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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Excellent write-up here with repair instructions: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20293]Repairing Your Broken Fairing/Windshield Tabs - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  2. Just so everyone knows..... Next weekend, August 15 and 16, a group of us will be heading down to scout out some roads that look interesting on the map. I have ridden a lot of that area, but have seen some roads on the maps that I just have to check out. After next weekend, we will have some more solid info for everyone. I'm excited that all of you will be coming. We can make this a great weekend! Joe
  3. As I understand it, and I might not have the definitive answer, the only difference between the different "letters" of clutch baskets is the clearance between the gears when they mesh. In other words, the I basket provides a very small amount of additional clearance than the stock basket. Joe
  4. What weight is the fork oil? You may need to go to a lighter weight and see if that helps. It did on my Gold Wing when I added progressives. Joe
  5. I buy from their website http://www.motorkote.com BigMO, I hope it works as well for you as it has for me. It will be interesting to hear your results. I am convinced that every situation is different, and what works for one will not necessarily work for others. Some are able to quiet it down by using Amsoil or Mobil 1 or "you name your oil", but those didn't work for me. So let us know how this works out for you. Give it about 500 miles and then report back. Joe
  6. I have only used it once so far. The company suggested that I start with 1 oz per quart of oil. Being of a rather independent nature, I decided that they had probably never heard a scream of the magnitude that my engine had, and I used 2 oz per quart. They say to use it every 3rd or 4th oil change. I will use it every change for awhile to see what happens. I have about 2000 miles on my first usage, and it took about 800 miles for the full effect to be heard. I did hear a change starting around 3-4 hundred miles and it progressively got better. Another member here has been using it for 2 riding seasons and has experienced nothing but good results. Your mileage may vary..... Joe
  7. You can replace it....but it sure isn't cheap! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Travel-Trunk-Wing-Light_W0QQitemZ380139481928QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090715?IMSfp=TL0907152110007r1099
  8. :sign yeah that:
  9. No, you didn't hit a nerve....I probably came across a bit stern. That's the problem with just reading words and not speaking face to face, it's hard to tell what the poster meant. It's just that I have read "add loud pipes" about a hundred times as serious advise to someone wanting to know about a possible fix for the chirp. And I think it's seriously flawed advise. To me, it's like telling someone with a toothache to drive a nail through the palm of their hand in order to fix the toothache. Yeah, the tooth wouldn't bother you for a while, but the problem is still there and will resurface. This might get long, but here goes.... In my opinion, there are 3 kinds of clutch noise common to the Venture/ RSTD. There is the Whine, the Chirp, and the SCREAM (in ascending order of irritation). I've experience 2 of these 3 first hand on bikes I've owned, and the third I have heard on other's bikes. If you have the Whine it may be irritating at first but you'll soon get used to it and after a short time you won't even hear it anymore unless someone asks about it. This is kind of like what happens when you live next to an airport. After a time you adjust to the sound of planes taking off and landing in the middle of the night and you don't even hear it anymore. If you have a chirp you may also get the whine with it. If so, you'll hear the whine in most RPM ranges. Again, it won't really be bothersome, you'll just know that the gears are spinning. But at certain ranges the whine changes....kinda like the green HULK....and becomes something else altogether. The pitch of the noise moves into a different, irritating frequency, and it no longer sounds like a smooth consistent whine. You can hear definite, individual chirps...although they come so fast that unless you listen closely you may think that it is one consistent noise. It isn't. This is the noise that my first RSV had. Now to the bad one....the scream. I should have capitalized that word, because lower case doesn't do justice to the sound. What does it sound like? Well, it sounds like a CHIRP on STEROIDS!!! Look at a picture of Barry Bonds before steroids, and then one after. Now imagine that the before pic is a chirp. The 'after' pic is the SCREAM. No kidding. My current RSV, which I bought in June, had the scream. A constant (within the bad rpm range) humongous chirp