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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. A while back several of us (Cougar started it I think) discussed doing just that. And it may be worth a shot, although I am skeptical. Every clutch basket that I've heard of being changed has been the H basket. It seems that the H is automatically thrown on when the bike is assembled. I could be wrong, but that's what I've heard from others who've gone through the change. So, if all new bikes come with an H basket, where would we get a supply of "differently toleranced" baskets to swap around? There is an outside chance that my H basket could be just enough different to work well in someone else's bike, but again I'd be skeptical of that. My old basket is available for this trial if anyone wants to try it. If anyone is close enough to me, I'd be willing to do the work. Just my opinion. Joe
  2. Change it yourself. I can provide the tools (shipping costs only) if you need them, as well as instructions with pictures. You would probably need a gasket (about $10)....maybe not. Would take an hour or less. Having done it once, I could now do them in less than 30 minutes. Joe
  3. Well, tell him to come see me. I can show him a "myth" in person. BTW, the Yamaha part number for this myth is 4XY-16150-90-00. On the back of said myth is a hand-engraved identifier in the format I-xx-xx. The stock one that I took out also had a hand-egraved code such as H-xx-xx. Myth indeed. Joe
  4. Yeah, that's what I thought too. The fins on our engines are just for looks, they do nothing to cool the critter down. So Goose, do you think it's possible that on a cool morning the engine is actually running a bit warmer than on a warm (not hot) day? And that is what could be affecting the noise level? Or is it more likely that the rush of cold morning air underneath the bike is providing a cooling effect on the aluminum oil pan and that is what is contributing to the noise difference? Not that it really matters..... Joe
  5. Don, if you happen to remember to look, I'd appreciate knowing (just because I'm anal) how much difference there is in operating temps between an ambient temp of 50 and one of 70 or so. If you don't mind..... Joe
  6. This morning I rode to work. Temps in the upper 40's, as opposed to last night's ride temps in the mid 70's. This morning there was a pretty consistent whine the whole way. Not offensive, not loud, but audible. It would pretty much go away at whatever rpm my engine turns at an indicated 68mph in 5th gear. In the past, when the noise was more of a scream or huge chirp, I had noticed that it also seemed to be temperature sensitive. This is puzzling to me. Why would an ambient air temp difference of 25 degrees make any difference at all once the engine has warmed up to operating temps? Or does the engine actually run that much cooler on a brisk morning even after running 10 miles? At engine operating temps I can't imagine that there would be all that much temperature difference of the internal engine components. Today's high is forecast to be 80 degrees. It will be interesting to see what I hear on the way home. Joe (BasketMan)
  7. Are you sure you're not "off" already??? :rotf: Hey, call me anytime. Cell ph is in my profile. Joe
  8. You gotta come to our Southern Indiana ride the first weekend of Oct so that I can have proof of your awful whine. I don't pay off without solid proof!!! BTW....I'm still going to be running MotorKote. I'm sold on the stuff. If it can quiet crickets down, it has to be good for the innards of the engine! Joe
  9. BRING "EM ON!!! PETA is PITA!!! Joe
