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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Do your back a favor and buy the Utopia. A little more money, but high quality. The Utopia is adjustable front to back, I don't believe the grasshopper is (unless I missed that). You definitely will want the adjust-ability Joe.
  2. Thinking of doing something similar to mine, but have questions.... 1. What kind of paint did you use? Was it a rattle-can? 2. Did you apply a clear sealer? 3. How did you prep the area before spraying the gold? Looks really great, Rick! I admire your work. Joe
  3. The previously mentioned SMS Popup does all that stuff too. Joe
  4. There is an app (free) in the Play store called SMS Notification Popup. It puts a box on your screen no matter what you are doing at the time. Shows the sender name (if you have them in your contacts) and at least a portion of the message. Have not tried it myself but it has good ratings. Joe Edit: This one would probably be better: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.everythingandroid.smspopup&feature=related_apps#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEwOSwibmV0LmV2ZXJ5dGhpbmdhbmRyb2lkLnNtc3BvcHVwIl0.
  5. I got them all right......HOWEVER, I'd like to pick a bit on #3. The question said "green house" not "greenhouse". The actual correct answer the way it is spelled is "green bricks". Knowing that they were trying to get us to answer in colors of bricks, I figured that they were going to say "glass". So, in my way of thinking, anyone who answers "green bricks" is correct. Joe
  6. The flu vaccine is not effective against all varieties of influenza, only a few. They take a wild guess as to which strains they think will be most common and then build the vaccine to target those few strains. You're still susceptible to any other variety that happens to come around. That is one of the reasons that many people feel that the shots don't work. They just cannot protect against all of the different strains known to man with just one vaccination. Joe
  7. I admire people like Mike. Those who get knocked down, then get back up and through grit, determination, and hard work change their circumstances. Well done!!! Joe
  8. One of my riding buddies is running that Michelin on his wing, had a Kumho on before. The Michelin (according to him) handles much better than the Kumho.....virtually no difference between it and a MC tire.
  9. Interesting article but that is a ridiculous price for the Michelin Alpin Primacy. Available for much less elsewhere.
  10. Hopefully 2013 will be a good year for you and the Warden, Dan. The world will always have a bunch of those kind of people. My goal is to not let their stink rub off on me!
  11. I love Red Green. Find him hilarious. Wife doesn't share my appreciation of his kind of humor, unfortunately.
  12. OK, Dan.....I vote that you come out of your corner now. Surely you've been there long enough to pay your debt. It's just too boring around here with you standing in the corner. I think of the good old days of following along as you built your garage. What fun!!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!
  13. It won't matter. Not long ago I read an article from a "supposed" expert dealing with this exact scenario. According to this person, within the first year 2/3 of the world's population would die. And if that happened, the disease generated from all the rotting corpses (and the polluted water) would take out most of the rest who survived that year. Think I'd rather go in the disaster that created the collapse. My future is secure, even though I don't have a weapons cache.
  14. :icon_lurker:
  15. Great to hear that it went well, Dennis! Hope you have a speedy recovery too. Joe
  16. Best of luck Dennis! We'll be praying that all goes well for you and that healing comes quickly. Several of my friends have had this done and without exception would recommend it to anyone suffering from knee pain. The end result will be worth the pain!! Joe and Donna
  17. Wow, Carl! That is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing, and I too hope that many will read and accept. Joe
  18. Contest is already over. Congrats, Rick Haywood! Joe
  19. I use a gps program on my Droid called CoPilot Live Premium. I have replaced my Garmin with it and am so far happy. It has a lot of nifty features, one of which is "Drag Route". If you don't like where it is sending you and prefer other roads you can drag the route to change it right on your screen. This program sells for $9.99 on the Google Play store which includes one year of free traffic updates. I bought my copy late last summer. Recently I entered a contest that CoPilot was running, which had a grand prize of a Nexus tablet. I did not win the tablet, but did win a free copy of the software. Obviously, I cannot use it since I already own it. Therefore I am offering it to any VR member (subscribed members only) who may want it. The FIRST PERSON TO RESPOND BY PRIVATE MESSAGE will get it. Replying in the thread does not count. If you win the race, I will send you an email that contains instructions on installing along with the key code that activates it. Make sure it will work on your phone. If you have an older android phone it may not be compatible. Check it out here: http://copilotlive.com/us/personal/android.asp Let the race begin. Joe
  20. I had an uncle who was electrocuted in his mid-50's way back when I was a boy. He was an electrician who thought he could work on circuits while they were live....used to do it all the time. They called him to come to the county fair grounds to fix something up on a pole. He said they didn't need to turn off the power, he could do it with it on. They called the undertaker shortly after...... Be careful Dano. It gets ya when you don't expect it.
  21. People get electrocuted working on their electrical systems too. Can't trust electric heat. Houses burn down due to fires started by wood burners. Can't trust wood heat. Solar panels don't work in my area. Guess I just have to freeze in the winter.
  22. A couple of years back, most android phones weren't so hot either in comparison to today's phones. The new Windows 8 phone is light years ahead of the older Windows phones. Let's be fair. Joe
  23. One of my sons, who has always had an iPhone, recently got the Lumia 920. He loves it. I have played with it (I have had Droids for years) and I have to admit that it is impressive! Fast, smooth, beautiful display, the most awesome camera I've ever seen on a phone. When my contract expires next July, I'm going to have a tough decision to make. As of right now, the WP8 is the leading contender. Joe
  24. He doesn't like the tremendous amount of light that the GW throws out, so he's going to "Dim" those headlights down. I cheat....been following your posts on the "other" forum.
  25. Sure looks easy to work on when the alt needs servicing! Joe
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