that has no "valleys", just a mountaintop of ear-piercing scream. I have, thankfully, been able to lessen this noise somewhat.....at least to a point where it is tolerable. There is no one thing, no easy answer. I believe that every bike is different and takes a different attack plan to resolve this. I tried every oil that has been recommended here...Rotella Dino (horrible...screamed worse), Castrol 20w-50, Amsoil, Mobil 1, Rotella Synth. I have found that for my bike synthetic oil makes it quieter than dino oil. And it doesn't matter whether it is the highest priced synth or the lowest. It all works about the same. In addition, making sure that the rear end drive pins (not the splines) were well lubed and that the rear end was in proper alignment helped a bit. But the biggest difference was made by .....are you ready for this? An additive. Yes, one of those evil additives that some here will surely jump in and tell me will ruin my clutch, rot my teeth, and cause Satan to claim my first born. This product is called MotorKote. Amazing stuff. I will not argue with those who refuse to try it. That's fine with me. I checked it out thoroughly, even got a written guarantee from the manufacturer that it would not harm a wet clutch system. And it took 50% (at least) of the noise away. I'm sold on it. Check it out if you want to ( http://www.motorkote.com ) maybe it will help your chirp. I'm glad I found it. Joe
  10. Dave, Not picking on you or wanting to get an argument started....but I've always wondered exactly how adding more noise can fix a noise problem? Most (not all) people who buy Ventures don't want a bike that puts out enough noise to offend other people, and doing things like adding loud pipes and cranking the radio up high enough to rattle windows in order to cover an obnoxiously loud chirp sounds like someone trying to PO his neighbors. Plus, if you have anything more than a mild chirp it won't help. I know what I'm talking about here. I have a 99 that my friends call "the screamer". The chirp is outrageous. It came with 4-2-4 nasty boys when I bought it in June. Not only was the chirp annoying, so were the pipes. So, I had 2 sources of obnoxious noise to deal with. I changed to RK pipes and the overall experience is better. Less overall noise is far less irritating even though the chirp is still there. Funny, the chirp doesn't seem as loud as it was WITH the Baron's pipes. The 2 sources of noise seemed to feed on each other. Just my Joe
  11. Hold firm to your price. That is a beautiful bike, if I had not just bought a 99 in June I'd be all over that deal. Best of luck in selling it. Joe
  12. Afraid I can't help on your request, but I'm curious....is he the one who sells the non-adjustable backrest? I've looked at those but can't see how they could help if you can't adjust them to suit your own build. Joe
  13. I can only imagine what they'll look like on the front of Bruiser.....literally, I can only imagine. From where I am on the list, I should be able to test them out next spring.
  14. I'm sure you know the rules here.....but just in case you don't..... WE NEED PICTURES!!!!
  15. Notice my post at the top of the page.....I said I LIKE IT!!!
  16. That explains why so many people think they're UGLY!!!!:rotf:
  17. WOW!!! ME LIKEY!!! Wonder what size the fuel tank is. Doesn't look that big. Wonder what she'd look like with a 2nd Gen trunk bolted on? Hmmmmmm
  18. If you find an easy way to do that, please share it. Only way I've found is with an extra pair of hands. Joe
  19. I'd suggest that you call your nearest HD dealer and ask them. Then you'd get your answer straight from the source.
  20. Wow, those are HUGE. Glad they work out for you.....not sure I want something that big hanging in front of me. I might have to see if I can rig up some mounts for them elsewhere. Joe
  21. Pretty much human nature.....every one of us wants to buy low and sell high. Ask yourself....when you go looking to buy a car, motorcycle, etc, are you looking to pay KBB price or are you looking for a deal? We all want a deal when we're buying, but get aggravated at that mentality when we are the seller. Just the way it is. Joe
  22. Seems too good to be true at that price. I'd guess either a salvage title or miles in excess of 100k. Still, it's a looker! Joe
  23. :sign yeah that:
  24. MSRP on the 2009 HD Ultra classic is $20,999 with 2-tone paint and ABS. The 2009 Venture is $18,190. What you can actually buy them for is really up to the particular dealer and what kind of mood you catch them in. I'm not arguing that there isn't a price difference, we all know there is. I'd still buy the Venture over the UC if the price was identical. I'm just saying....let's know exaggerate just because it's HD we're talking about. Joe
  25. I'd use it if I could find it! Nobody around me seems to carry it. Where do you all get it? Joe
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