  10. If you have been following the MotorKote tracking and comments thread, you know that I have purchased an I basket to replace on my own. My RSV is a 99....Yamaha has a good warranty, but 10 years is probably asking a bit much to have them replace a basket now. Anyway, my bike was purchased in June through ebay. I did not ride it prior to purchase. When I picked it up, it had the worst whine/chirp/scream of any bike I've ever heard. Friends commented on it all the time....they could hear it while riding in a group with me. So, I decided to pony up the bucks and replace it. MotorKote removed or quieted probably 50% or so of my noise. At that level it was still unbearable. My parts finally all arrived today, and I reassembled the bike this evening. Then went for a 20 minute ride. And.......THE CRICKETS ARE DEAD! I absolutely am stunned at the difference. No scream, no chirp....maybe just a hint of a whine if you listen for it. What a wonderful ride it was....I soon found myself just enjoying the beautiful evening and the cool air blowing on my uncovered arms...realized that I wasn't even thinking about a noise anymore! I would not have believed it. To be honest, I had doubts about whether this would help. Others have had theirs changed and it either didn't help, helped only slightly, or just moved the noise to a different RPM range. I am tickled to report that I no longer have a Chirper or Whiner. Just a normal sounding engine. Thank the good Lord above..... If anyone decides to go this route and change their basket themselves, please contact me. I have some "life lessons" to share with you.....as well as necessary tools if you need them. Those of you fighting Yamaha over this issue....PERSIST!!! There is no way that your noise is "normal" or a "characteristic" of this engine. I wish you could have heard mine when I first got it and could hear it now. WOW. Joe :big-grin-emoticon:
  11. At normal operating temps there is NO difference in viscosity between 15w-40 and 5w-40 if all that I've read over the years is correct. The 'w' number is a flow rating at very cold temps...not exactly sure what the actual temp is that is used for the test. The other number is the viscosity (flow capability) at higher temps where your engine runs. In fact, the 5w-40 probably offers more protection for your engine, not less, due to its ability to flow quickly to your engine parts when temps are low...like at a cold start. That Rotella 5w-40 is used big time in the trucking industry and other heavy duty applications. They wouldn't be using it if it offered less protection at a higher price. Joe
  12. That's playing dirty! Hope you make it Jeff. We can "whine" at each other! Joe
  13. Great! I haven't seen a funny hat in a long time!!! Joe
  14. Wanted to let you all know that I have a block of 15 rooms at the Baymont Inn in Corydon, In. These rooms are normally $69.95 per night but they are giving us a VentureRider price of $59.95 per night. Price includes a "deluxe" continental breakfast (sausage gravy and biscuits, hot and cold cereals, fresh fruits, muffins and bagels, etc. Also, free wireless internet and for the bodybuilders among us (surely there must be 2 or 3 out of 7000 members!) they have a fitness room. No pool or spa though....if you want to get wet we'll just throw you in the river! You must call and mention the VentureRiders to get this rate. Phone number is 812-738-1500. Any rooms not taken by Sept 25th will lose the "hold" on the room and be available for others. When you call also let them know your arrival and departure dates. We have some arriving on Friday, and some Saturday. Some leaving Sunday, others Monday. Gonna be a "go with the flow" meet! Time to get serious and get your reservations made folks!!! Tomorrow is September, October will be coming FAST. Joe
  15. Wayne, My I basket will be delivered tomorrow (according to the vendor). Been an ordeal...won't go into it all. But, I do have the "special tool" that is needed to hold the clutch boss while removing the nut that holds it all together. That tool will be available for any member to borrow if they need it, just for the shipping costs. The I basket is p/n 4XY-16150-09-00. Don't forget to order the cover gasket, p/n 4NK-15462-00-00. I'll let you know tomorrow evening how it sounds with the new basket. Joe
  16. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Maybe we can share in that bounty!
  17. I added oil to the center of the sight glass with the bike level, then added my MK. No problems for me. Joe
  18. Same product as the Rivco link above, but $10 less. I've always found Rivco to be high priced. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=0&Category_ID=129&manufacturer_ID=437&product_ID=20116&related=short
  19. ....and still Amsoil pales in comparison to MotorKote.
