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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Just noticed a strange thing with my turn signals. Other riders behind me have told me that the signals are hard to see in the daylight, they say they are dim. Well, just checking things out in my garage, I notice that when I turn the right signal on, when the bulb flashes bright, the left signals and the brake light go slightly dim. When the bulbs go back to regular "running" brightness, the other bulbs brighten back to normal intensity. The same thing occurs in reverse when I turn the left signals on. In a sense, it almost looks like alternating flashing lights when I turn the turn signals on. Anyone seen this before? Could this be a bad flasher unit? A bad ground somewhere? Kinda scratching my head on where to start.
  2. A few days ago I emailed back and forth with one of our newer members, ProudDad (Barry) from White Pigeon Michigan. Since we are only about a half-days ride from White Pigeon, I told him that if he was ever in our area to look us up. Last evening we went to a friend's house about 8 miles from home for a bonfire. One of those "Just sit around and chat" evenings. Not sure what time it was but my phone rang....didn't recognize the incoming number....and it was ProudDad calling from the convenience store 2 blocks from my house! They had the day off and just started riding, ended up down here. So I gave him directions to our bonfire and they rode on out and joined us. What GREAT folks! Barry and his sweetie Julie were just the most "real" down to earth people you could expect to meet. Just got their bike a few weeks ago and still getting to know it and enjoying riding together after raising the family (kinda like a lot of us here). We sat around the bonfire for awhile talking, then went in the house and played some cards. OH...I should say that the friends whose house we invaded are riders (Vulcan 2000) but not VR members even though they've been on a couple VR events with me. Long story short, Barry and Julie ended up staying overnight with my friends. No need to pay for a motel when among friends, right? Then this morning we met them for breakfast, came back to the house and did some minor adjustments on the air levels in the shocks and talked over some other maintenance things. Barry and I switched bikes and went for a short ride.....my wife says our bikes are "Fraternal twins"....same colors but different color patterns. Barry and Julie left at 11:15 headed north. Just talked to him awhile ago and they were 40 miles from home after having ridden in rain most of the way. This has been an enjoyable experience.....those of you in lower Michigan/Northern Indiana, I have some advice for you. Look up Barry and Julie, introduce yourselves and get to know them. They'll enrich your lives! I've attached some pix so you can recognize them when you see them.
  3. Interesting. I did the exact opposite. Tried the Rotella dino....got much louder. Drained it and saved it for my truck, now run the syn, much quieter. Just goes to show that no 2 of these beasts are the same.
  4. Hey ProudDad....you'll find the oil change to be quick and easy too. BTW, I forgot to be explicit....the ST in the oil filter number stands for SuperTech, which is the WalMart brand. Good luck! Hey, if you find Monroe on your map, mosey on down this way and say HI. We'll find the nearest Dairy Queen and get acquainted! Joe
  5. Saw the bike in person tonight. We rode 1.5 hours up to Warsaw and met up with Leadwolf56, Tinkerbell, 93Venture and Deb for supper at Hacienda. Good food, great fun with friends, and got to see the new iron steed. NICE LOOKING BIKE!!! Congrats Sue!
  6. Oil filter: Go to WalMart for your Rotella, and while there buy their ST7317 oil filter. Rated in independent tests as one of the best disposable oil filters you can buy. And they are about $3! Joe
  7. I'll be home this evening (riding this afternoon), for awhile tomorrow afternoon, should be home most of the day on Monday. Unless the urge to ride becomes stronger than the need to do yardwork!
  8. Thread HIJACK WARNING.....HIJACK in progress!!! Hey Ken, did you drill out the baffle in your mufflers?? Gotta know.... Joe
  9. Whaaaat??? You'd rather go on a honeymoon trip than spend time with your VR buddies? I am AGAST, I tell you, simply AGAST!!! Telly you what.....come to Corydon and stay a night in the Baymont with the rest of us and we'll make sure to "bell" you! What could be better?? Joe :rotf::rotfl:
  10. I agree with Cougar.....Dan, you described it very well. I am the one who changed the clutch basket. I now have about 200 miles on it since the change, and a small amount of the whine has come back. Actually it started coming back on the 2nd ride after changing....just a little. It seems to have pretty much leveled off now (at least I hope it has) at what I would call a "soft whine" in the ranges where it used to SCREAM. And where it used to whine or chirp there is little to none now. I just told my wife and some friends last night that I'm actually starting to kind of like the whine that it now has....sounds kinda like a turbocharger on a hot rod! Two weeks ago I never ever thought I could say something like that. For ME and for THIS BIKE, the combination of Rotella Synthetic oil, Motorkote, and an I-Basket have made all the difference in the world. On our supper ride last night my wife and I both were able to just enjoy the ride, the beautiful scenery, the freedom of biking, without worrying about trying to find a combination of gear and rpm that would make our teeth quit hurting. How sweet it is!!!
  11. Is it a 2 day wedding? There will be a ride both Saturday and Sunday! Joe
  12. Hey Peggy, have you seen our thread on the Southern Indiana ride the first weekend of Oct? You folks are way too close to miss out on this. Looking like there will be a lot of members coming in, going to be a great time. Joe
  13. My opinion....if it's a 99 he's on the high side. If it's an 01 he's about right. I've seen 92-93 1st Gens in good shape go between 4K-5K.....I think that's high, but if that's what they bring then 7K for a 2001 is about right. Joe
  14. The first time he had it on ebay (a couple weeks ago) I asked him the same question. Told him that the colors were from a 99 and that the 2001 model had pillow top seats. The bike in the pic has the standard seat from 99. I got the same answer, his title shows 2001, and he claims that the seat IS a pillow top. OK, maybe my eyes are bad. Joe
  15. That's a great place to go, and a great ride from my house. If I had known you were going there I'd have crashed your little party! Joe
  16. Wow, bang-up job, Jeff! Just goes to show, old guys can still be crafty! This thread's gonna git me in trouble....I'm going to have to spend some more bucks on "stuff". Oh well, the couch is pretty comfortable.
  17. That's not going to tell you much since you didn't hear it when it was screaming bloody murder!
  18. Save time and money, get some Dyna Beads. You can do it yourself with them. http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?navType=type&navTitle=Tires%20and%20Wheels&webCatId=8&webTypeId=137&prodFamilyId=23687&stockId=191342 There's one retailer, you can find more if you want to price shop. Joe
  19. Ponch, Those upper turn signals that stick out from your lightbar.....are those the stock Yammie front turn signals, or what? I've been wanting something like that. I have the lightbar but want more. Joe
  20. This is the largest size you can get from what the seller posted:
  21. Sounds to me like you need to take it to your dealer for warranty repair. Use that warranty while you can! Joe
  22. Now THAT is a picture I'd like to see!!! hahahaha
  23. Are you using the Rotella dino oil or the synthetic? I am running the 5w-40 synthetic it is awesome. Quieter than Amsoil was, quieter than Mobil 1 15w-40.
  24. Be my guest, Wayne. And I wish you luck. Hopefully Yamaha and/or your dealer will do the right thing. Joe
  25. Yeah, you'll have to ride it again and give me your view of the improvement. It may go easier with an impact gun, but when you don't have an air compressor OR an impact gun, the $30 tool is a much more attractive alternative. Once it is apart with the clutch pressure plate removed (at least with a Barnett clutch) the inner clutch boss will spin easily. I think you'd still have to have some method of holding it even with an impact. Plus, how you gonna torque it to 50 ft-lbs when reassembling without properly holding the clutch boss? Hey, you guys enjoying the new exchange student? Joe
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