayPal collection? Yeah, that could work. I even have a PP account that could be used. I am willing to start it off if any of the rest of you are interested. I will start it with $10 toward the fund..... IF it's ok with ECK. So..., Eck what do you say? Please give this some consideration, and LET US HELP! Your family wants to be involved. Chime in folks. Joe
  13. Beautiful bike! I've always wanted to take a little ride on a Strat just to check it out. Someday..... Congrats! Joe
  14. We don't have the vests, but do have neck/head wraps and wrist bands made like this. AMAZING how they cool you down. And they don't cost all that much either. I wouldn't have believed they would last as long as they do, but seeing is believing. And with these, when you stop for gas just soak them again and you're good to go! Joe
  15. Magnum, I love it! Great job!! Joe
  16. Here's some free investment advice: BUY stock in AIG. Yep, the financially stressed, often bailed-out-by-the-feds AIG. Why? Because of this little known tidbit that I stumbled upon: AIG holds the retirement accounts for members of Congress. You think they're going to let them go bust???? Not going to happen. Now, don't you feel all warm and cozy??? Joe
  17. That dude is NUTS!!
  18. :sign yeah that: WHAT LYNN SAID!!! Joe
  19. I've had this happen to me one time also. Last year I was bidding on a $600 GPS. It had no reserve, and I entered a max of around $250. Went to bed as the high bidder at $101, and was shocked the next morning to see that I won the item at that price. I am convinced though that in my case it was because there was virtually no "salesmanship" done by the seller. Very poor listing....only one picture and a very skimpy description. If you weren't already familiar with this particular model you wouldn't have known what a great unit it was. So, there are 2 lessons here, at least for me: 1. If selling an item, do your homework. Look at similar items that have sold for a good price. Analyze the listing and see what works, then use it. 2. If looking for a particular item on ebay, try to find and focus on listings that are lacking in descriptive language or good pictures. I've seen countless listings like these that don't bring a very good price. Glad you got such a good deal, Snarley! Joe
  20. Since you already have a hitch, how about buying or making one of the cooler racks that fit into your hitch? Don't have to license it, fairly inexpensive, keeps the added weight down low (but be aware that the weight all goes on the rear), and can carry a large volume of gear. Just be sure that your lights and license plates are still visible after loading it up. May have to mount some lighting on the rack itself. This is a pretty cheap way to add space. I have one that I use on my Wing when I'm only going be traveling for 4 days or so. If a week or more I usually pull my trailer (which I made myself for a grand total of $150). Joe
  21. I have a group of 3-5 couples who are tentatively planning on doing this. It can't get here soon enough for me!
  22. Bill, Welcome!!! Glad you found us here and hope you hang around for a long time. Unfortunately, I don't know of any manufacturer that will warrant their product against rust, especially if you live near the ocean. Salt air is a killer. You could always try, but I'd be shocked if they gave you any coverage.... Joe
  23. Well, now.......THERE is a rational criteria for selecting a bike.
  24. Thanks for the reminder, Kevin! I had forgotten all about that. NOT!!! :scorched::scorched:
  25. And there is solid proof of why buying a brand new vehicle is normally financial suicide. If you do the math, you'll see that the first year depreciation is $5100!!! That's a lot of money for one year of extra warranty! Of course, there are times that we all just want the pleasure of owning something brand-spanking new. If that's what someone wants, more power to them! But for me, the thought of losing $5k in depreciated value after just one year would be enough to kill any potential enjoyment of the ride. But that's just me.... Joe
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