  20. It means that if you are adding 8 oz of MotorKote, you DO NOT need to use 8 oz less of your motor oil. Add the standard amount of oil (such as 4 quarts if that is what your vehicle holds) and then add the MK. Joe
  21. I'm going to assume that your bike was lowered using the kit from Baron's??? If so, all you have to do is change the links back to either stock or to the leveling links to lift the backend up. The caliper mounting bracket can be left as is if you are not going to sell the kit. If you do intend to resell the rear lowering kit, you will have to buy a stock rear brake caliper mounting bracket (Pinwall Cycle has one in their listings right now). Has the front been lowered as well? This is usually accomplished by sliding the forks up in the triple tree....you can tell by looking at the top triple cover plate. If the fork tubes are sticking up above it then it has been lowered for sure. You could follow the instructions in the 2nd Gen tech section of this site to return those tubes to stock position. Joe
  22. For those who may be leery of adding MotorKote to their bike because of potential clutch slipping, I have a suggestion. Go ahead and purchase the 10 oz bottle and add it to your car or truck, whatever you normally drive. My last purchase was the 16 oz bottle. I added 8 oz to the Venture, then added the other half to my wife's Mercury Sable that she drives back and forth to work, about 40 miles per day (non-interstate). Prior to adding the MotorKote we had been averaging 22.5 mpg. I did not check mileage on the first tank of gas after adding the MK. However, the second tank yielded 24.8 mpg! That is a 10.2% increase! Even though MK recommends only using their product every 4th oil change, let's say that I decide to use it EVERY oil change. The 16 oz bottle costs $22 delivered to my door. I use half of it per oil change, so my added expense is $11 per oil change. If I change the oil every 3500 miles I will save $36 in gasoline expense per 3500 miles at $2.50 per gallon gas. (I would use 155.5 gallons at the lower 22.5 mpg, and only 141.1 gallons at the 24.8 figure). This is a no-brainer from a cost standpoint. MK is going in all my vehicles pronto! Joe
  23. And that is exactly what I trying to say and didn't do it too well. I was so unclear that tx2sturgis thought I meant that Yamaha was trying to woo Harley Riders. NOPE, that's not what I meant. I still think that Y knows they can't compete with the GW's headstart in the market unless they come in WAAAAAAY under Honda' price. And that is going to be hard to do with a bike that has the V-max engine in it plus a bunch of other upgraded technology. However, there are a bunch of Harley "wannabees" out there who would like to buy an Ultra but can't afford it. A Strat-based machine with a fairing, trunk, etc would come in at probably 65-70% of the cost of the Ultra, and all these guys would have a shot at swinging that. I don't know how many times I have read here that current RSV owners looked at both the Ultra and the RSV and bought the RSV because of price and warranty. I don't expect that any (or many) HD riders would buy a Yamaha no matter what the price. People who tattoo a brand of bike on themselves.....well I better not go down that alley. Hey Snarley, what exactly is the bet? Yamaha releases a new Venture based on the V-Max engine gets you the meal? And a new one based on a v-twin gets me the meal? I'll go for that.....and I won't be a bit mad if I lose!!! However, if I should win the meal will be in Indianapolis, not St Charles! Will that Nomad make it that far? Joe
  24. Ride a Stratoliner before you judge that engine. The warrior engine may look similar and be just a bit smaller, but the vibration you speak of doesn't exist on my buddies Strat. I really am cynical of Yamaha's wanting to compete with Honda and BMW for the touring market. I think they are wanting to compete with Harley Davidson. That is why they made the 2nd gen a cruiser style bike. Just look at what Honda and BMW were producing in 1999 when the 2nd gen was introduced......not really even in the same market segment. Yes, they all are touring bikes. The Honda and Beemer are more futuristic in styling than the RSV. It is evident who Yamaha had their sights set on when they released the RSV, and I think that they will continue to try to get some of the HD market instead of trying to compete with the two companies who pretty much have the "modern styled" touring market all sewn up. Of course, we could both be wrong and Yamaha could come up with something totally off the wall and make us both look like idiots!
  25. Well, you may be right.....but I don't think so. I think the next Yamaha touring bike (if there is one at all) will be a V-twin powered by the 1900 cc Stratoliner engine. It seems that there is a larger overall group of buyers for V-twin bikes than for V-4's. Plus, the cost of that engine is probably half or less of the cost of the 1800 cc V-Max engine. With the economy the way it is now, and the long term forecasts calling for at least 2 years before real recovery is felt, I think the manufacturers are either going to have to stay with current designs or build new models that are economically feasible. After riding my buddie's Strat I'm not so sure that it wouldn't be a real winner with a true touring package. As long as they can keep that big engine cool and not fry the rider's legs I think it would be a good seller. Joe
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